The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 327: Synthesis of Legendary Heroes (Subscription required)

  Chapter 327 Synthesis of Legendary Heroes (Subscription required)

  After the new troops entered the range of the ancient volcano trees, Wood ran over to Chen Wei.

   "My lord, I saw you dealing with those little devils just now. It seems that you only moved them a little, and these little devils were directly promoted. Is this the talent of an adult?"

Chen Wei thought of his own plan as soon as he heard it, and he said directly: "It's my talent, I can find a suitable promotion direction for ordinary soldiers. fail.

  Look at those demons advancing so easily in my hands just now, that’s actually because I used good things.

  For example, I used the ancient **** corpse oil just now, I think you who came out of the shrine should know this thing. "

   "I know." Of course Wood knew very well what the ancient god's item represented, and he asked with a serious face, "Then, my lord, can you help me melt this into my body."

  As Wood spoke, he took out a piece of what looked like dead wood.

  Chen Wei took a look and found that this piece of wood is not simple, and there is a strong natural atmosphere in this wood.

"This is?"

   "I accidentally got a piece of the wreckage left by the World Tree when I failed to advance to the next stage. This thing has a strong natural breath and fire destructive power in it. It is the best material for my promotion to the legend.

  My upper limit is extraordinary level 12, but as long as I absorb the power inside, I can break through the limit of extraordinary.

  But after so many years, I have never found a suitable way to attract this thing.

  My lord, if you have a way, please help me, I hope I can break through the legend. "

  Chen Wei took a look at Wood, and suddenly laughed. He thought of a cold joke. The reason why Wood called this wood is not because of this piece of wood.

   After laughing, Chen Wei really tried to help Wood synthesize it.

  [Scary Druid] + [World Tree Wreckage] = [? ? ? (Success rate 31.3%)] (consumes 12 mana)

  After seeing this formula, Chen Wei looked up at Wood.

   "This can allow you to break through the legend, yes, but the success rate is not high. The best result of failure is that this thing is gone, but the worst result is that you are probably gone."

  Hearing this, Wood did not hesitate.

   "There is a 30% chance that I don't have it, and there is a 30% chance that I want to try it."

   "Close to 30%." Chen Wei glanced at the success rate here again, thought for a while and then asked, "Why don't you spread the power here and bring a few more people to support it?"

   "No, this is my chance, all of it is mine, does it require a strong physique, then can this work?"

  As Wood spoke, the light of upgrade flashed across his body.

   Soon Wood's level rose from Extraordinary 6 to Extraordinary 12.

   However, Chen Wei noticed that his distribution ratio was 4 battles/8 battles, and his own fighting level had not improved much.

"My lord, is this okay? If it doesn't work, I'll go find a few life-increasing things and eat them first. Our druid career route requires the distribution ratio of battle 1 and battle 2. As long as the ratio is messed up, the profession will disappear." .

   So I can't mess around. "

   Regarding Wood's question, Chen Wei didn't mess around. He put Wood in the synthesis interface again, and this time the synthesis success rate has reached 53.7%.

  For Chen Wei, unless this kind of success rate is combined with a large number of troops, he will not make a move.

   But for Wood, half the chance is enough to make him desperate.

   "I'm struggling, please help me, sir."

  Chen Wei nodded, "You stand here."

  After Wood stood up, Chen Wei took a deep breath, and sprayed mana onto the wreck of the World Tree in his hand.

   Then a mass of pink mana gushed out from Chen Wei's hands, dissolving the wreckage of the World Tree.

   Then a large number of magic patterns wrapped Wood based on pink mana, and began to transform into magma red.

   Seeing the magic patterns falling on Wood one by one, Chen Wei stopped the output of mana.

   Now that things have unfolded, the next thing is beyond Chen Wei's control, and everything depends on Wood's own fate.

  As Wood's body was covered with various magic lines, Chen Wei found that the aura on Wood's body began to change, and a phantom like a volcano appeared behind him.

   Is this going to directly break through to the legendary level?

   At this moment, Wood exploded with a bang.

  Blood sprayed all over Chen Wei's face.

   This moment surprised Chen Wei.

  What's the situation? Could it be a failure?

   But Chen Wei did not expect that after Wood exploded, a layer of magma appeared under the flesh, and then the flesh melted rapidly in the magma, and an arm made of magma stretched out from the magma.

   As soon as this arm was pressed on the ground, a figure made of magma climbed up.

  The magma on the ground quickly shrank and turned into the clothes on this man.

   After the magma solidified, Chen Wei saw Wood wearing a magma-colored robe.

At this time, Wood's body has changed. His hair has turned magma red, his skin is a little pink, and he is holding a staff in his hand. Just standing there, he can feel the strong natural breath and flames on his body. strength.

   After moving his body a bit, Wood came to his senses. He saluted Chen Wei and said seriously.

   "Thank you, my lord."

  At this time, Chen Wei was also checking on Wood's situation.

   This time he was considered successful, from extraordinary to legendary, and his own level has also been improved. Most importantly, some of his attributes have changed.

  【Hero attributes】

  Name: Wood Mars

   Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 12)

  Race: Magma Elemental Elf, Son of Nature

  Level: Legendary Level 1 (Battle 4/Battle 8/Legendary Battle 1, Occupation: Scourge Druid)

  Talent: Volcano (For every level of campaign, the power of volcano +1)

  Battle attributes: strength 12, agility 15, constitution 13, perception 20, intelligence 20

  Battle attributes: Attack 2, Defense 2, Magic 6, Wisdom 8

  Initial skills: Level 4 Fire Magic, Level 4 Nature Magic, Level 2 Leadership, Level 2 Luck 2

   Legion: Volcanic Legion, None, None, None, None

  Explanation: In order to hit the legend, Wood made the wreckage of the World Tree. Although it was a bit wasteful to do so, he had to admit that he made the right choice. Now he is already a legend, and his combat power is quite strong.

  Looking at Wood's explanation, Chen Wei discovered that the most critical point is that Wood has been separated from the exclusive hero position of the Volcano Legion.

  He can now lead five troops, one of which is the Volcano Legion, and the rest of the troops are temporarily absent.

   This is a good thing.

   This means that Wood can become a comprehensive hero under Chen Wei, responsible for the battle command in one direction.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei said with a smile: "You deserve it, and congratulations on becoming a legend."

  (end of this chapter)

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