The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 329: Ancient tree to ancient tree (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 329 Ancient Tree vs. Ancient Tree (for subscription)

   "They changed direction."

  Chen Wei, who was urging action from the rear, got new news.

   "Change, you are talking about the ancient fortress trees, what happened to them?"

   "They changed direction. Although it wasn't very obvious, they must have shifted their target. When they get to the side of the pit, they will be closer to the left."

  As soon as Chen Wei heard it, he became serious. After thinking about it, he finally came to a judgment.

"They want to bypass the deep pit. Do they really think it's so easy? The more he doesn't want to enter the deep pit, the more we have to force him down. Inform other heroes of this news. This is the most critical battle. up.

  Let them bring out all their troops to me, stop hiding them, don’t take out their troops now, and wait for them to be cannon fodder later. "

  When Chen Wei roared, all the heroes under him also took action.

   Even Zhuifeng, who was far away in Extreme Speed ​​Town, also received the news.

  Zhuifeng didn't come over by himself, but he sent two centaur heroes over.

   Bring at least half of the troops in Extreme Speed ​​Town.

  Fulai village, not to mention the strength of the troops, even the residents are almost exhausted.

  The current Red Hammer really has no way to piece together troops, so it can only serve as logistics there.

  The queen bee is quite powerful. With enough flesh and blood, the queen bee immediately replenished the troops for Shirley, and at the same time sent out all the soldier bees.

  The troops in the hive tree world are all transferred from drones, and the number of drones is limited, so sometimes, soldier bees and worker bees also need to play combat roles.

   This time Chen Wei needed troops, and the queen bee simply released all the soldier bees.

  As for the worker bees, the queen bee also sent nearly 10,000 of them.

  The remaining worker bees are all shrunk. As long as the battle is over and there is enough flesh and blood to replenish, the consumed worker bees and soldier bees will be replenished to a sufficient number.

  In the plague swamp, skeleton soldiers and walking corpse troops also began to transport to the front line, and at the same time, swamp rats, dragon flies, and wyverns all began to rush towards this side.

  After they arrive at the front line, they will be assigned to the heroes according to their respective situations.

  Eileen took away the Swamp Rat, Dragonfly and Wyvern.

   All the skeleton soldiers belonged to the ashes, and the walking corpse troops were transferred to Stanford.

   In addition, Chen Wei, several players who were chasing the heroes in the rear, also notified them.

  Chen Wei didn't expect them to join the battle. When he informed them, Chen Wei had only one idea, let them hold those elves, and don't let them make trouble at this time.

   It is better for him to handle the matter of Elven Giant Tree City by himself. When he gets all the things, it is reasonable not to distribute them to these players.

  When Chen Wei gave the order, the ancient fortress tree was already close to the edge of the pit.

  As Evergreen said at the beginning, they can do a lot when they are in this position.

  The ancient trees of the fortress chose to go around, but they didn't leave it alone in the deep pit. When they moved forward, they would choose to pull huge stones from the ground and throw them into the deep pit.

  The power of throwing a stone is about the same as that of a catapult. When attacking a city, it is not a problem to destroy a city wall.

  As soon as they threw stones, the ancient volcanic trees under the deep pit also responded.

  He had already received Chen Wei's order, knowing that the ancient tree in the fortress planned to bypass it.

   But do they really think that they can't get out of this deep pit?

  The reason why the ancient volcanic tree is willing to stay in the deep pit is not because the deep pit contains magma and the essence of the previous earth veins.

  Now the ancient tree of the fortress wanted to run away, but the ancient tree of the volcano did not hesitate. Four vines popped out from the ground, entangled with the trunk of the ancient tree of the fortress, and dragged the ancient tree of the fortress towards the deep pit.

   The ancient tree of the fort did not expect such a powerful existence to exist in the deep pit.

   Being pulled so hard, the ancient fortress tree staggered and was almost pulled down.

   "What happened, four of the eight pillars cannot be moved."

   "Then you don't go back, back away first and then talk."

  The city lord of the elf giant tree city was also angry. What is this? A thing as big as the ancient tree in the fortress was also attacked. Does this mean they don’t take them seriously?

   "No, once the other four are used, the ancient tree will become unstable. Send troops out to deal with the enemy, and then we will retreat."

  Evergreen made its own request.

  Hearing this request, the lord of the elf giant tree city was also angry, "If you are not the only one who can control the ancient tree of this fortress, I will kill you right now."

   After finishing speaking, the city lord ignored the evergreen tree and began shaking people to prepare for a counterattack.

  Although his heart was full of anger, it was obvious that he still went to work. After all, the ancient fortress tree is now their foundation. If there is any problem with the ancient fortress tree, they will not be able to escape.

While the old volcano tree was wrestling with the old fortress tree, some goblins flew out from the canopy of the old fortress tree. They didn't take the initiative to attack the enemy, but kept injecting a green color into the old fortress tree. of energy.

   This is restoring the strength of the ancient tree in the fortress.

   This is not the ability of elves, but an instinct of them. Only specially trained elves can turn instinct into skills.

  The elves don't value arms like elves at all, so these elves have not received any special training. Now they just rely on instinct to replenish their strength for the ancient fortress trees.

   It's just that neither the city lord nor the evergreen tree thought of a situation. What they encountered was not an ordinary existence, but an extreme creature they encountered.

   This is the existence of the top 100 combat power in the world, and it is the limit of this world.

  The reason why they are legendary level 12 is not because they can only reach this level, but because the upper limit of this world is legendary level 12.

  Unable to improve their level, they can only find ways to strengthen their combat power from other aspects.

  The ancient volcanic tree reached this level by chance, but it is also working hard to supplement its foundation and improve its strength.

  The volcano and magma in the deep pit are proof.

  As long as his body is still in the deep pit, he can absorb the ability of magma to restore his physical strength.

  His physical recovery speed is faster than that of the ancient fortress tree.

   When it was discovered that the ancient fortress tree wanted to stabilize the situation, the ancient volcano tree immediately popped up three vines, entangled the ancient fortress tree, and at the same time, magma poured into the ancient fortress tree along the vines.

  At this time, the elf troops in the ancient tree of the fortress also rushed out.

   They held weapons, and the attack fell on the vines, and then some elves ran to the edge of the deep pit and shot at the bottom.

  At this time, Chen Wei's troops also arrived, and it was Xue Li's troops who rushed here immediately.

  As soon as she saw the ancient tree in the fort stopped, she knew that the opportunity had come, so she flew over with a swarm of bees, and immediately joined the battle.

  (end of this chapter)

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