The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 264: Nightmare Centaur 2.0 (Subscription required)

  Chapter 264 Nightmare Centaur 2.0 (for subscription)

  Looking at the pollen centaur synthesized in front of him, Chen Wei looked at Zhuifeng seriously.

   "You asked to synthesize so many pollen centaurs just for this ability?"

  Chen Wei didn't know whether Zhuifeng's request was a waste or reasonable, but fifty to sixty, it's not as easy to use as the Nightmare Centaur.

   As a result, Zhuifeng shook his head decisively after hearing what Chen Wei said, "Boss, give me some meat, preferably fresh flesh."

  Chen Wei didn't know that there were other explanations in it. He waved his hand, and the skeletons waiting nearby dragged in fresh flesh and blood that hadn't been processed yet.

  Zhuifeng pointed at the pollen centaur, and those centaurs rushed forward a few steps, and their team was like pollen blown by a strong wind, rushing towards the flesh and blood side.

  When the pink pollen dispersed, the flesh and blood had disappeared.

  Chen Wei looked at Zhuifeng with some doubts, is that all?

   This way of killing people is a bit new, but there is no need to spend so much effort to synthesize it.

   At this moment, the pink pollen was reassembled, and Chen Wei was surprised to find that the number of pollen centaurs assembled had become seventy.

   And each of them has a strong body, unlike the previous two, who are only skinny.

   Now Chen Wei understood that pollen centaurs can devour flesh and blood to expand their own pollen quantity, and with more pollen, the number of recombined pollen centaurs will also increase.

  From another point of view, this kind of pollen centaur is the real natural disaster, and his level can be compared with the crazy devil boy.

   It is the kind of existence that can destroy the entire city if it is left alone.

   "Well, I have to admit that my knowledge is still too shallow. The pollen centaur will stay first, so do you still want to synthesize other arms?"

  If an ordinary player finds a unit like the pollen centaur, he may directly bring it to the battlefield without thinking about future development issues.

  But Chen Wei asked about Chasing the Wind.

  The goal of chasing the wind has always been clear.

  It is a good thing for him to develop the centaur race and have another direction.

  Hearing Chen Wei's question, he said decisively: "Synthesis, then synthesis, I brought all the good guys in the clan."

  Chen Wei did not use the centaur to do some unfeasible experiments.

   Instead, it is normal to synthesize the nightmare centaur with the life liquid of the ancient tree.

  【Nightmare Centaur】+【Ancient Tree Life Liquid】=【? ? ? (Success rate 71.33%)] (consumes 3 mana)

  Looking at this synthesis formula, Chen Wei didn't think much about it.

   The Nightmare Centaur was one of the earliest arms in Chen Wei's hands, and it was also one of the few arms he used the most at the beginning.

   The charge that the mirror image and the nightmare are mixed together is the biggest feature of the nightmare centaur attack.

   Now when merging, Chen Wei also hopes that this feature of the Nightmare Centaur will not be destroyed.

   Otherwise, it would be a bit of a loss to use the nightmare centaur to synthesize a centaur who does not know the number.

   While Chen Wei was outputting mana, Chen Wei suddenly realized that something was wrong.

   At the beginning, when the mana passed through the life sap of the ancient tree, the mana turned pink, but soon a magma-red magic pattern appeared on the nightmare centaur.

  The Nightmare Centaur even released its mirror image clone, and the three centaurs stood together, abruptly turning their mana into magma red.

  Then the nightmare centaur returned to its original form, and Chen Wei felt as if it had never been synthesized.

  【The synthesis of natural disasters is completed, and extraordinary quality is obtained - Nightmare Centaur 2.0】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Nightmare Centaur 2.0

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary 12)

  Type: Devil Scourge

  Characteristics: Psychedelic

  Level: Extraordinary Level 3

  Attributes: Attack 10, Defense 6, Life 330

Initial skill: Phantom Legion, when the Nightmare Centaur charges, two mirror images with half the HP of the Nightmare Centaur and ten phantoms with only 1 HP will appear beside them. Comparable to normal centaurs.

  Explanation: Affected by mushrooms and pollen, this nightmare centaur has become even crazier. They always think that they are an army, not a person.

  Looking at the explanation in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help being stunned.

   This is an upgraded version of a nightmare centaur.

  The original nightmare centaur can release three mirror images if it is strong, and two mirror images if it is weak.

   Now it is dealt with in this way, those with normal strength can release two mirror images plus ten phantoms, and one nightmare centaur can be used as thirteen.

   As the description says, they are a legion themselves.

  If there are more than a hundred such nightmare centaurs, then a large army of ten thousand people will be killed.

  Chen Wei looked at such information in a daze, and Zhuifeng was also in a daze.

   After staying for a while, he jumped directly in front of Chen Wei.

   "Boss, I, I, look at me, can I synthesize it?"

  With a subordinate like Zhuifeng, Chen Wei is also very helpless.

  Zhuifeng's personality is like this, when there is something good for him, he is always the first to jump out and use it on himself.

  Chen Wei believed that when he synthesized the ordinary centaur into the pollen centaur just now, Zhuifeng was actually moved.

   It's just that he is already a nightmare centaur, and there is no way to turn into a pollen centaur, so he didn't jump out.

   Now that there is an upgraded version of the Nightmare Centaur, Chasing Wind will naturally not let it go.

  Chen Wei didn't know what would happen if the heroes were synthesized.

   But he still tried to synthesize Chasing Wind.

   Anyway, the success rate of synthesis is quite high.

  Under Chen Wei's synthesis, Zhuifeng also upgraded from Nightmare Centaur to Nightmare Centaur 2.0.

  Different from ordinary Nightmare Centaur, after Chasing Wind was upgraded, he was upgraded to a larger version.

  He can release two avatars, these two avatars are 70% of his life, and they also have a certain amount of wisdom, except that they have no combat attributes, and they are no different from Zhuifeng who has suffered a little injury.

   Then Zhuifeng also had three mirror images with half of his life, and the two avatars each carried two mirror images with half of Zhuifeng's life.

   Here, there are seven mirror images in total.

  The chasing wind can release a total of twenty phantoms, and the two avatars can release ten phantoms each.

   Add up to forty phantom centaurs.

  All together, Zhuifeng alone could be worth a fifty-man centaur army.

  Combined with the centaur troop brought by Zhuifeng himself, just like that, Zhuifeng's strength has increased several times.

  After transforming into Nightmare Centaur 2.0, Zhuifeng ran back and forth in front of Chen Wei a few times, and the number of centaurs around him could increase and decrease rapidly.

  Everything is in Chen Wei's mind.

  Seeing that Zhuifeng was having so much fun, Chen Wei didn't stop him, but turned his attention to the **** spider.

  (end of this chapter)

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