The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 324: Added Hero, Wood Mars (Subscription Request)

  The hero added in Chapter 324, Wood Mars (subscribe)

   "I'm coming over now."

  Chen Wei soon got the news.

  Chen Wei was a little surprised by an elf hero who wanted to surrender himself.

  He always thought that the heroes in this world would only fight to the death, and would not escape or surrender.

   It turned out not to be like this, but his strength has not yet been reached, and others look down on him.

   Now that there is such a limit creature as the ancient volcano tree, Chen Wei's position is considered to be at the forefront of this novice world.

  Currently, Chen Wei is qualified to make the enemy heroes surrender and let the field troops actively join.

   It's just that Chen Wei himself didn't know what was going on, and thought that the ancient volcano tree had encountered a liar.

  Because of the ancient volcanic tree, Chen Wei temporarily put down some slower-moving troops, and led his men to the vicinity of the ancient volcanic tree.

  At this moment, Chen Wei saw the ancient fortress tree moving towards the ancient volcano tree.

  He could already feel the pressure brought by the ancient fortress tree from afar.

   "It's so big, hell, there is no death from the sky, and the others don't know if they can hold this guy."

  Chen Wei just glanced at it and knew that a normal attack would not be able to cause much damage to the ancient fortress tree.

   This big guy is like a moving fortress. Apart from other things, the arrow towers on his body are enough for Chen Wei to bear.

   Moreover, Chen Wei also saw some Hippogryph huntresses circling around this huge guy. These are the last flying troops in the Elven Giant Tree City.

   Coupled with the huge head nearly 100 meters high, the shade of trees that can cover half of the plague swamp, and the vines and branches that follow the ground, all of these prove one thing to Chen Wei.

  Fortress ancient trees are hard to deal with.

   Before the war started, Chen Wei already had a judgment.

  But he also has an idea, this is the last battle against the Elven Giant Tree City.

   If this ancient fortress tree is destroyed, the elf giant tree city will be completely finished.

  With such thoughts, Chen Wei was also a little annoyed, why didn't he bring the troops and heroes needed by the ancient volcano tree earlier.

  Give the ancient volcano tree what he wants earlier, and the combat power of the ancient volcano tree can be enhanced.

   Facing such a big ancient tree, he will not worry about gain or loss.

   While Chen Wei was thinking about the upcoming battle, the ancient volcano tree had already discovered Chen Wei's arrival.

   Following the movement of the roots of the ancient volcanic tree, the elven druid hero was sent to Chen Wei.

  Looking at the druid in front of him wearing a deer cap, Chen Wei hesitated.

   "Hello, I am the master of the Scourge Territory, what you call a rookie player, Chen Wei."

   "A natural disaster leader? It seems that your territory is bigger than I imagined. I am the Azure God Palace, the natural disaster druid Wood Mars who controls the power of the earth. I have realized your strength and am willing to join your team."

   "Druid of natural disaster?" Chen Wei became interested when he heard the word natural disaster, "Can you explain in detail?"

   "Of course, the Azure Shrine is the shrine of elements and natural disasters. We are all druids, but unlike other druids, we don't have skills such as change and recovery.

  What we have mastered is the power of elemental natural disasters.

  We can control the winds and thunderstorms in the sky, and we can cause earthquakes and volcanoes.

  My Volcanic Legion, dedicated to the spell of volcanic eruption, can summon a volcano on the battlefield. "

  Hearing this, Chen Wei finally understood why the elf druid named Wood was arrested.

  He placed a volcano in front of the old volcano tree.

  Chen Wei really didn't know what to say about them.

  Didn't they check the situation before going to war?

   This time, Chen Wei's thoughts on Wood were not very good.

  Is it really good for such a mindless hero to join your team?

  But when Chen Wei thought about it, he seemed to have nothing to choose.

  It is quite remarkable to have a hero willing to surrender in front of you.

   "Then your Volcano Legion."

   "Surrender together, I am the exclusive hero of the Volcano Legion, and I can represent them."

   "Okay, you are welcome to join the Scourge Territory. There is a battle on our side right now. Do you know what that is?"

  Chen Wei pointed to the ancient fortress tree not far away, and that thing was walking towards him.

   "If I'm not mistaken, it should be an ancient fortress tree that has been raised for a long time."

  Although Wood has never seen the ancient tree in the fortress, he was born in the Azure Shrine, so he still knows some news about the elves.

  So after glancing at the ancient tree in the fortress, he had a guess.

  At the same time, he was still cursing in his heart, the elf giant tree city obviously has such a thing, why didn't it come out earlier.

   "Ancient fortress tree? Is it also a kind of extreme creature?"

   "This is really not true. The ancient fortress tree is just an advanced version of the ancient tree of war. It belongs to the combination of ancient trees and cities, and does not belong to extreme creatures.

  Let's put it this way, if the ancient tree is considered a limit creature, only the world tree on the side of the Emerald Shrine is counted.

  The World Tree is a combination of the ancient fortress tree and the ancient tree of wisdom.

  The success rate of this combination is quite low. Even if the two ancient trees have the same origin, the success rate of the combination is only 15%.

  Normal people will not join this, unless they have the opportunity to get a lot of ancient **** materials, coupled with a large number of rookie players, with the power of ancient gods, there is a slight possibility.

   The world tree on the side of the Emerald Shrine does not know how to synthesize it, anyway, this is not a limit creature. "

  Hearing the name of the Emerald Shrine, Chen Wei thought of the sealed rag doll.

  Chen Wei suddenly thought of a possibility. The Emerald Shrine kept sealing strange things in the elves' territory. Could it be the way the ancient fortress tree and the ancient tree of wisdom merged.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wei didn't ask such a question, but asked a question.

  "The ancient volcano tree and the ancient fortress tree fight, who will win?"

   "The ancient volcanic tree, after all, it is an extreme creature. If it is a little bit worse, there is no chance of winning, but our ancient volcanic tree is still a little weak now, and we need to replenish a lot of manpower and weapons.

   Otherwise, there will be some losses in the fight. "

  Wood had already decided to surrender, so he naturally placed himself on Chen Wei's side.

  Hearing what Wood said, Chen Wei also gained some confidence.

  Although the various supplies that the ancient volcano tree wanted have not yet arrived, Chen Wei's manpower has arrived. His manpower, together with the catapults that will come later, is believed to be able to share part of the pressure on the ancient volcano tree.

  In this way, their chances of winning will be increased by a few points.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei's gaze at Wood changed.

  At first, Chen Wei only regarded Wood as a question-and-answer machine.

  Now Chen Weizhen thinks it is a good choice to accept Wood.

  (end of this chapter)

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