The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 303: The Reinforcement Arrives (Please Subscribe)

  Chapter 303 The Reinforcements Arrived (Subscribe)

  Suddenly received a contact from Chen Wei, Zhuang Qiang was also full of doubts.

  He wasn't quite sure what Chen Wei was looking for at this time, but he still responded quickly.

   "Brother Chen, I'm here, what's the matter?"

   "There are elves entering the woods. They should be troops sent by the nearby clan. Now that they have all escaped, you'd better guard the clan territory you have occupied."

   "Ah, elf army? How many people?"

   Zhuang Qiang became nervous when he heard it.

  They have just occupied the territory, and they are all focused on the territory they just won. What if the elves come in, what will they do.

   "I don't know, but at least I can be sure that I have entered more than ten elf troops."

   "Ten, so there must be tens of thousands?" Zhuang Qiang became nervous when he heard it.

   "No, the situation on the side of the elves is a little different. If it is a small battle, they can bring people at will, but if it is a big battle, their army usually has a hundred people.

  The purpose is to ensure that the death of a hero will not affect the battle situation.

  So there are almost a thousand people here, and they are spread out. The chances of you encountering a large army are not high, but they are annoying.

   It will even affect our defense and transportation lines.

  I don't have enough troops to chase them now, this matter can only be left to you to deal with.

  Zhuang Qiang, this is not my request, but an order to find those elves and kill them all. "

  After hearing what Chen Wei said, Zhuang Qiang also understood the current situation.

  Chen Wei can't defeat these more than a thousand elves?

   Of course not, the main reason is that the elves scattered and Chen Wei couldn't find anyone.

  The woods between the front line and Plague Town are too big, and there is no way to catch up with these elves if the army is sent in, so in the end, they can only be dealt with by players like them.

  Zhuang Qiang thought for a while, "Brother Liu, this is what we should do, but we don't have enough troops."

   "I know, I have thought about it too, I have an idea, that is, we can divide this area, one is responsible for one area, so that these elves should not be allowed to run around."

  When Chen Wei said this, Zhuang Qiang knew what Chen Wei was thinking.

   "Okay, if you say so, I will understand what to do, leave this matter to me, and I promise that there will be no trouble in the woods."

   "Then I will trouble you."

  After Chen Wei cut off the contact with Ye Zhuangqiang, he quickly contacted the ashes again.

   "Ashes, how many skeleton soldiers do you have now?"

   "My lord, my skeleton soldiers are full-level and full-stacked now."

  Chen Wei said as soon as he heard it: "Bone Ashes, I plan to expand the strength of the Bone Navy Corps. What do you think?"

   "My lord, the troops I can bring here are 4,000 people. If you want to expand, you can only increase the exclusive heroes of the legion."

   Ashes quickly said a feasible plan.

   "Plus, it's up to you to do this. How much can you do in three days?"

   "If I have a suitable hero certificate and let me get five to six heroes, then within three days I can drag out at least a skeleton army of 20,000 people, just the name of this army."

   "It's still called the Bone Sea Corps, and you will be in charge."

  Chen Wei said decisively.

   It’s just the most basic skeleton soldiers, Chen Wei doesn’t need to build so many skeleton soldiers.

   "Then I understand, I'll deal with it now."

   The ashes who got the order acted quickly.

  Chen Wei didn't give him the hero certificate, and he didn't ask Chen Wei for these things.

  Chen Wei didn't have these things in hand, and the ashes wanted to find the hero certificate by himself.

   After releasing the ashes, Chen Wei looked up at the battle in the sky again.

  With the addition of anti-gravity bodies, the battle in the sky finally turned to Chen Wei's side.

  Although there are a large number of flying troops sent over, most of them are cannon fodder, and the anti-gravity body immediately locked the elf troops inside.

  However, they didn't rush directly, because the anti-gravity machine knew that its flying speed was definitely not as fast as Pegasus and Hippogryph.

  When they joined the battle, they were ostensibly fighting harpies and goblins.

   But in fact, they have been staring at the elves' troops.

   When the elves didn't approach at first, they didn't take the initiative to kill them either.

  As soon as the elf approached, the anti-gravity body shot at the elf.

  An anti-gravity impact fell on the Pegasus, turning the anti-gravity into gravity, and instantly pressed all the Pegasus to the ground.

  Then the body guards of the anti-gravity body rushed forward. Their fighting power was not weak. The moment the elves landed, they rushed forward and killed all the Pegasus troops in the shortest time.

  Even the Pegasus hero was not spared, and was directly killed in this attack.

  Unlike the Pegasus troops, the Hippogryph troops did not get too close because they had the ability to attack from a distance.

   This saved them from a catastrophe.

   It's just that the anti-gravity body has no plans to let them go.

  After all, compared with Pegasus, these hippogryph huntresses who can attack from a distance are the most troublesome existence.

  These hippogryph huntresses can shoot in the air, and although they fly slowly, their long-range shooting ability makes them invincible.

  The time for the anti-gravity body and his body guard to fly in front of the Hippogryph Huntress is enough for the Hippogryph Huntress to shoot three to four times.

   This is enough to destroy the body guards of the anti-gravity body.

   Not to mention that they can fly backwards and shoot in the air.

  With the speed of the anti-gravity body, they cannot catch up with these hippogryphs.

   At this moment, Chen Wei turned his head and looked behind him, and another hero rushed over.

   It was Elena who rushed over this time.

  As a beast trainer, Elena is not actually specialized in air combat.

   But why does Chen Wei have no other air combat heroes in his hands now? Now that there is one with flying troops, Chen Wei is already satisfied.

  Eileen came over with the newly replenished dragonflies. As for the Wyverns, they were still the two from the beginning.

   Actually enough for this.

  Dragonflies are the fastest flying units.

   Hippogryphs can ride and shoot anti-gravity machines, but they can't deal with dragon flies in the same way.

  After Elena arrived, Chen Wei gave the order immediately.

   "Fight me all the enemies in the sky."

  Eileen looked up at the situation in the sky, but didn't say anything, just waved her hand, and the dragonfly flew out.

  As soon as these dragon flies flew out, they scattered on the spot and flew towards the Hippogryph Huntress from all angles.

   Seeing this situation, the Hippogryph Huntress hurriedly shot at the dragon fly, but their speed could not catch up with the dragon fly. The next moment, the dragon fly rushed in front of them and attacked them.

  (end of this chapter)

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