The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 306: The Elf Strikes (Subscribe)

  Chapter 306 Elf Attack (for subscription)

   The pollen line of defense that Chen Wei mentioned is actually throwing out the pollen stars.

   The pollen in Pollen Star is all deadly stuff. It may not be very useful to deal with large enemies, but it is quite useful to deal with enemies with a large number but low life.

  As soon as the pollen star was thrown out, the entire battlefield was enveloped on the spot.

  Pink pollen is the biggest stimulus for the elves in front of them.

  All the elf heroes shrank back when they saw such pollen.

  None of them want to be affected by the pollen and turn into crazy meat.

  In fact, they never thought about it, and Chen Wei didn't have so much ancient **** corpse oil in his hands.

  The pollen is actually not as strong as the pollen behind the Elven Giant Tree City.

   These pollen are at most adsorbed on the flesh and blood, just devouring some flesh and blood.

   Without getting other strengthening directions, these pollen can't do anything too much.

   After all, Chen Wei's own troops are also here, so it is impossible for him to play himself into it.

  Of course the elves didn't know all this. When they saw the pollen falling, all the elves shrank back.

  Only those half-goats who drank too much didn't know what happened, so they rushed into the pollen.

  After they rushed into the pollen, they seemed to be in a daze and felt like they could do it again. Without improving their morale, these half-goats were about to rush to Chen Wei's front line of defense regardless of casualties.

  Seeing the satyr like this, the elves in the rear also hesitated. Is the pollen okay?

   Do you want them to try it too.

   But at this moment, the eyes of the half-goats turned red, and they began to frantically attack everything around them.

  Chen Wei put the magma dwarves, imps, armed warriors and their attack targets at the front, and their companions are also the direction of attack.

  These half-goats acted as if they didn't recognize anyone, attacking everything they could see without hesitation.

  Their appearance caused the elves who wanted to make a move to shrink back. They now somewhat believe that there must be something wrong with the pollen.

  Even if the problem of this pollen is different from the situation behind the elf giant tree city, it is still terrible pollen.

   "Ready to strike."

   Seeing that the elf team was obviously out of touch, Chen Wei quickly ordered.

   At this time, the main force under Chen Wei, the skeleton soldiers of the Bone Legion, all stood up.

   At this time, it is time for their main players to play.

  As long as these half-goats are killed, they can get a lot of flesh and blood, and at the evil temple in the rear, the strength of the skeleton soldiers can be replenished.

   At that time, their losses in this battle will be fully replenished, and the Bone Legion will be able to develop rapidly.

  As soon as the armored skeleton soldiers rushed out, a large number of ordinary skeleton soldiers also rushed out holding their weapons.

  These skeleton soldiers are all miscellaneous soldiers under Chen Wei, and now the ashes are preparing new heroes, so there is no time to take these skeleton soldiers away.

   Now they temporarily belong to Chen Wei's subordinates, doing what miscellaneous soldiers should do.

  For example, cleaning the battlefield, or making up the battlefield and so on.

   After sending out the skeleton soldiers, Chen Wei quickly mobilized all the troops around him.

  Even the skeleton mage was sent out by Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei could see the situation in front of him quite clearly.

  He is well aware of the situation of his current strength, and he also understands what kind of enemy he will face if he acts weaker.

  So he's trying to put on a show right now and make it look like he has a lot of troops.

  Seeing Chen Wei sending troops into the battlefield batch after batch, the elves actually murmured in their hearts.

   They obviously had so many troops, but they were suppressed and beaten by Chen Wei alone, which made the elves feel quite ashamed.

"We can't go on like this. We missed opportunities several times before because we hesitated. This time we can't hesitate anymore. We have already hit in front of their siege weapons. If we continue to hesitate, what will we do when we go back next time?" Confession."

  Hearing this, the other elf heroes cheered up.

  They all looked at the two leaders.

   These two, together with Naduo who left with the huntress before, are the commander-in-chief arranged this time.

  Nado is gone now, and they are the only ones who can make up their minds.

  Among the two, one was an elf druid, and he looked up at the battlefield.

   "The wind tells me that we attack now and have a chance to win."

   "Then fight, we come out this time, what is the goal, everyone is very clear, even if we save our troops now, will there be any benefit if we go back, if we don't work hard now, we will be cannon fodder when we go back.

  Then we might as well fight here directly, as long as we can kill the enemy's siege weapon team and destroy the enemy's siege weapon, we will be considered a winner. "

  After this person said this, the other elf heroes also lifted their spirits.

   Now that the two principals have spoken, they will naturally not confront each other.

  And just as the two heroes in charge said, even if they can keep the troops back, so what.

  Will they be rewarded for returning with an army of elves?

   Absolutely not. Instead, they will be scolded and even disposed of for missing the chance to take down Chen Wei.

  In this case, they might as well go all out and use their soldiers to create a better tomorrow.

  The morale of the elf heroes who wanted to understand this increased rapidly.

  They immediately returned to their team and began to improve the morale of their men.

   This is a very simple thing for elves.

  Each elf hero is only responsible for one hundred soldiers.

  They are well aware of the situation of each soldier.

  They don't even need to shout in front of the soldiers to boost their morale. They just need to talk one by one to make these soldiers increase their combat power enough.

   "We are all ready. There are not many enemies. They are just here to fight. We just need to kill the enemy's battle array and destroy their siege weapons."

   Such beliefs were passed on one by one, giving the elf soldiers hope.

   When the cannon fodder troops were about to be cleaned up by Chen Wei, the elf troops attacked.

   After removing 700 huntresses, the elf army still has 2,300 soldiers.

   They are mainly sword dancers, archers, and druids.

  On the one hand, it is because there are more of these three arms of the elves, and it is easy to make up.

  On the other hand, except for flying troops, these three types of troops move faster.

  Now they are fighting for movement speed.

   When the elves sent out troops, Chen Wei finally got to Stanford's team.

  (end of this chapter)

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