The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 262: Players attack (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 262 Player Attack (for subscription)

  Although the players don't know the difference between worker bees and soldier bees, they can tell from Chen Wei's words that these are not the main combat troops.

   Fei Shu thought about it for a second, and then gave up the idea, "Then I'd better use the most common soldiers in Plague Town. What does Plague Town produce?"

   "Skeletons, mice, walking corpses, and a batch of little devils will come tomorrow. If you want, I can divide them into a batch for you to choose."

  Hearing this, the five players reacted differently.

  But none of them said much, and in the end they all agreed to the distribution of arms.

  For them, it is good to be able to replenish troops, regardless of the type of arms.

  Without soldiers, they dare not go out.

  Besides, they all suffered from hardship at the beginning. At the beginning, let alone mice and skeletons, even weaker troops, they would find a way to take them away.

  Even if they don’t need it, they still have trading channels. When ordinary soldiers are replaced by higher-level soldiers, their strength will soon be replenished.

  When they were hunted down by the elves before, the troops in their hands were put together like this.

  Now Chen Wei is willing to sell them soldiers, although it sounds bad, but who cares about it.

  So the five players assigned some soldiers away in a hurry, as if Chen Wei's soldiers didn't want money.

   While talking about this, Chen Wei had already found the skeletons, and carried the five of them into Plague Town through these skeletons.

  When they saw the above and underground cities of Plague Town, the five players also took a deep breath.

  They never expected that the real core of Plague Town was underground, and it was an underground space about the size of the swamp area above.

  Is this still the foundation of a level 3 town?

  Ask them to say that with such a large foundation, it is possible to build a level 5 city.

   It's just that this is Chen Wei's territory, Chen Wei didn't say anything, and it's hard for them to comment.

  These five players honestly asked for soldiers from Chen Wei.

   These are all residents and guards in Plague Town.

  Real soldiers, Chen Wei has not yet trained, and there is no way to give them.

  As for dragon flies and wyverns, Chen Wei was also reluctant.

   Of course, this is the only reason why the guards can be sold.

  For the five players, this is actually not a problem, and it is also beneficial to them.

  Because the price of residents and guards is not high, they can also afford it.

  Zhuang Qiang bought a hundred mice in one go, and first formed a hundred-man army.

  Although the name of the legion may not be nice, his heart to complete the task is already there.

  The same is true for the others. Those who have money buy skeletons, those who have no money buy mice, and gather some walking corpses to serve as meat shields. After a while, they have serious troops under their command.

  However, Chen Wei did not open the Honeycomb Tree Realm to them, nor did he say that he still has a city in other places, and there is a magic tower in it where he can learn magic.

   After watching them replenish their troops, Chen Wei took out the map.

   This map was observed by Chen Wei through the mechanical heaven in the sky.

  Chen Wei pointed to several locations on the map and said.

   "Here, here, and here, these locations are the main roads for the elves to send troops, especially this location, where there is a valley that ordinary people cannot find, and at least 500 soldiers can be hidden.

  Besides, this place is relatively close to my woods. If something happens, you can retreat from these three roads.

  You can choose to ambush here, and ambush the elves coming from these three directions.

  I don't ask you to block all the elves, but as long as the number of elves' troops is less than a hundred, you must take action.

   Otherwise, your existence is meaningless. "

  After hearing Chen Wei's request, none of the five players spoke. They understood that this was just the beginning.

  As Chen Wei said before, his territory has been targeted by the elves.

  I believe that troops from the elves will come in a steady stream soon.

   This will put a lot of pressure on Chen Wei, so Chen Wei must find a way to disrupt the arrival of the elves.

   It is a very appropriate way to send troops out to intercept the elf team.

   It is impossible for the elves to come together in a certain place. They will come in groups led by heroes.

  Some elf clans are stronger, and they will send more troops. Some elf clans are weaker, and they may only send one hero with more than a hundred elf troops.

   This is the tradition of the elves.

  Chen Wei had this idea.

   Ask your men to stop the army of about a hundred people.

   In this way, the number of elf troops that can finally reach the front of Chen Wei's territory will be much smaller.

  At the same time, his men will not suffer too much loss.

Now he has also pointed out such a way for the players. The positions he pointed out are the best positions to block the elves. There is a place to hide and a way to retreat quickly. If you wait too long, you won't be surrounded by people.

  Among the five players, four players have made choices.

  They did not form a team, but each chose a position.

  Only Zhuang Qiang remained silent. He looked at the map in Chen Wei's hand and asked seriously.

   "Are there any other tasks?"

  Chen Wei glanced at Zhuang Qiang.

   "Why do you have such an idea."

   "Because I saw your map, you marked the territory of the elf clan, right? I saw four elf clans of different sizes in these forests, and there are more than ten camps in the wild.

   This road is the road we passed when we escaped. I have encountered this elf clan, and their strength does not seem to be large.

  Have they sent troops over before? If so, their current defense force will be very weak.

   And here, and here, I have been to these two wild camps before, and if I go now, I can get certain supplies without fighting again.

  There is this wild camp again. Although we passed by there before, we didn't pay much attention to it.

  Look, I can go from here, and then go to this wild camp to replenish my troops. When I get to this clan, I think my troops can take down an elf clan's clan land. "

   Speaking of this, Zhuang Qiang stopped, "Brother, if, what I'm talking about is if, if I take down an elf clan's land, can you help me withstand the first wave of elves' backlash?"

  Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhuang Qiang to have such great ambitions.

   But as far as the plan Zhuang Qiang just mentioned, his plan is really possible.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wei said decisively: "Why not, we have a happy cooperation."

  (end of this chapter)

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