The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 298: The Golden Dragon Dies in Battle (Subscription required)

  Chapter 298 The Golden Dragon Dies in Battle (Subscription required)

  The crossbow arrow accelerated again under the ability of the anti-gravity body, and squeezed into the golden dragon's body.

   Several crossbow bolts had even been completely submerged in the Golden Dragon's body, and there was no way for the Golden Dragon to squeeze them out of the body through the operation of its muscles.

   Jin Long is also smart, he knew that he had no chance of winning when he saw such a situation, he turned his head in the air, trying to escape.

   This made Chen Weimao really feel like he is somewhere here, and he can come and go whenever he wants.

   "Stop him."

  Under Chen Wei's order, the anti-gravity body and Xue Li shot at the same time.

  Xue Li didn't have any troops suitable for fighting now, so she simply released the bee knight and two kinds of worker bees.

   Bee knights don't have much advantage in high altitude, but the two worker bees are different.

  They themselves were designed for the power of the ancient gods and the ancient gods, and once they were synthesized, they became a large group.

   Now when they are sent out, they activate their abilities immediately.

  Jinlong was about to leave when he saw a large group of worker bees flying towards him.

   Jin Long still remembered the incident with the bloodthirsty wasp. Not only was his mouth seriously injured, but his neck was also blown apart.

  The worker bee here is obviously the same as the bloodthirsty wasp before, it is impossible for him to fall twice in one place.

  So the golden dragon spread its wings, opened all the eyes under the wings, and stared at the worker bees.

  Those worker bees were relatively weak, and when they were stared at, they all died.

   But worker bees occupy a large number.

  Even if a large number of worker bees died, some worker bees still flew near the golden dragon.

  As soon as the phantom worker bees flew over, they immediately activated their abilities.

   Mental distortion.

  The golden dragon itself absorbed a large amount of the power of the ancient gods. Under the influence of the phantom worker bees, all the eyes on the surface of the golden dragon's body opened.

  His body kept twisting, and it was obvious that the power of the ancient gods in his body was no longer under his control.

   At this time, the raving worker bees who rushed over also flew over. They could not have any influence on the power of the ancient gods, and their power was aimed at pollen.

  But before the golden dragon was injected with some pollen.

  The pollen has now become something different.

  Under the influence of the raving worker bees, the color of the golden dragon's body also changed, from the original golden color to a dark purple color.

  Jin Long really felt like he was dying.

  He needs to find someone to replenish blood, he needs the spring of life unique to the elves, and he needs someone to help him suppress the power of the ancient gods that is about to erupt.

   Just when Jinlong was about to rush out of the control range of the deceitful cloud layer, the deceitful cloud layer, which hadn't moved much, made a move.

  All the clouds gathered together and rushed towards the golden dragon who wanted to escape.

  These clouds condensed into a solid body, constantly twisting everything on the surface of the golden dragon. Every time the clouds turned, the golden dragon let out a scream.

   Standing on the mechanical heaven, Chen Wei was a little dumbfounded as he watched the attack of the deceitful clouds.

  Because of the deceitful clouds, it is no longer attacking, but devouring the golden dragon's flesh and blood.

   After the flesh and blood cut from the golden dragon enters the bewitching cloud layer, it will immediately turn into different beguiling flying objects.

  There are harpies with dragon wings, fire-breathing birds, and many flying eyes.

  If Chen Wei hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that these were turned into the flesh and blood of a golden dragon.

  After the ghostly flying objects are transformed, they will immediately join the attack on the golden dragon.

   Soon the thick skin and scales on the golden dragon's body were almost cut away, revealing the muscles made up of tentacles under the skin.

  At this moment, it can be noticed that the golden dragon's tentacles are no longer under control and are constantly waving. Under the huge tentacles, there are many small tentacles devouring everything.

   As far as Jin Long's current situation is concerned, he can't last much longer.

   At this time, the golden dragon showed the ability of a super legendary creature.

   When he found that he had no way to escape, he actually chose to dock his tail to survive.

  Jin Long shook his body, and the layers of muscles on his body disintegrated automatically, turning into tentacles that flew around non-stop.

  And he concentrated all the essence of his body on the most important bones, using everything to protect his internal organs and soul.

   Just like this, he rushed out of the control range of the deceitful clouds.

  The ghostly cloud layer wanted to hold back the golden dragon, but the golden dragon threw too much flesh and blood.

  When the deceitful cloud layer wanted to chase after the golden dragon, the flesh and blood unexpectedly fused with the deceitful cloud layer.

  The deceitful cloud immediately understood that he had confiscated the means to chase him, and if he chased him again, he would be affected and eventually lost control.

  So the deceitful clouds rolled up the flesh and blood for the first time, retreated to the bottom of the mechanical heaven, and went to digest the flesh and blood.

  As for the golden dragon, at this time the golden dragon has fled ten thousand meters away, and it seems that he can't catch it back.

   "It's a pity, it would be great if this guy could be killed."

  Looking at the fleeing Jinlong, Chen Wei couldn't help but say something.

   At this moment, Chen Wei suddenly saw the golden dragon that was fleeing over there suddenly exploded in the air.

  His remaining flesh and blood turned into a large amount of pollen and scattered on the flying place. When Jinlong rushed forward for more than 10,000 meters by inertia, his body had already turned into bones, and then he plunged headlong into the ground.

  The golden dragon absorbed too much power from the ancient gods, and even its bones were affected, which is usually invisible.

  When there are only bones, you will see many eye sockets on his bones, which are the traces left by the power of the ancient gods.

   When the keel fell from the sky, it happened to hit the direction of the Elven Giant Tree City.

   Finally, there was a bang, and it landed less than three kilometers away from the Elven Giant Tree City.

  The flesh and blood scattered along the way of the golden dragon turned into pollen polluted by the power of the ancient gods and fell into the woods below.

   This is pretty bad news.

  Because the woods where the golden dragon flew were all Chen Wei's territory.

   The strange woods with mechanical weird bodies have not yet occupied this place. Now that the pollen falls, the woods along the way have been affected by the power of the ancient gods, and a huge change has taken place.

  All the trees grew tentacles-like branches, twisting and hitting everything around them.

  Looking at the changes in front of him, Chen Wei was also a little depressed.

   Just a golden dragon directly changed the situation in front of us.

   What is this?

   "Anti-gravity machine, you go and inform your master, and say that I don't need his help now, and let him handle the matter in the forest."

  The anti-gravity body didn't say much, and didn't even go to the mechanical heaven, so it flew down on the spot, looking for the mechanical body to report the news.

   At this moment, Chen Wei turned to Shirley.

   "Prepare the worker bees, I want to transform some phantom worker bees and raving worker bees for use."

  (end of this chapter)

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