The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 420: The Second Ancient Behemoth (Subscribe)

  Chapter 420 The Second Ancient Behemoth (Subscribe)


  With an explosion, the head of the ancient **** dragon was directly blown into pieces, leaving only half of the neck still hanging on the dragon's body.

   But the ancient **** dragon did not just die.

  After staying in the sky for a while, the ancient **** dragon shook its neck, and big eyes popped out of the sausage-like neck.

  Each eye looked at everything around with a strange gaze, and tried hard to control his body.

  In the absence of a head, the ancient **** dragon can live freely and fly in the direction where the golden dragon's head just flew away.

  Because there is no control of the head, the situation of the ancient **** dragon at this time is out of control.

  Where he flies, the eyes on his neck are always emitting different lights.

  As long as they are exposed to this light, no matter who they are, they will immediately begin to change under the influence of the power of the ancient gods.

  Some people simply can't withstand such power erosion, and their bodies explode before the transformation is completed.

   Their flesh and blood stained nearby intact creatures, which can also cause those creatures to mutate.

  The most important thing is that if these flesh and blood fall on the ground or into the water, they will quickly cause local pollution.

  As for how strong the pollution is, no one knows, because for people in this area, blood pollution is a trivial matter.

  What they faced was the pollution from the eyes of the ancient **** dragon in the sky.

   Those who withstood the pollution of the eyes have eyes all over their bodies, and the bones of their bodies are twisted. Some will attack everything around them madly, and some will bite their bodies there.

   It can be seen that it is useless to rescue them at this time.

  They are all deified.

  The entire area around here is doomed.

  In this area, there are three golden tree elf troops that have just entered the main battlefield.

  These three troops are specially driven from the Golden Tree.

   It took them two or three days to get here.

  Originally they came here to target Chen Wei's natural disaster leader.

   Halfway through, they received an order, and this time they had to face the existence of the ancient gods.

  For this order, they temporarily mobilized various materials that can restrain the ancient gods, and prepared weapons and equipment for themselves to deal with the power of the ancient gods.

   It turned out that they had prepared everything and entered this area, and they encountered such a thing.

  They underestimated the intensity of the erosion of the ancient gods.

  As far as the ancient **** equipment they have prepared, it is nothing to the power of the ancient **** at the level in front of them.

   Haven't seen the enemy yet, quite strong characteristics of ancient gods appeared on them.

  These soldiers knew what they were going to face from the very beginning. They were not like other people. As soon as they encountered such a situation, they immediately dealt with the mutated places on their bodies.

  The eyes and tentacles that grow out are cut off directly, and then drink the potion or something.

  But after they drank the potion, more changes took place in their bodies.

   Their bodies are like wax, which can be melted and solidified at any time.

  If the average person encounters such a thing, he must not know what happened.

  But they had received all kinds of reminders before coming, and they were very clear about what would happen in front of them.

   Seeing their bodies waxing, they didn't feel any excitement, but each of them became nervous.

   They work hard to keep their bodies intact.

  They all know very well that if they don't have a strong consciousness and no way to make themselves physically complete, then they are finished.

  But the headless ancient dragon in the sky roared at this moment.

   It was the ancient **** dragon's neck that roared.

  After losing its head, the ancient **** dragon's neck was like a flowering bud, constantly turning outwards, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

  The ancient **** dragon in front of him is completely crazy.

   Lost the guidance of the head, it didn't think about other things at all, and now it only has one thought.

   Devour everything, destroy everything.

  Under the influence of the ancient **** dragon, the elf troops who came from the golden tree all forgot what they were going to do.

  They took the potion given to them to prevent the influence of the old gods and anointed themselves.

   Their movements are quite mechanical and wild, as if they don't know what they are doing.

  If there is a hero among them who knows things, they will know that these elves have been completely controlled by the power of the ancient gods. If the heroes are still normal, they will find a way to get rid of all these elves.

   But the problem is that now even elf heroes are affected.

  They themselves began to smear various potions on their bodies crazily and mechanically.

   Without the elves noticing, their bodies and consciousnesses have merged together.

  Finally, when the potion on an elf's body was finished, he raised his head and looked around suspiciously.

  At this time, he found that he had become crowded together with other elves, and many elves, centaurs, treants, goblins, and unicorns had all merged into a huge body.

  This body is like a mountain giant, but it is not composed of rocks and mud.

   Rather, it is made up of the flesh and blood of countless creatures, and at the same time, he does not piece together corpses like an undead.

   It's more like letting the flesh and blood melt like wax, and then recombine and recast them.

  Because of this combination, there are many human heads on the surface of the mountain giant's body, and each face is looking out distortedly.

   And in his body, those messy internal organs are pulled by tentacles and eyes.

   When he stood up completely, he was holding a mace made of treants and dryads in his hand.

   When standing up, the giant looked up at the ancient **** dragon that had already flown away in the sky, the corner of its huge mouth grinned, and flesh and blood slipped out from inside.

  He looked around, and finally looked at Chen Wei's natural disaster leader.

  The giant could instinctively feel that something in the Scourge Territory was attracting him.

   At the same time, there are also forces that make him very uncomfortable.

  The ancient **** giant hesitated for a while, but finally shook his head, and strode towards the opposite direction of the ancient **** dragon.

  This ancient **** giant, like the ancient **** dragon, is formed by the fusion of ancient **** power, and its strength has reached the level of extreme creatures.

  Now what they have to do is to eat more ordinary creatures and spread the power of the ancient gods.

   To regain control of the world by the ancient gods.

  Even if the Old Gods are crazy, they also know the priorities and know that now is not a good time to find rookie players.

  Now he wants more flesh and blood, so that he can split another extreme ancient **** creature.

  (end of this chapter)

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