The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 353: Choice of legal career (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 353 Choice of Legal Profession (for subscription)

   It was Wood who responded to Chen Wei's words.

  After seeing Chen Wei running over specifically, Wood had already walked over.

   These days, he and his Scourge Druids are not idle at all.

  As long as there is mana, they will put a volcano spell nearby, and let the ancient volcano tree handle it.

  Not to mention other things, the speed at which they cast volcanoes is now a bit faster than others.

   Now that they think about it, there will be another ten days of volcanic spells, and everyone feels that they are about to die.

  So when he saw Chen Wei coming, Wood ran over immediately, just to relax.

   "Ten days, that's too soon. We haven't made the name of the Scourge Lord yet, and the elves haven't fully noticed us yet. Now we still have time."

   "But the elves won't delay for too long. The reason why the elves are not moving now is that there is no news from above. As long as the order from the elves holy city is issued and the elves are mobilized across the country, then our time is really running out."

   Speaking of this, Wood paused.

"What's wrong?"

   "Elves will end all battles within a year."

   Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

  Their rookie players' biggest role is to use their bodies to suppress the power of the ancient gods.

   This suppressive effect only takes effect within one year after rookie players enter the novice world.

   Judging from the personality of the elves, they must hope to take advantage of it when fighting.

  So they will definitely attack again before the rookie players' abilities disappear.

  When the time comes, their attack will definitely be a nationwide strike in the kingdom of elves.

  Thinking of this reason, Chen Wei felt that his territory would be safer.

  He can just take advantage of this opportunity to complete the task of breaking out of the novice world.

  Thinking of this task, Chen Wei remembered the reason why he came here.

   "Wood, opening campaign 2, which profession would be better."

  Hearing Chen Wei's question, Wood understood what Chen Wei wanted to do.

   "In the opening campaign, there are many, but if you go straight to campaign 2, you will have fewer choices. Do you plan to go to the law department or the physics department? Do you have any preference for race?"

   "Is there anything special about this?"

   "Of course, why don't you think why our elves have thirteen shrines besides the main city? This is the partial number of different races."

  Chen Wei thought for a while, he had encountered an elf hero who could control the undead before, and he understood it on the spot.

   "I don't have a clear preference. The magic system is naturally the best. I don't have much talent in physical attack and command. Even in battle, I want to hide behind and cast spells."

   "For a mage, there are three professions to choose from.

  Battle 2, battle 2, battle 1, battle 2, battle 2, battle 1 and finally battle 2, after the legend, start again at this rhythm, this is the path of a serious archmage.

  I don't know about the others, but the legendary level is definitely achievable.

  However, this path also has a limitation. The upgrade process must be carried out according to the requirements. If you make a wrong step, you will directly become a mage from an archmage.

  Battle 2, battle 3, repeat this rhythm. This is a battle mage. Many heroes in the elves take this route. In addition to using magic to fight, they can also fight in close combat. It is a relatively practical magic class.

  Campaign 3 and Battle 1 are also repeated upgrades according to the rhythm. This is an elemental mage. Because the combat ability is not strong, so there are relatively few people who take this route, but it is not impossible. If you want to go, you can also try it.

   In addition, there are wizards, witches, warlocks and other legal professions, but they all have to start with a combat level, so you just cut off the route. "

  Hearing so many career choices, Chen Wei's eyes lit up.

  He didn't make a choice right away, but asked about the characteristics of each profession.

   Speaking of this, Wood became energetic.

"The Archmage is the top existence among mages. The four elements of earth, water, wind and fire can be learned to level 5, and the magic of light, darkness, undead, life, spirit, and soul can be learned to level 4. Other miscellaneous magic can be learned Level 3.

   It can be said that the archmage has learned the most spells without special task promotion.

  At the same time, the archmage is also the one with the strongest mana and the strongest magic attack.

  The most important thing is that the archmage can build a special archmage tower in the city. After hearing the legend, he can also be promoted to the rank of grand magister.

  If it weren't for the strict requirements of the Archmage route, and it is a late-stage hero, many people would choose the Archmage.

  Battle mages have nothing to say. The four magics of earth, water, wind and fire can be learned to level 4, and miscellaneous magic can be learned to level 4. Magic of light, darkness, and undead cannot be learned.

  They learn magic mainly for use in battle. When they fight, they are used to bless themselves with all kinds of magic. At the same time, the same is true for the troops they bring. Blessing is their fighting philosophy.

Elemental mages are just the opposite. The four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire magic can be learned to level 5, which is the same as that of the archmage. At the same time, they can learn the magic of light and darkness, and they can learn the magic of the third line. Other magic cannot be learned. .

They are used to attacking with elemental magic. Some people directly specialize in one element. For example, demons have a special kind of elemental mage called fire controller. They directly specialize in fire magic, plus other enhanced magic The attack method is still very powerful in battle.

  The elves also have this type, but the elves mainly use wind and water.

  In addition to druids, there are not many elemental mages.

As for wizards and witches, they are the existences who master miscellaneous magic. They can learn all kinds of spells, but they can only learn to level 3, but learning magic is the most comprehensive one. It is not as good as the archmage, but it is better than simple. , even if something goes wrong during the upgrade, it will not affect their subsequent upgrades.

  Warlocks are based entirely on blood, but you have a lot of little devils, you can actually be a demon warlock, or you can be a necromancer. "

  Wood talked about various situations of legal professions.

   And Chen Wei also listened carefully.

  After listening to it, he still decided that the profession of Archmage was the most suitable for him.

  Although in Wood's statement, the profession of Archmage has various requirements.

   But it’s really good to not be able to hold on to this profession.

  The most important thing is that this profession listens to the atmosphere.

  You said that you don’t want to choose a good archmage, so maybe let Chen Wei choose the necromancer.

  So after Wood clarified the situation of these legal professions, he began to ask in detail about the route of the Archmage's inauguration.

  (end of this chapter)

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