The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 278: Pollen's Action Limit Exploitation (Subscription required)

  Chapter 278 Pollen's Action Limit Exploitation (Subscribe)

  【The synthesis of natural disasters is completed, and extraordinary quality has been obtained - raving worker bees】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Whispering worker bee

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary level 4)

  Type: Mechanical Scourge, Swarm Scourge, Ancient God Corrosion

  Characteristics: Ancient God Raving

  Level: Extraordinary Level 1

  Attributes: Attack 1, Defense 1, Life 10

  Initial skill: pollen raving, can collect pollen, and process all pollen, each pollen may become the seed of the ancient god.

  Explanation: Babbling and pollen are not a good combination, but the combination is quite dangerous.

  Looking at the information in front of him, and then at the worker bees flying in front of him, Chen Wei felt that the source power bees became more and more weird under his synthesis.

  The raving worker bee in front of me only has a bee-like upper body, and a purple tentacles on the lower body.

   While flying, Chen Wei found that as long as the raving worker bees flew over, the pollen on the ground would keep twisting.

  Whether it is black or dark red pollen, they are automatically combined into small strips of tentacles as thick as fingers.

   Want to drill into the flesh and blood around him.

  Chen Wei knew what was going on when he saw the situation. He stopped the men who wanted to destroy these tentacles, and said to the side.

   "Bring some walking corpses over here."

   Soon a few walking corpses came over, and those tentacles quickly sank into the walking corpses.

  Chen Wei discovered that when only one or two tentacles entered the walking corpse, the walking corpse had not changed.

  But when the number of tentacles entering exceeds ten, the color of the walking corpse's skin changes, from the original blue-gray to purple.

  When the number of tentacles enters more than twenty, the body of the walking corpse will undergo some different changes, and eyes will grow under the skin.

  When the number of tentacles entering exceeds fifty, half of the walking corpse's body becomes tentacles.

   At this point, Chen Wei almost knew it.

  Normal soldiers can only withstand the invasion of thirty to fifty tentacles at most.

  Beyond this level, no matter what race the soldiers were originally, they would all be strangely transformed by the ancient gods.

  The probability of the raving worker bee transforming pollen is that every grain of pollen can be transformed into a small tentacle.

   Thinking about the situation when the pollen centaur turned into a pollen ball, Chen Wei had a plan in his mind.

   Maybe those pollen centaurs behind the elves can use it.

   Ask someone to deal with the mutated walking corpse, and Chen Wei quickly contacted Xueli.

   It is impossible for Chen Wei to directly send the worker bees to this kind of thing. Although these two kinds of worker bees are considered as arms, their combat power is really not good, and there are a lot of them, so special heroes are needed to command them.

  Sending other heroes to the past is unlikely. The other heroes are easily discovered by the elves and destroyed before they pass.

  Only Shirley can take the source power bee troops to protect these two different worker bees.

  So when synthesizing the two kinds of source power bees in batches, Chen Wei also called Shirley over and asked her to prepare to bring these two kinds of worker bees.

   When Xue Li rushed over, Chen Wei really had to risk his life.

  He insisted on supplementing his mana with various potions, and synthesized a thousand raving worker bees and a thousand phantom worker bees.

  When Chen Wei saw Shirley, as soon as Chen Wei said his plan, he nodded.

   "I can't do it anymore. You can figure it out. This synthesis is really fatal. I just checked the situation behind the enemy. The crazy development of the pollen centaurs behind the elves has slowed down.

  The elves have found a way to deal with the pollen centaurs. After you get there, release the pollen centaurs first, and then make them go crazy. "

  After listening to Chen Wei's plan, Shirley roughly understood the birthplace of Chen Wei's phase.

  She said with certainty: "Please rest assured, my lord, I will leave this matter to me."

  Chen Wei also had a random idea this time, and didn't point out how much trouble his plan would bring to the elves.

  Xue Li agreed, and Chen Wei also agreed.

  He waved his hand: "Okay, all these worker bees are here, you just take them away, I didn't make too many, all of them are a thousand, just enough to form an army.

  Now the elves are still making final preparations for battle. Your current task is to go to the rear and destroy as much as you can. If not, then return.

  Remember the goal I set for you at the beginning, your source power bee troop is the best troop to deal with goblins, and I am still pointing at you to achieve results. "

  Xue Li said affirmatively after hearing this: "That is, our source power bee has never been afraid of death."

   "Okay, you go and act first, Gu Xi, I will leave the matter of Plague Town to you first, I really have to go to sleep, because the mana potion is really bad."

   After Chen Wei finished speaking, he really found a place to sleep.

   Gu Xi was in charge of the town mission in Plague Town before.

   Now take over again, and quickly deal with several tasks that Chen Wei dragged down.

   At this time, Fulai Village sent new siege weapons.

  Among these siege weapons, catapults are the main ones.

   Ballistas and so on are all produced in the honeycomb tree world.

   This can be regarded as the beginning of classification and specialization.

  In addition to the siege weapons, Fulai Village also sent a message that Yongye Town is expanding outwards, and Wheeler over there has already taken down the clan lands of three elf clans.

   Right now, they are transforming the attributes of these three clan lands.

   This news did not reach Chen Wei.

   It wasn't that Chen Wei didn't want to hear such news, but that he was already asleep now, and Gu Xi was transformed into a hero later on. He didn't know the status of Yongye Town in Chen Wei's eyes.

  He didn't think it was an urgent matter, so he didn't wake up Chen Wei, but just wrote the news into a note and put it on Chen Wei's desk, and waited for Chen Wei to wake up before dealing with it.

   As for Shirley, after leaving Plague Town with two kinds of worker bees, she quickly headed towards the rear of the elves.

  In order to carry these two kinds of worker bees, she even kept the two ballistas she had always carried.

   In addition, she also brought the bee knight who had just synthesized.

   After all, she is going to the rear of the elves now, and she always has to bring some troops there. In case of any trouble or opportunity, she also has the strength to take action.

  After leaving Plague Town, Shirley flew up with her men.

  They have the worker bees who first entered the back of the elves to lead the way, and they are not too big. They can pass many paths that normal people cannot pass.

  So soon Shirley led the troops to the rear of the elves, where the elves fought with the pollen centaur.

  (end of this chapter)

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