The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 292: Plague Town Upgrade (Full Order)

  Chapter 292 Upgrade of Plague Town (Full Order)

  Although he was on the road all the way, it took Chen Wei nearly a day to return to Plague Town.

   Along the way, Chen Wei saw a large amount of supplies and troops being quickly transported to the front line.

   Several times Chen Wei had to avoid these transport teams on the road.

  After returning to Plague Town, Chen Wei did not go to rest at the first time, but ran to the Council Hall of Plague Town to check the current attributes of Plague Town.

   Just like the previous report from Gu Xi, the population of Plague Town has finally been increased to 3,000 after a long-term town mission.

   This is not a small improvement for Plague Town.

   After all, Plague Town belongs to the formal way. They are not like the hive tree world. As long as there is enough flesh and blood to enter, there will be a large number of worker bees as the population.

Gu Xi's requirements for Plague Town are quite strict. He also has to pick out the swamp rats that can be supplemented in Plague Town one by one. Don't let them join the population of Plague Town.

   It is for this reason that the progress of Plague Town is so slow.

   But doing so has great benefits.

  At least the soldiers and horses in Plague Town are strong enough, and because of various town missions, there are many more exclusive buildings and bases in Plague Town.

  Chen Wei nodded in satisfaction after reading all of them.

   "You have done a good job, and you will do the same in the future. Let's upgrade Plague Town now. By the way, Gu Xi, are you willing to be the guardian hero of Plague Town?"

  Hearing Chen Wei's question, Gu Xi shook his head quite positively.

   "I still can't do it. I want to command mage troops to join the battlefield and guard the city. That's what an administrative hero should do. If you have an idea, you can build a tavern immediately after level 1 and recruit people from it."

  Gu Xi’s statement is also correct, after all, not all heroes are like Red Hammer who is willing to stay in the mine and dig holes.

   "Okay, I understand, but after the upgrade, you have to help me manage it for a while, and I will replace you after I find a suitable man."

  After Chen Wei finished speaking, the upgrade of Plague Town began.

   This upgrade was Chen Wei's first experience with city upgrades.

  Before when the hive tree world was promoted to level 1, because he was not the manager of the hive tree world, the hive tree world was regarded as the territory of the queen bee, and Chen Wei was only the queen bee's superior, so he hadn't watched the upgrade process.

   Not long ago, news of the upgrade came from Fulai Village.

   But because Chen Wei was too far away, he didn't pass the upgrade this time.

  Just contacted Red Hammer through the hero interface, asked about the situation, and arranged the development direction of Fulai Village after level 1.

   This is the first time Chen Wei has seen the city upgrade.

   Originally, he thought that there would be some big moves in upgrading the city, but he never expected that after he gave the upgrade order, Plague Town would change like this.

  The original messy layout in Plague Town has been rearranged.

   Various constructions are reassembled through professional partitioning. Those buildings that were placed in different places before but of the same type are even integrated into one.

  For example, the garbage dump that produces swamp rats, the poison circle that produces swamp poison rats, and the stone dens that produce power rats are all combined together.

   A huge rat hole was formed.

   Various buildings are piled up chaotically inside, and there are kitten-sized mice running around every minute.

  The same is true for the cemetery that produces walking corpses and the mausoleum that produces high-level walking corpses. The two originally different buildings are fused together under the power of the upgrade.

   In this way, the underground area of ​​Plague Town, which was crowded due to various town tasks, became spacious again.

  This is equivalent to not digging down an inch of land, but there is an extra layer of area.

  At the same time, the city wall and moat on the ground of Plague Town also appeared together.

   Plague Town is no longer the same as before, with no defensive measures.

   Now a city wall built on trees has been built on the plague swamp. Under the fallen trees, there is green poisonous water.

  Anyone who wants to enter Plague Town from the ground of the Plague Swamp must pass through the city wall here.

  Chen Wei estimated the situation of the city wall in front of him. Let alone his catapult, he could destroy it with just a catapult.

   But this is a crucial step to create something from nothing. With the city wall, Chen Wei can strengthen the city wall.

  【The city is being upgraded, and the upgrade of Plague Town has been completed. 】

   Then the attributes of Plague Town appeared in front of him.

  City name: Plague Town

  Quality: Extraordinary

  Level: Level 1

  City Attribute: Undead Scourge (Toxicity Enhanced)

  Existing resources:

   Wood (118), Stone (64), Metal (45)

   Rare resources:

  Crystal (3), Sulfur (6), Mercury (4), Gem (5)


   Civilians (3001/100000), laborers (930/3200), guards (617/2400), soldiers (115/900), officials (0/10), leaders (0/1)

  Necessary buildings (1/8):

City Wall (1/3), Arms Training Camp 1 (Unfinished), Arms Training Camp 2 (Unfinished), Magic Tower (Unfinished), Tavern (Unfinished), Post Station (Unfinished), Population Increase Building (Unfinished ), special buildings (unfinished)

  Other buildings:

  Toxic canopy (upgradeable), council hall (upgradeable), blacksmith shop (upgradeable), farmland (upgradeable), barracks (upgradeable), warehouse (upgradeable)...

Specialties: Swamp Gopher (2050 units per day), Plague Essence (400 units per day), Poison Moss (3800 units per day), Moss Poison Wine (90 barrels per week), Poison Weed (30 units per week), Stone (10 units per week), Wood (15 units per week), Metal (10 units per week)…

  Training speed: Swamp rats (210 per week), skeletons (190 per week), skeleton soldiers (60 per week), walking corpses (60 per week), dragon flies (32 per week)…

  Upgrade requirements:

   All necessary buildings have been completed, the population has reached 10,000, and more than two heroes have settled in.


  The buildings in Plague Town have already moved from the ground to the ground. When new buildings are built on the ground, everything will go underground again.

  Looking at the information in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help sighing.

   This upgrade, not to mention other things, has at least doubled the output of various material resources.

  The population growth rate has also increased, and some new population races have even appeared.

   This is a huge change for Plague Town.

  However, it was not this that caught Chen Wei's attention the most, but the requirements for the next upgrade of Plague Town.

  Among the eight necessary buildings, the city wall is there from the beginning, and now it can be upgraded twice.

  Chen Wei checked it out. One time was to turn the foundation of the city wall into a city wall, and the other time was to install arrow towers on the city wall.

  I believe there will be other installations in the future, but I am not sure whether it will be launched after the plague town is upgraded to level 2, or it can be obtained through the town missions in plague town.

  (end of this chapter)

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