The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 364: Elven Holy Land (Subscription required)

  Chapter 364 Elven Holy Land (for subscription)


  With a loud noise, a pillar of fire went straight to the sky.

  All the guard posts nearby saw this scene.

   These elf guards never expected that they were still guarding the road, but their clan land was stolen by someone.

   All the elves couldn't sit still anymore, they quickly dispatched, wanting to rush back to see what happened.

   At this time, Chen Wei, who had finished casting his magic, also happened to let the skeleton mage withdraw and retreated to the side.

  The location they chose was not the best route for the elves to rush back.

   So not many elves noticed them.

   When the elves rushed back, Shirley also saw the pillar of fire reaching the sky.

  She immediately understood that this was the signal Chen Wei said.

  So Shirley quickly led her men through the unguarded sentry post and entered the core area of ​​the elf clan.

  Chen Wei also went to the location agreed with Shirley at the beginning.

   This time he didn't consume much mana, it just happened that this spell was powerful enough.

   Before setting off, Chen Wei looked back at the elves.

   At this time, a red light mask shrouded the elf clan's clan ground.

   If you didn't look closely, you would think it was a defensive cover.

   But in fact, it was formed by the burning flames in the city being trapped by the wind and unable to leave.

  In the flames are the twisted souls of the burned elves.

   Not long after Chen Wei left with his men, the elves in the sentry rushed back.

  As soon as they saw the situation here, they wanted to rush into the city to save people.

   But they rushed out and were beaten back, unable to rush into the city at all.

  Because of the chaotic scene, they didn't realize that some sentry elves hadn't returned to their positions.

  At this time, Chen Wei also found that this situation was not quite right.

  He quickly contacted Shu Xin, "Shu Xin, which side of the enemy did you kill?"

   "Killed the enemy at the southern sentry post, but did not stop the other two positions."

   "Leave them alone, as if we didn't know about it, let's leave."

  Chen Wei judged the situation, and now the elves are still focusing on their clan land.

   There is no time to pay attention to the situation of the outer guard posts.

  Now is a good time to sneak past the guard posts.

   It's just a pity that Chen Weiyi's plan to divert disasters to the east only killed one sentry troop, and failed to achieve the effect Chen Wei was most satisfied with.

  If the elves have the heart, they can really find out their whereabouts.

  But the current Chen Wei can only let it go like this.

  After all, it is unlikely that he will go back and kill the elves now.

   Besides, although Shuxin only took down one sentry soldier.

   But that happened to be not the direction Chen Wei and the others were going.

   This is also a coincidence. Chen Wei is leaving now. Although there is a risk of being discovered, the risk is not too great.

  Under Chen Wei's order, his troops regrouped again, quickly passed through the unguarded sentry post, and left the chaotic elf clan territory.

  After leaving the territory, Chen Wei quickly accelerated.

  He calculated the time, and it has been almost seven days since he left the Scourge Territory, and the journey is only halfway through.

  Although there were various reasons, Chen Wei was still in a hurry.

   It's just that Chen Wei also understands that no matter how anxious he is at this time, he can't mess up.

   If he gets into a mess, he will be discovered by the elves, and then it will not be a matter of rushing, but a matter of being hunted down.

  Suppressing the thought of rushing madly in his heart, Chen Wei continued to move forward according to the original plan.

  During the next two days, Chen Wei's luck was pretty good, and he didn't encounter any obvious enemies along the way.

   Naturally, no one noticed their actions, which made them move a little faster.

  On the tenth day, Chen Wei ran into trouble again.

  According to the map in Chen Wei's hand, normally, they only need to pass through one more plain before they can enter the three major teleportation points of the elves.

   But right here, Chen Wei encountered an elf patrol.

   "Stop, who are you, don't go any further."

  Chen Wei was a little speechless when he saw this situation.

  Chen Wei has never seen the banner played by the opponent, but it is obvious that they are from the Jingu.

  Chen Wei regretted not bringing an elf over this time. He couldn't respond to such a situation.

   "Who are you from Ashbone Shrine?"

   "Earth Shrine, it's our Shrine's turn to protect the Holy Land this year, don't you guys know?"

   "I don't know, isn't it the Golden Shrine, you guys are fighting again?"

  Chen Wei knows a little more about the Earth God Palace. After all, the ancient volcanic tree under him has been partially inherited from the Earth God Palace.

  Chen Wei will have more contact with the ancient volcano tree, and at this time his words come out of his mouth.

  As soon as he heard this, the elf hero of the Earth God Palace thought Chen Wei was a friend.

   After all, the best way to talk to people from the Earth Shrine is to discuss the issue of the Golden Shrine.

Hearing this, he immediately said: "Where did the fight start? They couldn't do it themselves. They ran over to provoke us. As a result, we didn't even produce limit creatures, so we produced a few quasi-limit creatures and knocked them out. "

   "Sure enough, it seems that your battle with the Golden Shrine did not affect your strength. You can still send people out to patrol the Holy Land, which is really amazing."

   "That is, it's not us bragging. With the ability of our Earth God Palace, we can protect the three holy places with one force. This kind of protection of the holy places should be entrusted to us."

  Chen Wei smiled, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

  He has already seen that the elf holy place mentioned here should refer to the location where the portal can be placed.

  And each shrine has the same idea about protecting the holy land.

   That is to occupy this position.

  But what is the reason for this?

   Is it possible to stay here and get more powerful power?

  Chen Wei thought this in his heart, but there was no reaction on the surface.

   After all, he is now the person who is pretending to be Ashbone Shrine.

  If it is a person from the shrine, then how can it be possible not to understand the situation of the Holy Land.

  So Chen Wei didn't ask in detail.

   Just said casually: "Isn't this location still some distance from the Holy Land? Why is it not allowed to pass through here?"

   "Oh, this year the Holy Land has moved, and it has gone about 1,700 kilometers to the east. This area happens to be classified as a non-key defense area, but no matter how non-key it is, someone needs to be guarded, so I was sent here.

   But it’s a good thing, at least I’m still free, those guarding the Holy Land are as tired as dogs now, they never imagined that the city that was specially built for the Holy Land before would not be used, hahaha…”

  (end of this chapter)

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