The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 403: Summon the magic circle (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 403 Summoning the Magic Circle (for subscription)

   "My lord's side."

  With the help of Wood, Chen Wei brought part of the team to the coordinates.

  Chen Wei borrowed the power of the magic circle to teleport this time.

   It was a bit tiring, but I have to say it worked out pretty well.

  The most important thing is to have Wood's protection. When Chen Wei and the others came over, no one noticed.

   "Hey, isn't this a tree man? What happened to them?"

   Appeared with his subordinates, Chen Wei saw the situation in front of him.

The tree on the Elf's side has turned pink. Pink flowers bloomed on the branches of the treants and dryads. There are a lot of eyes in the flowers. It can be seen that they have been pollinated by centaur pollen. Impact.

   Now the somewhat distorted pollen has been deified.

  Beside these treants, there are many creatures that look like elves but without butterfly wings. They hold clusters of green light in their hands, and are helping the treants and dryads to clean up the pollen on their bodies.

  These creatures are called forest spirits, which are a type of fairies.

  However, they are not like fairies, which have the characteristics of not being discovered by others. Instead, they have the ability to communicate with tree people and tree spirits, and use natural power to heal tree people and tree spirits.

  If it is an older Lin Jing elder, he can even become the family of the ancient tree.

   Right now they are cleaning the pollen off the treants and dryads.

  Their method of cleaning up the pollen is very simple. They cut off the part that is stained with pollen, and then use their methods to restore the vitality of the treants and dryads.

   As long as they recover faster, they can get rid of all the pollen.

  But now that Chen Wei is here, everything becomes different.

  The treants and dryads affected by the pollen are the best materials.

   "Take that thing out, we're ready to start, and Wood, be careful yourself."

  Wood laughed as soon as he heard it, "Don't worry, my lord, I have the strength now, and with this, no one will find out what I'm doing."

   After speaking, Wood clapped a small box in his hand, which was the Pandora's box he used to hold Amonred's avatar.

   "Okay, leave the matter here to me."

  Chen Wei waved his hand, and the men he brought dragged out a barrel of oil.

   These oils are the ancient **** corpse oil provided by Yongye Town.

  Because all of them were just mined and hadn't been processed, when Chen Wei's men carried them out, they were far away.

  Now this kind of ancient **** corpse oil can only be used by rookie players like Chen Wei.

   All the rest will be affected.

   After Chen Wei took out the ancient **** corpse oil, he immediately took out two pieces of earth vein crystal fragments.

   After that, Chen Wei gritted his teeth and quickly took out the ancient tree life liquid, the earth vein life essence and other things.

  Chen Wei still has a lot of ancient **** corpse oil and earth vein crystal fragments, but Chen Wei doesn't have many such things as ancient tree life liquid and earth vein life essence.

   These are Chen Wei's legacy.

  At this time, Chen Wei quickly drew a magic circle on the ground.

   This magic circle is a magic circle for teleportation and summoning.

  As long as this magic circle is used, nearby creatures can be sacrificed to summon more powerful creatures.

   Of course, the vicinity mentioned here refers to everything within about a kilometer outside the magic circle.

   As for which creatures the magic circle will choose as sacrifices, it depends on the thoughts of the creatures behind the magic circle.

  The reason why Chen Wei came here specially is because only he can arrange this magic circle.

   This was researched by Chen Wei himself when he left the portal of the novice world through research after he became a great mage.

  Chen Wei himself has never tried this magic circle, just read the description of the magic circle.

  So he is not sure whether the sacrifice needs to belong to his own creatures, or the enemy is also fine.

   It happened that Wood talked about the situation on the Elf's side.

  So he decided to run over and do an experiment.

  The men he brought over this time, except for a few skeleton mages who were used to activate the magic circle, the rest were all the most ordinary skeleton soldiers.

   They will be the sacrifice when the sacrifice is one of your own personnel.

  And those treants, dryads, and forest spirits are sacrifices when the source of the sacrifice is not limited.

  As for the materials that Chen Wei took out this time, they were all used to feed the magic circle.

   The creatures that this magic circle can summon are random.

  But it will be affected by the arrangement of magic circle materials and sacrifices.

   After all, sacrifices are inconspicuous, and the summoned creatures are also inconspicuous, right?

  Right now, what Chen Wei hopes most is that those treants and dryads will be recognized as sacrifices, so that the summoned existence will be interesting.

  If the tree man and dryad are not recognized, they can only hope that he will use the magic circle built with ancient **** corpse oil and other materials.

  After arranging the magic circle, Chen Wei left the skeleton soldiers here again, and finally left a skeleton mage.

  After doing everything, Chen Wei quickly sent back to his territory just like when he came.

  He did not teleport too far this time.

  He appeared at the forefront of the defense line on the Hundred Ghost Forest side.

   When he teleported away, a mage hero suddenly raised his head in the elf camp.

   "The situation is wrong, someone used the teleportation technique to enter and leave our camp."

  Elf commander immediately turned his head and looked over.

   "Did you read that right?"

   "No, I am an astrologer, and what I master is divination and space abilities. If someone uses teleportation, I will not be wrong."

   "Find him, dare to come to my camp as a spy, and see how I deal with him."

  The elf commander said immediately.

  Wood was still worried about what to do if Chen Wei was discovered, but the skeleton mage left behind by Chen Wei had easily activated the magic circle.

  As the magic power was injected into the magic circle, the skeleton mage and nearby skeleton soldiers were immediately swallowed by the magic circle.

   Then a huge thing that looked like a dragon's head or a snake's head protruded from the magic circle.

   This head is quite huge, but one eye is like a big round table where ten people sit.

  The eyes are not vertical pupils of snakes, but a special kind of double pupils.

   There are many eyelashes like tentacles beside the eyes.

   At the same time, its head is covered with scales made of white bones, each with sharp barbs.

  Poking out his head from the magic circle, the giant immediately saw the tree man and tree spirit being pollinated not far away.

   This made Longtou's eyes shine.

  It opened its mouth and sucked in the direction of the tree man and tree spirit.

  The treants and dryads who were being treated by the forest spirit only felt as if they were being sucked away by a powerful air current.

   They quickly planted roots in the ground, trying to prevent themselves from being dragged away.

  But they never expected that the pollen cut off by the forest spirits would come alive and quickly wrap around them, polluting the treants and dryads.

  Their bodies were quickly decomposed, and finally put together behind the huge dragon head, and began to form the neck and body.

  (end of this chapter)

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