【I heard it right? Mr. Lu meant that the fire was set by this reporter? 】

【Yes, you heard that right! 】

【I Ze never say anything you are not sure about...】

【Arson is a crime! He almost burned the child. Does this reporter want to go to prison? 】


Xu Richen's eyelids twitched.

His face became a little unnatural.

A strong sense of fear arises spontaneously.

The man in front of him who can walk out of the fire...

He seems to know something!

"It is against the law to spread rumors!"

Xu Richen tried to hide his nervousness.

"You threw this cigarette butt?"

Lu Ze took out a bag from his pocket.

Inside the bag were a few flat cigarette butts stained with dirt.

One of them still has a small half left.

The wording of the corresponding brand is displayed on it.

Lu Ze was the first to discover the fire.

before entering the fire.

Lu Ze quickly observed the source of the fire and the direction in which the fire was spreading.

He was at the starting position and keenly found these cigarettes buried in the soil.

"It was found in the dirt near the fire."

"After you smoked the first few cigarettes, you crushed them with your feet and stepped into the soil."

"I also found some charred smoke tail residues at the scene."

"That is to say, when you smoke behind you, you don't step on the cigarette butt, but throw it aside at will."

"Based on the direction of the fire's spread and burn marks."

"We can tell that the fire started from the outside."

"And the starting point of the spreading direction is where you threw the cigarette butt."

"That is to say, the location where you smoke is the point of fire."

"And your cigarette butt is the ignition source."

【The road is always fine! 】

[Before I Ze rushed into the fire, there was still time to collect evidence? 】

【This man is too sharp! I found out when I dealt with Li Saigao before! 】

[This is not going to work in the Criminal Police Force? Cursed, isn't it? 】

"If I'm not wrong."

Lu Ze looked at Xu Richen, "You should have this brand of cigarettes in your pocket, right?"

"Then... so what?"

Looking at Lu Ze's sharp eyes, Xu Richen's heart trembled a little.

"Just based on this cigarette butt, can you prove that I smoked the cigarette?"

"There are more smokers who smoke this brand."

"Besides...my photographer and other staff members of the team often ask me for cigarettes."

"Why do you think I drew it?"

"Mr. Xu, I don't want to say that!"

"I didn't ask you for a cigarette today!"

The photographer looked at Xu Richen with a bewildered expression.

This...why is it still related to myself?

"Anyway...you have no basis and no evidence, how can you spit people out?"

"There is no surveillance here!"

"Have any of you seen me smoking?"

Xu Richen's tone was a little flustered.


"We...have evidence!"

Lu Ze sneered.

He looked back.

The boy who was rescued from the fire was named Deng Jiahao.

Xiaoqi is the nickname given to him by the children in the village.

I stayed in the fire for too long before, and I was a little lacking in oxygen, so I was in a coma for a while.

After waking up now, there is basically nothing serious.

"it's him!"

Deng Jiahao pointed at Xu Richen with a tender voice.

"I kind of wanted to eat the bread inside...so I sneaked into the warehouse."

Deng Jiahao lowered his head and said with some shame.

"And then I saw this Uncle smoking outside all the time!"

"He was there on the phone and smoked a lot of cigarettes for a long time!"

"Then there was a big fire!"

"I wanted to run out, but the fire was already at the door."

"Fortunately, a big brother saved me..."

When Lu Ze first entered the fire.

Deng Jiahao has not fainted, but has been coughing.

Therefore, Lu Ze also learned from his mouth that Xu Richen was smoking at the scene for the first time.

After leaving the fire.

He uses the eye of truth.

It also confirmed the fact that Xu Richen set fire!

Deng Jiahao's testimony came out.

It was almost equivalent to actually hammering Xu Richen into arson.

The fire starts from outside.

Therefore, even if Xu Richen wanted to throw the blame on the children.

Logically it doesn't work at all!


The eyes of the villagers at the scene all burst into flames.

Xu Richen started smoking by smoking.

cause the warehouse to catch fire.

Many of the materials inside were burnt.

The village was already devastated.

Now it's even worse!

What's more dangerous is that there is almost an accident with a child!

If it weren't for Lu Ze's rescue in time.

The boy will be burned alive in it!

See the eyes of the villagers.

Xu Richen's body trembled.

He hurriedly waved at the cameraman beside him.

Signaling him to shut down the live broadcast immediately.

"Nima's, isn't it really you who set the fire? Are you so inhuman?"

The photographer did not close the live broadcast.

Instead, he gave Xu Richen a close-up.

"You said earlier that you were going out to call your girlfriend."

"It turned out to be a cigarette addict?"

The photographer looked at Xu Richen with contempt.

"Almost wanted to throw the pot at us? We didn't smoke a cigarette today!"


Xu Richen was dumbfounded on the spot.

I was too nervous just now and pulled the pot onto other staff for a while.

Now even the photographer has turned against him!

Hold on!

This scene...

Be sure to hold on!

Although his situation is already very bad.

But as long as you don't get to the stage of the court trial, you can still be saved!

The most urgent task at present is to find a way to ease the emotions of the villagers.

Get their understanding!

Xu Richen hurriedly took a few deep breaths.

Then explain to the residents at the scene.

"I smoke the cigarette, and I set the fire!"

"Isn't the person rescued? Isn't it just burning some supplies, as for!"

This statement came out.

The air at the scene froze for a few seconds.

Xu Richen's face changed greatly.


How can I speak my heart out!

Deng Jiahao's grandfather grabbed the crutches on the ground angrily.

I almost wanted to hit Xu Richen with a stick!

the other side.

Lu Ze watched Xu Richen silently.

The real mouth!

This is his second time using this skill!

It's easy to be suspicious of this skill.

Therefore, he rarely uses it on weekdays.

But the current situation...

It's a good time to use this skill!

"I'll kill you, you're not a human being!"

A middle-aged villager rushed up and wanted to punch Xu Richen.

Xu Richen stepped back again and again.

Just wanted to persuade the villagers not to be impulsive.

If you have something to discuss, you can actively compensate yourself!

Talk to your mouth.

"I warn you!"

"It is against the law to hit someone!"

"If you dare to hit me, I will dare to call the police and detain you immortal people!"

This statement came out.

It completely angered the villager.

"You can't hit people! We have to obey the law!"

The surrounding villagers stopped them one after another.

Enclose Xu Richen and the villager to separate them.

The photographer also silently moved the camera elsewhere.

In the panic, someone suddenly kicked Xu Richen.

"I, Nima... Who did it!"

Xu Richen didn't have time to stand still.

I couldn't see who was moving.

Another big guy slapped his face.


Xu Richen's face was almost swollen.

Then another punch in the abdomen.

But the scene was so chaotic that no one could see who was doing it.

After a while.

The villagers succeeded in persuading them to fight, and then they dispersed.

And Xu Richen was slumped on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, crying.


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