The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 282: Expedition (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 282 Expedition (for subscription)

  When Chen Wei dispatched his troops, the Elf Giant Tree City didn't find anything at all.

   It’s not that they don’t pay attention to Chen Wei’s investigation, but that they are in a state of desperation right now.

   Just yesterday, they just killed the last hero who could control the pollen centaur, Wind Arrow.

   As a result, when Fengjian was killed, all the pollen centaurs ran away.

   The pollen centaur, which could have been controlled by the wind arrow, was like a school of fish entering the sea.

  The elves wanted to go after the pollen centaurs again, but found that they dispersed separately. Sometimes the area was obviously affected by the pollen centaurs, but there were only one or two pollen centaurs.

   This forced the elves to send more people to clean up the pollen in the wild bit by bit.

  Because of this, they didn't have time to think about Chen Wei's affairs at all.

  Of course they also meant to wait for other shrines to send troops over.

  In the thoughts of the elves in the Elf Giant Tree City, Chen Wei could only passively wait for him to kill him, and would not take the initiative to attack.

   It was precisely because of this thought that Chen Wei seized the opportunity.

  When Chen Wei's army moved to about a hundred miles away from the Elf Giant Tree City, the Elf Giant Tree City didn't react.

   They were attacked.

   This time, Chen Wei can be said to have brought out all his troops.

  In addition to a few heroes who can be mobilized, they even brought out several body guards from the mechanical ghost body.

   Of course, the most important thing here are the three twisted catapults prepared by Chen Wei.

  For these three twisted catapults, Chen Wei dragged on for a day and tried to get his men to speed up, so he sent the three twisted catapults here.

  During this period, Chen Wei also used pollen to make a new kind of catapult, which he named as the Pollen Star.

   This kind of pollen star looks different from the evil star, but the functions are similar.

  Evil Star contains the influence of the ancient god's corpse oil, which is concentrated in one line, but pollen star is different, the power of the ancient **** is scattered in it.

  As long as the pollen star is cast, the effect can directly affect everything.

  When Chen Wei approached the Elf Giant Tree City for about a hundred miles, the Elf Giant Tree City finally realized that they were being attacked.

  The angry evergreen tree wanted to lead his men to fight out.

  But it was stopped by the original elf giant tree city lord.

   "We don't have any troops to dispatch right now."

   "Why don't you have any troops? Those cannon fodder are fine. Cannon fodder can't fight against those weird pollen. Maybe they can't stop the miscellaneous soldiers outside."

   "You think it's miscellaneous soldiers, but I don't think so. Haven't you noticed that the miscellaneous soldiers you mentioned have already captured most of the clan lands on the line outside the giant tree city.

  No matter what method they use, this shows that they are very powerful, and they dare to divide their troops. Do you know what this means? "

  Changqingshu is not a fool, of course he understands what it means to dare to divide troops in a big war, which shows that Chen Wei has sufficient troops, and he believes that his heroes can be alone.

   "So what." Although Changqingshu was still not convinced, his voice was obviously quieter.

  "We can't send miscellaneous soldiers out, that would be tantamount to letting them die."

  The lord of the elf giant tree city said seriously.

   "If it is the Iron Fist dynasty, they will die when they die. No one cares about these vassals at all, but you haven't noticed that our opponents are very good at using the flesh and blood of corpses.

   Now that we send out the miscellaneous soldiers, it is tantamount to strengthening the troops for them. "

   "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, then what do we want those vassal races to do, they are here to pay the blood tax."

   Evergreen said angrily.

   Just then, someone came back with the latest information.

  At this time, Chen Wei had reached a position about thirty miles outside the city of the Giant Elf Tree.

   This position is exactly where the three twisted catapults can attack.

  Chen Wei didn't plan to go any further, he took his men to camp here, and at the same time met Zhuang Qiang and the others.

   "You guys are doing a great job."

  Chen Wei praised as soon as he met. When he first gave the order, he really didn't expect Zhuang Qiang and the others to be so hardworking.

  It only took them one day to complete the journey, attack the city, and finally occupied the nearby elf clan city.

   Zhuang Qiang and the others didn't laugh.

  They are really desperate this time.

  In order to ensure that they can take down the target clan in the first place, they even put all their troops into it.

   It can be said that in this battle, all the benefits they got in Chen Wei's territory were lost.

  But none of them showed it, but said to Chen Wei seriously: "This is what we should do."

"In my opinion, there is nothing that should or shouldn't be. You are willing to help me. This is your trust in me. As long as we can take down the Elven Giant Tree City this time, the benefits we get will definitely outweigh the losses. much.

  So you should believe in my character. I do things the most fair and just. After taking down the Elven Giant Tree City, everyone will have a share in all the spoils. Your losses in this battle will all be made up for later. "

  Zhuang Qiang and the others didn't say much after hearing this, but they all showed an attitude that they were willing to trust Chen Wei.

   Even Fei Shu suggested to Chen Wei: "Chen Wei, do you think we should call other players here? The more players there are, the more powerful they are."

   "They can come if they want. If they don't want to come, don't force them. I don't lack one or two players here."

  After Chen Wei finished speaking, he arranged for Zhuang Qiang and the others. Zhuang Qiang and the others didn't have any troops at hand, so Chen Wei only asked them to guard the elf clan land they occupied.

   They don't need to set an example, they just need to occupy this place.

  The elf clan that Chen Wei arranged for them to attack at the beginning was actually some nodes between Chen Wei's natural disaster leader and the elf giant tree city.

  As long as these nodes are still in Chen Wei's hands, then Chen Wei's supplies will be there, and Chen Wei's retreat will be there.

   These are actually quite important to Chen Wei. Under normal circumstances, he should arrange for his heroes to lead the team to station.

   But Chen Wei's troops are seriously insufficient, and several heroes have important missions.

   There are many centaur heroes, but it is impossible for Chen Wei to trap the centaur heroes in the city.

  So these cities can only be guarded by players.

   To ensure the safety of Chen Wei's rear.

  Chen Wei couldn't explain this too clearly, lest these players don't know who they are.

  He can only use this arrangement to arrange all the players out.

   Afterwards, they focused all their attention on the Elven Giant Tree City.

  (end of this chapter)

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