The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 398: Infiltrating Elf (Subscription required)

  Chapter 398 The Infiltrating Elf (for subscription)

   "How did they stop? Are they crazy?"

   Chen Wei was speechless after receiving the latest battle report.

   What kind of situation is this, the elves let him go?

This is impossible.

  Chen Wei overturned some ideas in an instant.

  The elves must have their own plans.

  Although they don't know what they want to do, the extra time is also time.

  Chen Wei decisively ordered to strengthen the defense in all aspects.

  At the same time, Chen Wei has already sent some prepared hole cards to the front line of defense.

  With the mobilization of Chen Wei's troops, some loopholes appeared in his territory.

  A team composed entirely of legendary heroes and legendary arms is shuttling through these loopholes.

  Headed by a legendary assassin hero, he has talents beyond normal people.

   You can find gaps in the army to sneak in.

   It was he who sneaked into Chen Wei's territory with other legends, heading towards the portal.

   "Follow up, this time we can say that luck has come, that guy must be in front of the portal, as long as we kill him, the portal will be in our hands.

  This is a great contribution.

  Don't talk about anything else, let's... No, why is there one person missing, didn't I tell you not to run around? "

   The legendary assassin who was talking turned around and realized that something was wrong.

   There is one less person among the legendary heroes and legendary units who sneaked in after him.

  Although their team was improvised.

   But this is an all-hands legend.

  Besides him becoming the captain because of his infiltration experience, there are also three legendary heroes and seven legendary arms.

  Among the seven legendary arms, there are three legendary arms unique to the elves, the dense forest shooter, the phantom shooter and the unicorn shooter.

  The Jungle Archer is an upgraded version of the Elven Secret Archer. It is very similar to the Tree Sea Army in the heart of the tree. It has super fighting ability in the woods.

  Phantom Shooter is a strong player in ultra-long-range shooting, with a range of more than three kilometers. The most important thing is that the power will not drop after such a long range.

  Unicorn shooters are the krypton gold bosses among the three shooters. They rely on the unicorn bow in their hands. The bow is made of unicorn skulls, and the strings are unicorn tail hairs.

  These three special legendary arms, together with the War Mage, Shepherd and Druid, the seven legendary arms can be regarded as the strong ones that can be temporarily picked out by the elves except for those strange beasts.

  When they came, they had already made various preparations to deal with various situations they encountered.

   As a result, they entered Chen Wei's territory, and they hadn't found the enemy yet, and there was one less person when they looked up.

   What is missing is the jungle shooter that is most suitable for fighting in the woods.

   How could this not surprise the legendary assassin.

   "Everyone be careful, there is something wrong with this forest, let's leave quickly."

  The legendary assassin quickly ordered, he knew that under such circumstances, finding someone would be impossible.

  They don't have that much time.

  They can only choose to rush forward all the way.

  As for the brother who accidentally disappeared, I can't control it for the time being.

  But it is impossible for them to leave quickly.

   It turned out that the position that this group of people entered was not a good position. In order to avoid Chen Wei's army, this group of people chose places where there were no people.

   As a result, they rushed into the woods of mechanical monsters.

  Because this world has experienced the fusion of many worlds, the whole world has been distorted out of shape.

   Such a forest of strange old trees in front of them is common to them.

  They never thought that they would encounter such a situation in the woods.

   Lost the most proficient archer in woods combat.

  Now they can only leave the woods quickly.

   As for the lack of troop strength, we will wait until we get out of the woods.

  The legendary assassin made such an arrangement, and the three legendary heroes nodded.

  They will follow, and naturally they have their own means.

   But this method is to be used after meeting Chen Wei.

   Now is not the time.

  Now that they can run, they naturally have to run faster.

   But they have entered the woods of mechanical ghosts.

  All their actions were discovered by the mechanical ghost.

  When Chen Wei brought the crystal fragments of the leylines over, the mechanical ghost body didn't want it.

  But it doesn't mean that the mechanical spooky body hasn't grown during this period.

  At this time, the mechanical spooky body is in a state of metamorphosis because it has devoured quite a lot of woods.

  His current situation is equivalent to the creature sent by the Earth God Palace to deal with Chen Wei, but was turned into an ancient volcanic tree by Chen Wei.

   have reached the edge of extreme creatures.

   Now, the mechanical warp is using the fighting method of extreme creatures to deal with this group of legendary creatures that ran into his body by itself, and he is still a little sure.

  In fact, when these guys entered the woods, the mechanical ghost body was ready to shoot.

  He immediately selected the most suitable jungle shooter for fighting in the woods as the target, also in order to kill the most difficult ones.

  Without Jungle Shooter, these enemies are nothing.

  The current mechanical monster quietly adjusted the structure of the forest.

  At the same time, the Souhun mecha appeared nearby with his mecha bodyguard.

  As the four major mechatronics under the mechanical ghost body, the current strength of the Suohun machine has also broken through the upper limit.

   Reach the legendary level 1.

  As for the body guards under him, the combat power is almost in the range of extraordinary level 8 to level 9.

  In the woods, their combat effectiveness will be improved, but not much.

  However, the Suohun body has a different fighting style from normal people.

  In addition to acting as the messenger of the mechanical treacherous body, the Suohun body also has the ability to hunt down and kill the enemy.

   Enemies targeted by the soul-destroyer will be attacked again and again by the soul-destroyer.

  Even if the body of Suohun's body is destroyed, a new body will appear immediately to fill the gap.

   Now it is the same this time, when the Suohun body was sent out, it immediately focused on the remaining two legendary shooters.

  His idea is the same as that of the mechanical ghost, let's ignore the other things first, and let the shooter be turned over first.

In the woods, the combat methods, animal husbandry, and so on are not the most powerful. Only the elf shooter troops are the strongest combat force in the woods. As long as these shooters are killed, the Suohun body can guarantee that there will be no enemies here. Can't escape the woods either.

  The assassin leading the way has actually been guarding against this all along.

   After the jungle shooter disappeared, he found enemies in the woods.

  So he appears to be leading the way on the surface, but in fact he has been paying attention to the situation behind him.

  When he found the figure of Suo Hun's body, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   It is a good thing to find the enemy. As assassins, what they fear most is the invisible enemy.

  (end of this chapter)

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