The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 296: Golden Dragon Attack (Subscription required)

  Chapter 296 Golden Dragon Attack (for subscription)


  A golden dragon.

  Watching the golden light grow bigger from a distance, Chen Wei's pupils shrank. He had already seen the golden light.

   That is the golden dragon of the elves.

   It's just a little different from the traditional golden dragon. Under the huge wings of the golden dragon, there are eyes of all sizes.

  The golden dragon obviously discovered the existence of the mechanical heaven in the sky, and was flying towards this direction regardless.

  Although the distance between them is relatively far, at the flying speed of the golden dragon, he will fly to the range of the mechanical heaven in a few minutes.

  Chen Wei didn't know anything about the level and combat power of the Golden Dragon.

  He glanced down at the men who had just been transported up, a little unsure if he could deal with Feilong.

   "Xue Li, mobilize all the source power ballistas, and where are the centaurs to bring up, is the pollen star still there? No need for a catapult, just bring the pollen star up to me."

  Chen Wei quickly issued orders.

   Jinlong has already discovered this place, and it is impossible for Chen Wei to hide forever.

   Right now it seems that they can only fight recklessly.

  Under Chen Wei's order, several centaurs left behind in the front line were dragged to Mechanical Heaven.

Chen Wei also didn't care about the use of these centaurs in the first place. He immediately transformed these centaurs into pollen centaurs, and let Shirley control the phantom worker bees and raving worker bees to deal with the centaurs, turning the centaurs into pollen centaurs. into twisted pollen.

   Then Chen Wei poured some ancient **** corpse oil into the pollen, and then pushed the pollen into the treacherous clouds below.

   This cloud layer is the last line of defense outside the mechanical sky.

  Originally, there should be flying troops in the clouds.

  But Chen Wei hasn't added flying troops to it since he got the deceitful cloud layer, and it's too late to make up for it now, so he can only rely on such small means to hold Jinlong back.

   While Chen Wei was dealing with the mechanical sky defense line, the golden dragon was already flying closer and closer.

  At this moment, Chen Wei could already see the size of the golden dragon.

  The flying golden dragon is at least over a hundred meters long, and looks like a super-large airliner.

   When flying, no matter from where it is, you can see a large number of eyes on the surface of his skin.

   It's just that the eyes under his wings are open, while the eyes on the surface of his skin are closed.

  Chen Wei didn't believe that those eyes were for decoration, he felt that it must be some kind of special ability.

   "The source power ballista enters the treacherous cloud layer, the anti-gravity body, I know you may not be used to it here, but you will be the main force in the next battle."

  The anti-gravity body on the side did not speak. After entering the mechanical heaven, the connection between the anti-gravity body and the mechanical ghost body was temporarily cut off.

  Now he has to analyze and judge the situation by himself.

   This made the anti-gravity body very uncomfortable.

  But under Chen Wei's order, he still did so.

   Watching the pollen thrown into the treacherous clouds below, watching the source power ballista fly into the bottom under the lift of the worker bees, and the anti-gravity body also flew out from the edge of the mechanical heaven.

  After falling into the deceitful clouds, the anti-gravity machine dispersed its subordinates, allowing them to move freely.

   After all, what he was going to face later was the Golden Dragon.

  That is not an enemy that can be defeated together.

   If they really wanted to get together, it would be like finding a good opportunity for Jinlong to attack.

   Only by spreading out can the golden dragon keep breathing out dragon's breath and consume the opponent's strength.

  After the anti-gravity body also entered the position, Chen Wei began to mobilize troops again.

   This time it was Shu Xin who was called up.

  There are no forests on the platform of the Mechanical Heaven, and the tree heart has only one task, which is to use bows and arrows to attack the golden dragon, so as to prevent the golden dragon from flying to the Mechanical Heaven.

  Just as the heart of the tree was mobilized, the golden dragon had already rushed into the cloud of deception.

  As soon as he flew into the deceitful clouds, he opened his mouth and exhaled a mouthful of dragon's breath.

  Under the golden dragon's breath, a big hole was directly burned out of the ghostly cloud layer.

   "Shirley, get ready for battle."

Chen Wei turned to Xue Li and said, "Let's release all the bloodthirsty hornets, add fire poison, and when the golden dragon stops, just charge directly at him. I just told the queen bee, There will be new wasps coming in soon."


  Seeing such a big golden dragon, Shirley finally responded with certainty.

  Although she knew she was no match for Jin Long, she still accepted the challenge this time.

   "All the alchemy bees, bless the bloodthirsty hornets, the bloodthirsty hornets concentrate on me..."

  When Shirley mobilized the troops, the anti-gravity body had already collided with the golden dragon.

  The flying speed of the anti-gravity body and his body guards is not fast, but their abilities are quite good, especially since they are treacherous creatures themselves, they also have a good response in the treacherous clouds.

  When they collided with the golden dragon, they immediately took out their weapons and attacked the golden dragon's body.

  But the golden dragon's skin was as thick as steel. Not only did their attacks fail to break through, even their weapons were damaged by the skin.

  When the anti-gravity body saw the situation, it simply landed on Jinlong's back.

   "Everyone listens to my order, falls on each other's backs, and attacks those eyes."

  The reaction of the anti-gravity body is very fast. If the skin is too thick to hit, then hit the eyes, and if it doesn’t work, you can also hit the wings.

   Jin Long didn't care much about the enemies on his back, he had encountered many such things before.

  As long as he turns around and throws the person off.

   These enemies have no way of causing much damage to themselves.

   His current target is still the giant eye in the sky.

  Just now, he noticed the existence of this eye when he was behind the Elven Giant Tree City.

  He could feel that behind these eyes, there were many powers of ancient gods.

  This golden dragon just needs the power of the ancient gods to upgrade.

  So he ignored his hero's request at all, and went to clean up the powder behind the giant elf tree city. He wanted to grab the power of the ancient **** before his companions.

  Only in this way can he grow faster and stronger than his companions.

   He simply ignored the little bugs on his body.

  The golden dragon flapped its wings and flew into the sky again.

   Just then, Jin Long heard a voice.


  A large number of crossbow arrows that can shoot through the city gate flew towards the golden dragon.

   Jinlong didn't expect to have such a strong defense on it, so he quickly flew up.

  But the source power crossbow had already flown out, hitting the golden dragon accurately.

  It doesn’t matter if the golden dragon’s skin is harder than steel. The source power crossbow is the kind of heavy weapon that can be used to break through cities.

  In just an instant, seven or eight crossbow arrows pierced the golden dragon, dragging the golden dragon down for a certain distance.

  (end of this chapter)

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