The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 362: Interception on the road (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 362 Interception on the road (for subscription)

   Although complaining about the high consumption of teleportation, Chen Wei is actually very satisfied with this operation.

   All his troops were sent over, and it didn't take much time.

   "Get ready, set off immediately, and rest when you get to the place."

   However, Chen Wei didn't have much time to rest here. He glanced back at the situation behind him, and immediately issued an order.

   Right now, this place is really not a place to rest.

  Chen Wei insisted on drinking a bottle of unpalatable magic potion, replenished his mana a bit, activated the rush spell and other spells, and started a new round of rush.

  This time they didn't encounter any obvious troubles.

  Chen Wei's mana was also slowly recovering during this haste.

   When they arrived at the designated location within the last time limit, Chen Wei's mana had recovered by about 10%.

   But to Chen Wei, this is not a big mana.

  Chen Wei was worried all the way, afraid that something might go wrong.

  So when the team stopped, Mr. Chen Wei simply handed over the command to Shirley and the others. He put down the skeleton wall by himself, fell down and went to sleep.

   When Chen Wei woke up after replenishing his mana, he found that his soldiers were ready to fight.

  Shirley has also arranged all the information points to be arranged.

   "Have you encountered any problems?"

  Among the three subordinates brought by Chen Wei, only Shirley is a comprehensive hero, so if Chen Wei has anything to do now, he just goes to Shirley directly.

   "No big problem."

  Xue Li told about what happened after Chen Wei fell asleep.

  Chen Wei listened to the situation carefully, and then contacted the natural disaster leader to inquire about the situation there.

   After everything was dealt with, Chen Wei said to Xue Li and the others.

"Get ready to go, the next road is not as simple as we thought, we only know the direction, if we encounter any uncertain situation, we need to retreat, so you must clarify the situation, don't any problems."

   After saying this, Chen Wei led his men out.

  The forest goblins should also start to play their role at this time.

  There is only one task for them, and that is to use their luck to determine the route.

  Although they could not perceive many things while running, Chen Wei still let the forest goblin lead the way.

  The forest goblin's combat power is not very good, but in terms of luck, no one can match them.

  With them leading the way, Chen Wei really bypassed many dangerous places.

   But it’s not the same as running non-stop before.

  From this section of the road, Chen Wei would stop every hour to reconfirm the direction.

  He needs to ensure that his main direction is not wrong.

   After all, he went with a goal.

  If the direction is a little bit wrong, the distance from the target may be tens of thousands of miles away.

  In order to ensure that he does not make mistakes, Chen Wei would rather use this method to stop and review the situation more often than to readjust his position in the end.

   In this way, Chen Wei's movement speed has not been fully increased. Whenever his speed is about to reach the limit, he always stops to confirm the direction.

  This may feel troublesome if placed on other people.

  But Chen Wei didn't think so.

  At this time, Chen Wei had the same thoughts as when he just entered this novice world.

  He is always testing everything around him.

  As Chen Wei went deep into the hinterland of the elves, he also slowly encountered some elves' teams along the way.

   Fortunately, Chen Wei moved relatively fast, and with the banner of Ashbone Shrine, no one asked about Chen Wei's affairs along the way.

   They glanced at the troops led by Chen Wei, but said nothing.

  Although Chen Wei didn't bring elves with him, the training method of the Shuhai Army was obviously the same as that of elf secret archers.

   From this, we can know that Chen Wei belongs to the elves.

  In addition, this place is far away from Chen Wei's natural disaster territory, so the elves didn't suspect Chen Wei.

   But even so, Chen Wei was cautious along the way.

   When encountering an elf army, although Chen Wei did not take the initiative to attack, he still guarded against the opponent.

  For such a situation, the elf troops passing by didn't care.

  The people of Ashbone Shrine are still in this situation.

  In their eyes, all other troops that are not Ashbone Shrine are their synthetic materials.

  Chen Wei's eyes are considered good in their opinion.

  So when Chen Wei's team and the elf's team met, they all stared at each other from a distance, neither made a move nor said hello, and just took a detour.

  Although this was a bit troublesome, it didn't cause any trouble after all.

   It took another three days like this.

  Chen Wei finally ran into trouble.

   This time, a player took the initiative to attack the nearby elf clan land.

   As a result, the elf clan sent out a distress signal.

   Several nearby elf clans also sent troops to help.

  At this time, Chen Wei's troops, who were going out with all their heart, looked very abrupt.

  So a 100-man elf army came to block Chen Wei and let Chen Wei go to help the elf clan.

   Regarding this situation, Chen Wei immediately became angry.

  He has already detoured, and you still block me, this is what you are looking for.

  So Chen Wei retreated, and led the elf hero who came to block him to the nearby woods.

  Before the elf hero could react, Shu Xin directly shot and killed the leading hero.

   Then Chen Wei didn't need to make a move. As soon as the bone secret archer of the Shuhai Army made a move, he killed all the more than a hundred elves.

   When the nearby elf clans realized that something was wrong, Chen Wei had already left.

  However, this situation has spread, and the news spread from the elves' territory that someone has sneaked into the core position of the elves.

   Although this news was not accurate to Chen Wei.

  But it also brought a lot of trouble to Chen Wei's way forward.

  At least there are more checks on the road.

  All troops who want to get close to the elf clan will be strictly checked by their respective elf clan.

   As a result, this interrogation just happened to block Chen Wei in a road.

  Because the location he was going to happened to pass by the land of an elf clan.

   Originally, he could pass through the sentry post of the elf clan, as long as he passed the sentry post, he could take a detour.

  But now the elf clan is strictly interrogating, and all teams that pass through the sentry will be interrogated about their origins.

   This directly blocked Chen Wei.

  He really wanted to fight directly, but he knew that as long as he fought, the elf clan behind him would react, and he would be dragged into the melee.

   But if you make another detour, the thousands of miles ahead will be in vain.

  The most important thing is that he is not sure whether the situation is the same in other places after the detour.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wei finally made a decision to give the elf clan a hard time.

  (end of this chapter)

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