The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 350: Mechanical Heaven and the Heart of the City 9 Subscription

  Chapter 350 Mechanical Heaven and the Heart of the City 9 Subscribe

   While Chen Wei was thinking about how to synthesize the heart of the city, another batch of materials was sent up.

   This time it was Fulai Village in the rear that sent the supplies.

  Since the ancient volcanic tree moved in the direction of Fulai Village, the information from Fulai Village has become the focus of Chen Wei's attention.

  Among the materials sent this time, some of them happened to be the focus of Chen Wei's attention.

  Two building stones from Fulai Village.

  Hero synthesis cabin and weird manor.

  Chen Wei has never used the hero synthesis cabin, but he understands that this is the player's last resort.

   Unless it is a player he recognizes, he will not tell anyone that he has such a thing in his hand.

  The Strange Manor is an accidental product.

  Chen Wei still has no way to confirm the function of this strange manor, but one thing is certain, if there are enough resources, the strange manor can be used as a city.

  After the two building stones were transported to the Mechanical Heaven, Chen Wei immediately placed the two building stones at the core of the Mechanical Heaven.

  As soon as these two building stones were placed where Chen Wei wanted to place them, Chen Wei found that the success rate of the synthesis of City Heart had actually increased.

  Chen Wei's eyes lit up. It seemed that his guess was right. The heart of the city from the Elven Giant Tree City would be affected by the strange and ancient **** power.

  With this discovery, Chen Wei had an idea.

  The heart of the city comes from the giant tree city of elves, but the core of the mechanical heaven is no longer the giant tree city of elves.

   It is the platform of the entire mechanical heaven.

   This platform is a platform for level 9 cities.

  It is also a flying platform, which limits the requirements of the entire platform for the heart of the city.

  The heart of the city in the Elven Giant Tree City was actually not suitable at the beginning.

  After all, the heart of this city follows the route of tree men, dryads, and ancient trees.

  This is actually different from the route required by the Mechanical Heaven.

  Normally speaking, even if the Mechanical Heaven can use the city heart of the elves, it needs flying troops such as silver Pegasus and giant dragons.

   No matter what, flying troops like Raptor Druids are the core.

   So there are a lot of things to tweak here.

   And now that the strange manor is put down, it can affect the success rate, which shows that this time the synthesis is adjusted from the core aspect.

  Even the elves are unwilling to bring the final synthesized thing.

   Directly use the power of the strange and ancient gods to transform the things in the heart of the city.

   Knowing this, Chen Wei did things more simply.

  He directly placed the building stone of the strange manor near the heart of the city.

  Then, liquids such as Ancient God Corpse Oil, Earth Vein Essence, and Ancient Tree Life Liquid began to pour down.

  Use these to influence the building stones of City Heart and Eerie Manor.

  Even Chen Wei asked for some tree seeds from the strange forest from the mechanical ghost body.

  Let him pick some suitable trees and send them up.

  With the efforts of Chen Wei, the success rate of the synthesis of City Heart is slowly increasing.

  After finding the right Fang Xian, Chen Wei acted quickly.

  This mechanical heaven looks like a huge eye to the outside, but when you stand on the mechanical heaven, you will find that it is actually a hemispherical platform.

   One side of the platform is a plane, and the ground is all flat metal, so there is no need to consider other things.

  At the same time, the underground, that is, the interior of the hemisphere, also has a certain amount of space, which can be used to build various buildings, and it is also the driving force for the mechanical heaven to float in the sky.

   It is precisely because of this reason that this mechanical heaven is obviously not a big one, but it can be regarded as the base of a level 9 city.

   From this, you can know how big the space inside the bead is.

   At the beginning when Chen Wei didn't have the heart of the city, he didn't check the situation here at all.

  It is different now, Chen Wei is now considering building this mechanical heaven, so he naturally wants to find out the internal situation.

   Inside the hemisphere of the Mechanical Heaven, there are five smaller platforms.

  The platform on each floor has passages up, down, left, and right to enter and exit.

  And each platform is a circle smaller than the platform on the previous level.

  The biggest one is naturally the platform Chen Wei is standing on now.

  The smallest platform, in terms of floor area, also has the size of the underground space of Plague Town.

   That is to say, the smallest platform can also accommodate a level 3 town.

   One level up, you can put a level 5 town, and then a level 7 city, then a level 5 town plus a level 3 town, and the last level is a level 7 city plus a level 3 town.

   Stacked layer by layer, all the cities and towns add up to exactly all the satellite cities needed by the 9th-level cities on the top platform.

  And these places where the heart of the city is located have already been divided.

  When Chen Wei didn't bring the Heart of the City, he couldn't see it.

  It’s different now. After Chen Wei puts the level 7 city heart on the top platform, he can follow the route below the city heart to find other places to place the city heart.

  At the same time, I also understand some of the operation methods of this platform and the directions that the platform can synthesize.

  So during this period of time, Chen Wei's synthesis direction has always been to make the heart of the city match the mechanical heaven, rather than let the mechanical heaven match the heart of the city.

  After various materials and resources were invested, the success rate of this city heart finally changed qualitatively.

   From about 60% to 90%.

   But the success rate of the synthesis stopped here. No matter how Chen Wei added various materials to it, the success rate of the synthesis could not be changed.

   This made Chen Wei a little speechless.

  Although 90% is quite a high success rate for some synthesis.

   But there is only one heart of the city, and it is impossible for Chen Wei to give up the heart of the city just like this.

  Under such circumstances, Chen Wei also had to think of a new way.

  He began to send people to the mechanical heaven to send various materials, and even send various troops.

   The harpies, goblins and other units that had just been trained in the wild camp were also sent here, but no matter what, when these people sent their things, they couldn't affect the success rate of the synthesis of the city heart.

  Chen Wei was so angry that he almost dismantled the heart of the city, planning to reassemble it.

   Fortunately, at this time, Chen Wei's men sent one or two things, which increased the success rate of City Heart by a little bit.

   What was sent up were the skeletons of two golden dragons.

   This is the spoils Chen Wei and the others got on the battlefield.

  One of them was directly knocked out by the treacherous clouds on the mechanical heaven.

  The other one was discarded by the old volcano tree.

   But the skeletons of the two golden dragons made Chen Wei see another possibility.

  Maybe it is not possible to use living creatures to increase the success rate now, but not necessarily corpses.

  (end of this chapter)

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