The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 294: The battle situation has changed (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 294 The Battle Situation Changes (Subscribe)

  Because Stanford focused on his own heroes, when reporting to Chen Wei, he mainly talked about heroes, so he didn't notice that some changes were taking place in the elf giant tree city.

  Evergreen Tree The shrine they had been waiting for finally came.

  For Jingu who controls the teleportation array, there is no such thing as who comes fast and who comes slow.

  They are just thinking about the battle in front of them, which is not within their scope.

  The people from Iron and Blood Shrine came first, because they were responsible for most of the battles of the elves.

  The battlefield is where they grow up, and only on the battlefield will they be recognized.

  So no matter where there is a battle, the people from Iron and Blood Shrine always arrive at the first time.

  It was the same this time. After receiving the news from the Elven Giant Tree City and analyzing the battle report there, the Jagged God Palace began to formulate various plans.

  Mobilized the troops belonging to the Iron and Blood Shrine.

  Especially after hearing that the enemy had the ability to use pollution such as pollen, they even mobilized a batch of machine oil to add a layer of coating to the heavy machine soldiers, the main force of the Jagged Shrine.

   It was because of this that they came a step slower.

  However, the people from Iron and Blood Shrine guarantee that as long as they go to the battlefield, they will not be affected by the power of the ancient gods.

  Because those engine oils are all made of ancient **** corpse oil plus some materials.

  In order to ensure sufficient combat power, Iron and Blood Shrine sent three teams of heavy equipment soldiers.

  According to the rules of the Great War, the three teams of heavy equipment soldiers are commanded by three heroes of the Jagged Temple.

  They are different from the heavy armored soldiers who participated in the pursuit battle before. They are elite combat forces drawn from various regiments of the heavy armored soldiers.

  Even their mechs have different paintwork.

   When they arrived at the Giant Elf Tree City, they immediately found the owner of the Giant Elf Tree City.

  After asking about the situation in detail, the three heroes of the Jagged Temple glanced at each other, and the last elf with a big beard said.

  "The Lord City Master is right. To deal with enemies like this kind of pollen powder, it is best to use flame attacks. Waiting for the Scorched Earth Shrine to come is the best choice.

  In addition, the thunder or heavy rain of the Azure Shrine can also control the situation. The pollen riot behind the elf giant tree city can actually be ignored so much, you can even set it on fire.

   Instead, they sent troops to attack like you, and this is what caused the confusion.

   Without enough flesh and blood, the pollen wouldn't actually spread that fast.

   As for the pollen riot, it depends on which side comes first, the blue or the scorched earth.

   What you call the catapult is a threat.

  The super-powerful attack stone bomb that fell from the sky is the most dangerous. A satellite city was destroyed in an instant, leaving nothing behind. This must be the enemy's secret weapon.

  You were right at the beginning, no matter what, the catapult must be destroyed first.

   But you did one thing wrong here. You shouldn’t refuel. If you want to shoot, you should shoot with all your strength. Refueling can only make your troops lose continuously.

   Only a full-scale attack can win the enemy.

  Leave this matter to us. In addition, there is also a problem with the woods outside the city. I think the biggest advantage of the enemy is the woods.

  The enemy should be a new rookie player, right?

   Behind them is the base of Iron Fist Dynasty, the main producing area of ​​Ancient God Corpse Oil?

  The ancient **** corpse oil they got from there even occupied that production area, so he was able to get so many ancient **** materials.

  If they want to deal with him, they must either kill him in a short time, or delay until after a year, they can no longer suppress the ancient **** materials.

   Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to procrastinate.

  Then we can only kill in a short time.

  In this way, we need speed. I wonder if the people from Silver Moon Palace have come yet?

   If they come, they can use their auxiliary ability to increase the speed and rush to the vicinity of the catapult for a short time.

   After that, we still need someone to deal with the weird forest, which is the business of the Emerald Shrine.

  Master City Lord, I wonder if you invited me? "

"Yes, I have written to all of the Thirteen Shrines, and most of them have replied, saying that they will send troops over, but they have not arrived yet. By the way, the Golden Shrine also specially sent two golden dragons and one A dragon trainer came over and said he would be here today."

"It's not up to what you said. As for the golden dragon, you'd better not have too much contact. The people at the Golden Shrine are all lunatics. They say they want to restrain the ancient god's corpse. In fact, the ancient god's corpse oil they play is more Everyone has more."

  After knowing the situation, the people from Iron and Blood Shrine didn't say anything.

  Chen Wei was away for the past two days, so there were no experimental bombs or high-power slingshots on the Twisting Catapult, and only ordinary stone bombs were used, which hit the defensive cover outside the city of the Elven Giant Tree repeatedly.

   Every time a stone is thrown down, the defensive cover will fluctuate, but it can't hurt the defensive cover.

   At most, it consumes the energy of the elf giant tree city.

  But the Twisting Catapult also consumes stone bullets here.

  These stone bullets were not conjured directly, they were polished from the arsenal in Fulai Village, and then transported here specially.

   For every three stone bombs transported, a special transport vehicle is required.

  This is quite troublesome.

  The attacks of twisted catapults these days can be said to have directly occupied several transport vehicles, almost not occupying a transport route.

   In this way, the amount of other materials transported from Fulai Village has been greatly reduced.

  Many things cannot be shipped in the first time.

  The most important thing is that because of Chen Wei's absence, these twisted catapults have no intention of moving their positions. They have actually been determined by the people of the Elven Giant Tree City.

  Now as long as the elf giant tree city has enough combat power, they can take down the twisted catapult in one fell swoop.

   And this is something that Stanford has no way to consider.

  Stanford and Shirley are on the ground, and the other is in the sky, setting up their own lines of defense.

   They never expected that the twisted catapult behind them had been exposed.

  They just discovered that the Elf Giant Tree City didn't send any man to kill them in the past two days.

   When the catapults attacked, they watched from inside with the defensive cover.

  It seems to be used to such attacks.

  For such a situation, Stanford's thinking is: Those elves must be preparing some kind of plan, should they send someone over to take a look.

   And at this moment, the men sent by Zhuang Qiang took down another nearby elf clan land.

   This news immediately stimulated the elves in the elf giant tree city.

  Finally, some elves are no longer willing to obey the orders of the Elf Giant Tree City.

  They were tired of the endless waiting and the daily boulder attacks.

  They thought it was a disgrace to the elf.

  They need to fight and protect their clan land.

   Instead of waiting here to see the stone fall.

  So when Chen Wei was about to rush back to the front line, a group of elves secretly opened the gate of the elf giant tree city and dispatched troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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