The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 276: Synthesis of pollen centaurs (for subscription)

  Chapter 276 Synthesis of pollen centaurs (seeking subscription)

   "Who are those people?"

   A day later, the source power worker bee finally found the shadows of the pollen centaurs that were messing around behind the elves.

  At the same time, in the picture they sent, there are also some arrangements of elves.

  In order to deal with the pollen centaurs in the rear, the elves took out their main force.

   At the same time, there are a large number of vassal units doing various things.

  The elves have already seen that the pollen centaur is difficult to deal with, but if it is really incomprehensible, it is impossible.

  Area magic such as chain lightning and wall of fire are the best means to deal with pollen centaurs.

  The biggest advantage of pollen centaurs is that they can turn into pollen at any time, as long as there is pollen, they can recombine.

   But their greatest weakness is also this.

   When they turn into pollen, the powder actually explodes suddenly.

  Just a little spark can make the pollen centaur burn itself.

  So the normal method is naturally to trap the pollen centaur somewhere with flames, and then directly burn them to death.

   And Chen Wei found that there seemed to be something wrong with these pollen centaurs. They seemed a little stupid and had no brains. When doing things, they always rushed when they liked it.

  The direction they rushed was not the direction the elves wanted them to go at all.

   Sometimes they see a certain direction and rush straight away.

  Fengjian and Fengstab, who followed behind, had changed from the commander of the pollen centaur to the follower of the pollen centaur.

  Thousands of pollen centaurs really rushed up, and they couldn't even hold back a single hero.

  The most terrible thing is not this, whenever they want to control the pollen centaurs, there will always be more pollen centaurs.

  Wind Arrow and Wind Thorn are full of legions, and there are many pollen centaurs who absorb more pollen on themselves, making their bodies bigger.

   There are also many pollen centaurs who ran away by themselves, ignoring the actions of Fengjian and Fengstab at all.

  These escaped pollen centaurs were caught by a group of elves wearing black robes.

   These men in black robes were what Chen Wei paid the most attention to when he saw the picture.

  He noticed that these men in black robes had no entity, his body was the elemental power wrapped in the black robes.

  When he opened the black robe, all he could see was the streamer like the Milky Way.

   This made Chen Wei think of a branch, the spiritual element.

  If this is the case, then this time the elves can be regarded as sending a powerful force.

   This is definitely an existence with legendary combat power.

  And this black-robed man's method of dealing with the pollen centaur is different from others.

  They can control the spirit of the pollen centaur, just like hypnosis, turning the pollen centaur into their own existence.

  After the man in black robe captured the pollen centaur, he immediately transformed the pollen centaur.

  Under their transformation, the pollen of the pollen centaur changed from pink to silvery white.

   In this way, the combined pollen centaur will also become silvery white.

  This situation surprised Chen Wei. After seeing the combat power of the pollen centaur, he was also a little afraid that the enemy would use such a method.

   So he kept staring at each other.

   Fortunately, the pollen centaurs transformed by those black-robed men do not have the ability to devour flesh and blood and expand continuously.

   I think the people in black robes are also from the elves, so it is impossible for them to let the centaurs continue to expand.

   And their transformed centaurs can turn into pollen. When fighting the pink pollen centaurs, they will turn into silver pollen and blend into the pink pollen.

  As long as they are integrated into it, they can control those pollen centaurs who were not very smart in the first place.

   Turn this pollen centaur into your team.

  When Chen Wei saw this situation, he couldn't help but cursed.

   "What a good way."

   That's right, Chen Wei was really speechless after seeing the methods of the black-robed man's transformation.

   Their methods are equivalent to directly stealing their achievements.

   If they really succeed in robbing them, then Chen Wei will face tens of thousands of pollen centaurs who are not distressed by the elves.

   "No, I can't let them use it safely like this, at least not let them get these pollen centaurs directly, I have to find a way."

   Seeing such a picture, Chen Wei's mind turned quickly.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wei contacted the Queen Bee.

   "Queen, I need a large number of worker bees, the kind that can collect honey."

   After receiving Chen Wei's order, the queen bee did not ask what to do with these worker bees, but quickly transferred a large number of worker bees.

  Because there was a lot of flesh and blood replenishment before, coupled with the completion of various tasks in the honeycomb tree world.

  Now in the hive tree world, there are an unknown number of worker bees.

  The task of the worker bees every day is to go out and find something that can be brought back to the hive tree world.

   These things range from branches, stones, to energy honey.

  The queen bee didn't know where to arrange them, and even had the idea of ​​releasing the source power beehive directly.

  Chen Wei needed worker bees here, so the queen bee simply sent 30,000 source-powered worker bees over.

  If Chen Wei hadn't specifically stated the need for worker bees, the queen bee would even send a large number of soldier bees over.

   Seeing so many worker bees, Chen Wei acted quickly.

  He called these worker bees over, of course not for fun, he wanted these worker bees to synthesize a troop that could target pollen centaurs.

   After all, there are some problems with those pollen centaurs now.

  If they are really controlled by elves, then the situation will become quite unfavorable for Chen Wei.

  So Chen Wei had to find some suitable methods from the elves' methods of dealing with pollen centaurs.

  Fire, lightning and other means, Chen Wei also has, he has mastered the wall of fire technique.

   But the problem is that he is the only one on Chen Wei's side. Even if he adds a skeleton mage, there is no way to ensure that he has enough mana to burn all the pollen centaurs.

  If the flames don't work, then find a way to control their mental power?

  Chen Wei quickly gave up this idea.

  Those black-robed men's control methods are quite exquisite. To compete with them for control methods, what level does Chen Wei have to grow up to.

   So Chen Wei's idea became simpler.

  The nemesis of pollen should be bees.

  Chen Wei knew very well how these pollen centaurs appeared.

  Their source of power is the life fluid of ancient trees.

  As long as they are stained with the corpse oil of the ancient gods, they will immediately mutate.

  Chen Weigong brought so many source power worker bees here, and he wanted to use the source power worker bees and ancient **** corpse oil to synthesize a new type of army against pollen centaurs.

  【Source Power Worker Bee】+【Ancient God Corpse Oil】=【? ? ? (0.5% success rate)] (consumes 1 mana)

  (end of this chapter)

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