The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 382: The retreat of the centaur (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 382 The Centaur's Retreat (for subscription)

  【Hero attributes】

  Name: Powerpeck

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary 12)

   Race: Nightmare Centaur

  Level: Extraordinary Level 6

  Talent: Centaur Hero (Every time the level increases by 1, the centaur under his command will attack +2 and defend +1)

  Battle attributes: strength 8, agility 19, constitution 11, perception 3, intelligence 6

  Battle attributes: Attack 2, Defense 2, Magic 1, Wisdom 3

  Initial skills: Level 2 Leadership, Level 1 Logistics, Level 1 Pathfinding, Level 1 Wind Magic

   Legion: None, None, None, None, None, None, None

  Explanation: Pecking is a special centaur. Since he was born, he knew what he was going to shoulder. It is his mission to lead the centaur to a free country.

  Looking at the red centaur in front of him, which was obviously much smaller than Zhuifeng, Chen Wei asked with some doubts.

"Your son?"

  Zhuifeng burst out laughing when he heard it, "I saw it, so I told Hongjisu that the boss could tell it at a glance, but she still didn't believe it."

   "Such a talent is not bad, what are you going to do with it?"

  Chen Wei has already understood Zhuifeng's plan at this time, and his current level has almost reached the limit.

   No matter how hard it is strengthened, it will not go anywhere.

   But his son's potential has just begun.

  If Chen Wei can help him, it will not be a problem to become a legend.

  For the centaur, the difference now is the legendary level.

  As long as there is a legendary level, the centaur will have some confidence, even if there are only one or two cities belonging to the centaur, they can persist.

   "I hope the boss will give him a chance to see if he can go further."

  Chen Wei took out the shards of earth vein crystals and said, "This is the only one I have left. This is the most suitable for your son, and it is also the safest one."

   "Ask the boss to give him a try."

  Zhuifeng finished speaking, but Pecking on the side said.

   "My lord, I heard that you have the ancient **** corpse oil in your hand, I want to try that."

  Hearing this, Chen Wei and Zhuifeng were stunned.

   "You have to think about it clearly, the ancient **** corpse oil is not a good thing, it is much more dangerous than the leyline crystal fragments in my hand."

   "Yeah, Peck, this is no joke."

  Peng Dian looked serious, "I know, but I also know that I can still be saved if I use the Ancient God Corpse Oil now. If I use the Ancient God Corpse Oil after three months, I really have no chance."

   "But why do you have to pursue the ancient **** corpse oil?"

  Chen Wei was still a little puzzled.

  Pecking Dian said very seriously: "It's very simple, I checked the situation of the elves, no matter what their ultimate creatures are, they are all strengthened with ancient **** corpse oil.

  This shows that Ancient God Corpse Oil is a good choice.

  And I need to think about it after my lord leaves here. After my lord leaves, I want to strengthen it. Is it the only way to go the way of the ancient gods? "

  Chen Wei glanced at Zhuifeng, and Zhuifeng nodded in embarrassment.

   "Okay, let's go to the ancient god's corpse oil. If there are other people, I will definitely say no, but with your relationship with Zhuifeng, I will have some. You stand here."

  Chen Wei beckoned to Pecking, and took him aside.

   Chasing the wind looked nervous nearby.

  Chen Wei also ignored the mood of chasing the wind, and directly put the power pecking in the synthesis formula

  【Nightmare Centaur】+【Ancient God Corpse Oil】=【? ? ? (Success rate 65%)] (consumes mana 40 points)

   "The success rate is 6.50%. You can take a gamble. The mana consumption is not small. You can rush to the legendary level, but there is no way to reach the legendary level 12. Do you really want to try?"


   "Okay, stand up, don't think too much, synthesize."

  Chen Wei gave an order, and a little ancient **** corpse oil fell on Peck Dian.

   Then a distorted purple light began to spread outwards by pecking electricity.

   This kind of light frightened Zhuifeng, he said quickly: "My lord, his situation"

   "The conflict between the power of ancient gods and demons is a bad thing and a good thing"

  Chen Wei could see the situation here at a glance. Synthesizing with Ancient God Corpse Oil was the most sudden problem, and the color would change drastically when synthesizing.

  Chen Wei sometimes can't see what the effect of this synthesis will be, and he can't see whether there are other opportunities for the fate of the electric peck

  Now they can only wait here.

   Fortunately, this pecking power is relatively lucky.

  As all the purple lines turned into magic circles and fell on Dian Peck, the tattoos on his body surface also changed.

  Among these tattoos, most of them are magma red lines, but a few are obvious purple.

   It's just these purple parts, which look like big and small eyes. Although they are not real eyes, they already have a trace of the majesty of the ancient gods.

  After the tattoo on Peck Dian's body was completely solidified, Chen Wei's eyes lit up

  【Complete natural disaster synthesis, get legendary quality - Nightmare Centaur】

  【Hero attributes】

  Name: Powerpeck

   Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 8)

   Race: Nightmare Centaur

  Level: Extraordinary Level 8

  Talent: Centaur Hero (Every time the level increases by 1, the centaur under his command will attack +2 and defend +1)

  Battle attributes: strength 8, agility 19, constitution 11, perception 3, intelligence 6

  Battle attributes: Attack 2, Defense 2, Magic 1, Wisdom 3

  Initial skills: Level 2 Leadership, Level 1 Logistics, Level 1 Pathfinding, Level 1 Wind Magic, Level 1 Illusion

   Legion: None, None, None, None, None, None, None

Explanation: The centaur who has taken a new path, the route of the nightmare centaur is no longer suitable for him, he is no longer a person who can support an army, but he has begun to master the way to enter other people's dreams, as long as he can escape into other people's dreams In , he is not so easy to kill.

   After taking a look at Pecking's situation, Chen Wei turned his head to look at Zhuifeng.

"what do you think?"

"The means of the nightmare centaur are missing, but the self-protection ability has been strengthened. It is a gain and a loss, but this is also good, so that he can take another route. As for his defensive troops following him, there is no need to worry at all. "

  Zhuifeng saw the situation of the pecking electricity at a glance, but he still sighed somewhat. After all, what Zhuifeng wants most is actually the talent of acceleration.

   It's a pity that this kind of talent is quite rare, even if Chen Wei synthesized it, he has never seen it.

   "Okay, you have grown up, go back now, I have prepared everything for you, take your things and leave quickly, after you leave the natural disaster area, everything is up to you.

  Remember what I said, everything is considered by the centaur, if not, give birth to a pony as soon as possible, and one day, there will be a centaur king. "

  (end of this chapter)

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