The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 333: Backlash of the Ancient Gods (Subscription required)

  Chapter 333 Ancient God Backlash (for subscription)

   "Aren't the arrow towers shooting, let them shoot.

  Contact the mage tower, the defensive cover is no longer needed, and the power is added.

   If there are any flying troops, they will be dispatched. "

   Evergreen Tree passed out the orders one by one.

  Every time he gives an order, an elf will bring the latest information.

   These are things that evergreen trees need to deal with.

  The lord of the elf giant tree city who was originally here has left, and he has gone to the front line to command the battle.

  Evergreen Tree doesn't have time to pay attention to other things now. Although he heard the buzzing of bees, he really didn't pay attention to it.

  Usually, the fortress is full of vitality under the ancient trees, and many flowers are planted here. Naturally, butterflies and bees can be seen from time to time.

   He hadn't heard this kind of voice before, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

   Besides, it doesn’t matter if there is a voice, he doesn’t have time to take care of this now, he needs to deal with the matter of the ancient fortress faster.

  Now the ancient trees in the fortress have less and less heritage, and every bit of energy used up cannot be regenerated.

  And the current position is far from their plan.

   If something goes wrong, they're screwed.

   Now is not the time to procrastinate here.

  Changqingshu thought for a while, and then turned back to deal with the matter at hand, even ignoring his itchy body.

   It was also for this reason that he did not notice that under his clothes, eyes of various sizes had grown in the skin of his back.

  Different from the eyes of the compound-eyed demon, the eyes of the evergreen tree are not under his control.

   It doesn't work either, it looks like a purely disgusting person.

   But Evergreen Tree didn't see this at all, he was still giving orders there.

  At the same time, he felt nothing about the changes in the ancient fortress tree, so things like tentacles growing from the branches of the ancient fortress tree and eyes growing under the bark were nothing to him.

   At the same time, the ancient volcanic tree had also killed the golden dragon, and the current combat power was emptied again.

  The vines of the ancient volcanic tree popped out of the deep pit, and with a sweep, they hit the edge of the deep pit.

  Not only did the elves over there fly away, but even the demons who were fighting the elves were shot some distance away.

  Then the ancient volcanic tree that had been hidden in the deep pit finally climbed out of the deep pit under the action of vines.

  The ancient volcanic tree at this time is like a huge hermit crab, the vines are his feet, and the huge volcano on his back is his shell.

  When climbing out of the deep pit, the ancient volcanic tree was still covered with thick magma.

  As long as it is not highly resistant to fire, or directly immune to the existence of flames, it will be burned by magma.

   Just this is enough to cause headaches for most troops.

   Not to mention that there is a crater that keeps spewing magma on the back of the ancient volcanic tree.

   This is the change that happened to the ancient volcanic tree after Wood joined. The original ancient volcanic tree could only move underground, and can only be soaked in magma to restore life

   Now he is completely different.

   When climbing out of the deep pit, the ancient volcano tree was no smaller than the old fortress tree at all, and the vines were entangled with the ancient fortress tree immediately.

  Evergreen Tree, who received the news, did not see the ancient volcano tree with his own eyes.

   But just listening to the description brought by his subordinates, he had an idea.

   "Don't be afraid, it's just an ancient tree. It was under the deep pit before, and the ancient tree of our fortress was not suitable for fighting him. Now that it's up, I don't believe there is anything that can beat the ancient tree of our fortress.

   You must know that the ancient fortress tree is the most powerful among all the ancient trees. Don't panic, we still have a chance of winning.

   You go and inform the city lord that we are going to prepare for melee combat. "

  Changqing just finished speaking when he was right, when a ball of magma fell from the sky and hit the shade of the ancient tree in the fortress.

  After being ignited by the magma, the ancient fortress tree unexpectedly burst into flames instantly.

  Chen Wei looked at the ancient tree in the fortress from a distance, feeling like a huge torch.

  Amid the flames, the building outside the body of the ancient fortress tree ruptured, exposing the muscle-like tissue under the bark.

  Faced with such a dangerous situation, Changqingshu laughed out loud.

   "I'm about to win."

   When he yelled these words, his body had already begun to turn into wood, and his hair turned into tentacles to connect with the tentacles on nearby branches.

   "Look, this is the power of the ancient gods."

   "Evergreen, what are you doing."

  The lord of the elf giant tree city also rushed over at this time.

  Just now he was still commanding the elves to fight outside, trying to guarantee the way forward for the ancient tree of the fortress.

  As a result, as soon as the ancient volcano tree came out of the deep pit, the ancient fortress tree itself had problems.

  What is the situation now, is the evergreen tree dying by himself?

  But he just yelled and shut his mouth immediately.

  The situation of the evergreen tree As a city lord of a level 7 elf city, he is very clear.

  The evergreen tree was influenced by the power of the ancient gods when it controlled the ancient trees in the fortress, and now it has been assimilated by the ancient gods.

  Then it is normal for him to issue such an order.

  Because the current evergreens are crazy.

  The lord of the elf giant tree city looked at the Evergreen Tree, and had to put down the battle outside and not command, he ran to the Evergreen Tree.

  As the lord of the elf giant tree city cut down, all the hair of the evergreen tree was cut off.

  After breaking the connection with the ancient tree of the fortress, the evergreen tree reacted.

   "What just happened?"

   "You have been affected by the power of the ancient gods, and you have become a little crazy. Now let's see if the ancient trees in the fortress have been affected by the power of the ancient gods."


  The evergreen tree shook his head, and was about to check the situation of the ancient trees in the fortress.

  But at this moment, the place where he had been standing suddenly exploded.

  Purple liquid sprayed out from the position where the evergreen tree was standing.

   Some tentacles dragged the evergreen tree to the ground again.

  The city lord quickly grabbed the evergreen tree and dragged him out of the blasted ground.

   "What's going on? Is there a problem with the ancient fortress tree?"

"Just now, the ancient god's power increased greatly, activating the energy of the ancient tree of the fortress. When the ancient tree of the fortress was built, it was watered with three barrels of ancient god's corpse oil. In order to ensure that the ancient god's corpse oil would not produce too much Because of the influence, a hundred rookies were arranged at the beginning.

   After that, every time a novice is in place, we will also hang some rookies on the branches to suppress the power of the ancient gods.

  I think you must remember this tradition.

  The corpses on the tree are the guarantee that the fortress will not be controlled by the power of the ancient gods. Now that the fire has burned the corpses, the power of the ancient gods is no longer under control. "

   "You said what to do more, is there any way to deal with it?"

  The lord of the elf giant tree city is speechless. He is still talking about this at this time. Doesn’t he know how terrifying the power of the ancient gods is?

   Now what they need is a solution to this problem.

  The evergreen tree looked at the lord of the elf giant tree city.

   "Of course there is a way, but there is only one way, do you want to try it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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