The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 310: The Strong Reinforcements of the Elves (Subscription Required)

  Chapter 310 The Strong Reinforcement of the Elves (for subscription)

   The range has not changed, but the power of the fireball has at least doubled.

  The Torch Walking Dead is Chen Wei's earliest unit. He has been fighting with these Torch Walking Dead from the very beginning, and has a deep understanding of the fighting power of the Torch Walking Dead.

  As soon as he saw the torch walking corpses attacking under the leadership of the fireman, he knew that these torch walking corpses had also grown a lot.

   Seeing this situation, Chen Wei really hoped that the Torch Walking Dead would attack the enemy again.

  But the fire hand didn't have this plan. After killing the locked target, the fire hand stood motionless by the wall of the skeleton as before, as if he didn't notice the situation on the battlefield.

  Chen Wei was quite puzzled about this situation, so he asked Stanford, who was also a little helpless.

  Shooter is such a character, he will judge the situation on the battlefield by himself, and calculate every attack.

   And every time he makes a shot, there will always be great gains.

   In this way, even though the fireman always stood behind the team in fact, Stanford didn't blame him.

  After listening to Stanford's explanation, Chen Wei also understood the situation of the fire hand.

  Firemen are precision strikes. Although they usually don't attack much, the effect is quite good.

   For such a hero, Chen Wei will not destroy the opponent's attack habits.

  As long as it doesn't affect the battle situation.

   Speaking of the battle situation, Chen Wei's attention quickly shifted to the battlefield.

  With the attack of Stanford's troops, there is no doubt about the situation in front of us.

  Although the number of troops on the elf side seems to be large, they can't fight more and more like Stanford's men.

  Whether it is a fire poisonous spider or a spore demon, they can continuously expand the number of their own groups through battles.

   You may not find out if you don’t go to the battlefield, but you will find that their troops are fighting more and more when they go to the battlefield.

   Right now, the entire battlefield has been ignited by the fire poison spider.

   Many small fire poisonous spiders have crawled out of the flames.

  These little spiders have no fighting power and are not very controlled, but as soon as they appear, they bring different changes to the battlefield.

  They don't have the ability to cause flames when they crawl over like adult fire poisonous spiders, but their growth speed is visible to the naked eye in the flames.

  As long as the enemies they pounce on will become the nutrients for their growth.

   This is even more true for the spore demon.

  All the elf troops stuck to the spores will grow large and small eggs.

   Soon their life force will be absorbed and the eggs will become new spore demons.

  With their joining, the position of the battlefield changed, and the front line began to move backwards from in front of Chen Wei.

  The fire poisonous spider and the spore demon are almost in front of the elf hero.

   At this time, the elf heroes are also trying to find ways to deal with more and more enemies.

   These elf heroes are not stupid, they also have a commander in chief.

   "Can the druids still fight? Stand up if you can fight. You were just attacked by surprise, not knocked down. Now stand up again and prepare to fight."

  Under the order of the elf heroes, the druids stood up again, and several heroes commanded the troops to attack the fire poisonous spiders that rushed over.

   Then the other elves' troops also rushed out.

   This time they didn't think so much.

  They immediately used their best skills to fight with Chen Wei's troops.

  Chen Wei doesn't think about any losses now, all the troops are pushed out, even his soul-receiving skeletons are released by him, and let him deal with the elf heroes on the battlefield.

  Chen Wei himself has prepared all kinds of magic and is ready to provide support at any time.

  While Chen Wei was directing the battle, Elf Giant Tree City was also observing the battle here.

  When they saw Stanford arriving with his men, they knew that the sneak attack had failed.

  The lord of the elf giant tree city said with some annoyance: "It would have been better if we had known that we would send people there earlier. It would be a pity to miss this opportunity."

   "It's not a pity now, what we have to worry about now is whether they will take this opportunity to fight the battle line in front of Giant Tree City."

   "We are not afraid of the attack. The giant tree city has enough energy, and the defensive cover can withstand most of the attacks. Moreover, the support of several shrines will arrive soon. What are we afraid of? Fight them."

  The lord of the elf giant tree city is now ready to go all out. Anyway, one embarrassment is already a big one. As long as he can win, it doesn't matter what method he uses.

  Evergreen Tree also thinks the same way, but he has some people who don't believe in Jingu.

   It was as if the Golden Shrine had sent a dragon trainer and two golden dragons, saying that it was to deal with the pollen problem behind the elf giant tree city first.

   As a result, a dragon was out of control and flew into the sky to find trouble with the huge eyes in the sky.

  The final result is visible to the naked eye.

  The bones of the golden dragon are placed in the open space outside.

  This makes him believe in those people in Jingu.

  These shrines may not necessarily send out their strongest troops.

   "My lord, the portal has changed."

   "What?" The city lord and Evergreen jumped up immediately when they heard the news.

   Every city above level 7 will have a two-way portal.

  The bigger the city, the more things you can teleport.

  The portal of the Elven Giant Tree City is a small portal, which can only transmit one or two people at a time.

   But this is the lifeblood of the Elf Giant Tree City.

   If there is no portal, the information about the Elven Giant Tree City will not be transmitted, and they will not be able to find anyone to help them.

   After all, the shrine and the main city are quite far from the elf giant tree city.

  If they hadn’t communicated the situation in time, and sent letters in the normal way, by the time they received the information, the Elven Giant Tree City would have been destroyed long ago.

   Now when they heard that there was a problem with the portal, these two immediately jumped up.

"What went wrong?"

   "What are you still doing if there is a problem, and you haven't fixed it yet."

   "No, there is a powerful existence coming from the portal. His strength is too strong. If he comes, the portal will be unusable within three days."

   "Strong? Unusable?"

  Hearing this, Evergreen suddenly thought of something.

   "I remember that our portal can transmit legendary powerhouses. How could it be possible that the portal will be unusable for three days when encountering a powerful one?"

  The lord of the elf giant tree city said helplessly: "It is possible to teleport to the legendary level, but some troops are restricted. If the strength is so strong that the teleportation gate will be affected, then only that one will come."

  (end of this chapter)

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