The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 375: Defeating the enemy plan (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 375 Defeating the enemy plan (for subscription)

  Looking at the map drawn by Wood, Chen Wei knew that this was the situation he was about to face now.

  These three cities are the biggest enemies Chen Wei has to face right now.

   Among them, Hurricane City is on the side of Extreme Speed ​​Town, Hundred Ghost Forest is a direction that Chen Wei has been neglecting, and Southern Star City is located behind the original Elven Giant Tree City.

  Although these three cities are far away from Chen Wei's territory.

   But as Wood said, as long as they want, they can definitely prepare troops within three days.

   As for whether they will be as stupid as the Elf Giant Tree City and cut off their own retreat, it depends on the situation.

   "What do you think if I arrange a large amount of weird pollen on the periphery?"

  Chen Wei hesitated for a moment before asking.

  Chen Wei himself doesn't know where the limit of the pollen centaur is.

  After all the arrangements are made, Chen Wei's territory will be destroyed.

   At that time, he wants to go out and needs to clean up all kinds of pollen.

  Even usually have to avoid those pollen Caixing.

   "My lord, planting pollen is sometimes useless. The legendary units in the main city at level 9 are quite comprehensive. There may be no golden dragons, but there must be green dragons. The flying troops just fly over from the sky.

  Pollen will have some impact on the ground, but the sky may not be able to hold it. "

   "That's better than doing nothing."

  Chen Wei made some calculations, the only way he can set up a defensive line now is pollen.

   It would be easier for Chen Wei to let the enemy enter less.

   "However, this will consume the number of centaurs. Our current strength is insufficient. Judging from the situation of the adults, the only thing that can be used to deal with Hurricane City in the Wind Department is the Extreme Speed ​​Town on the side of the centaur.

   Consuming the power of the centaur is tantamount to directly destroying Extreme Speed ​​Town. "

  Chen Wei also calmed down when he heard it, and at the same time he also wanted to understand that arranging pollen can block some elves, but it will also block most players.

   Now that the players have not reached Chen Wei's territory, if they cut off the road directly, it is tantamount to giving up other players.

   "I'll think of another way."

  Chen Wei finally gave up on this idea.

  However, he still asked about the situation of the three cities of the elves in detail.

   After all, they are the closest to him right now.

  If Chen Wei's arrangement of the portal is really discovered, these three cities must have called at the first time.

   "I don't know much about these three cities. After all, their level is too low, and we have no way to fully understand them."

   Chen Wei also believed in Wood's statement.

   After all, even in the same country, it is impossible to know the situation of all counties.

   Sometimes you may not even have heard of the place names.

  He can know the names of these three cities entirely because these three cities have reached level 9.

  It's like knowing the place names of the capitals of various provinces.

  But if we really want to talk about the situation of these three cities, it is really unclear.

   "I only know that the wind department has the ability to control the wind. They are divided into two types: those who control the wind and those who are the wind themselves. If they have the means to control the wind, they can forcefully blow pollen.

  Hundred Ghost Forest is backed by the Green Breath Shrine. They play with zombies and ghosts. These things will also spread plagues and the like. Although the movement speed is slow, it is not a problem in terms of the number of people.

  As for the mysterious background of Southern Star City, I only know that they have prophets and astrologers, and I don’t know about the others. "

   "What if I attack early? Can I win one or two cities?"

   "My lord, don't make extravagant issues now, your time is running out now."

  Chen Wei finally realized that he really only had more than three months left.

  Now he puts all his energy into building the portal and it may not be completed yet.

  He still has the mind to be distracted to fight other 9th-level cities, which really dislikes himself for too long.

   "Thanks, I almost forgot what was most important."

   As soon as Chen Wei thanked Wood, Chen focused on more important things.

  As for these three cities, Chen Wei planned to keep an eye on them first.

  After the three cities move, he will consider how to lead the troops of these three cities to other places.

   "Wood, what if you say I build more portals?"

  Hearing Chen Wei's question, Wood looked as if you were crazy.

   "My lord, building just one portal like this is already fatal. If we build a few more, even if we have enough resources, we don't have so many people to stop the counterattack of the elves."

   "I mean, let's make nine false and one true, so that people don't know where we want to build the portal?"

   The more Chen Wei said, the more he felt that his plan was feasible.

  But what Wood said made Chen Wei dispel this idea.

   "My lord, only building a portal will attract the attention of the elves, but the elves are not stupid. If we don't send people to guard it, they will soon destroy the portal.

  When the time comes, they will know where we are as soon as they check. If we make things bigger, they will discover our existence in the first place. "

   Chen Wei thought about it seriously, and this is really the case.

   Now he has not been exposed.

  He still has time to plan and build the portal.

  As long as the process of collecting materials is kept secret and the speed of building the portal is faster, the portal can be built before the enemy reacts.

   At that time, he only needs to guard the portal.

   Doing so requires minimal effort.

  And the enemies you face may not necessarily be all elves.

   Instead, Chen Wei built portals everywhere, which is equivalent to telling the elves that someone is going to build a portal and is about to leave.

  At that time, it will cause a reaction from the elf kingdom.

   "Okay, I understand. During this time, you should organize your troops first. We are going to have a big battle with the elves next."

  Wood knew that Chen Wei had made a choice when he saw it.

"I see."

   "This is for you, I don't bring much back, but I think it will be of some use to you."

   While speaking, Chen Wei put down a shard of earth vein crystal in front of Wood.

  Wood's eyes lit up when he saw this fragment.

   "This is a good thing, my lord, if there is any, I can find a way to strengthen some legendary heroes.

  The biggest difference between us and level 9 cities is not in the legendary arms, but in the legendary heroes.

  Now you only have me as a legendary hero under your command. Even if you have extreme creatures, they still have insufficient combat power.

   If adults want to deal with battles in several directions at the same time, then at least three legendary heroes are needed. "

   "I will find a way to deal with this matter. You can keep an eye on Yongye Town. I will send the materials over in a few days."

   "Material? My lord, do you want to build here..."


  (end of this chapter)

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