The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 440: Neutral businessman (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 440 Neutral Merchant (for subscription)

  Outside the lumberyard in the northwest of the territory, Chen Wei, who brought his men over, began to arrange the work here.

   When Chen Wei came over this time, except for the seven selected cities, he did not bring the hearts of the cities.

  So although his current plan is good, but without the heart of the city, it is somewhat difficult to keep building the city.

   Fortunately, Chen Wei really wanted to farm seriously this time.

   When there is no city heart, there are other ways to play.

  He came to the logging camp immediately.

   After taking a look at the lumberyard, Chen Wei was sure that the lumberyard in front of him was the same as the mine above Fulai Village, and much larger than the level 1 village.

  The logging camp in front of you is composed of a large logging house and more than ten jungler huts.

  Large log cabins are large log cabins with a one-man tall circular saw in the middle, where the logs cut from the nearby mountains will be sawn into planks and transported to other places.

  The bushman's hut next to the logging house is a place for loggers to live.

   In addition, here can also play the role of storing tools and saplings.

   After all, Chen Wei needs to consider the sustainable use of forests.

  When Chen Wei arrived at the logging camp, the workers inside were still working hard.

  Chen Wei took a look and found that the workers here are mainly walking corpses and forest spirits.

  The walking corpses are relatively strong, and two walking corpses can easily control the huge circular saw.

  The forest elves have an unusual ability to control trees. They are used by the elves to heal treants and tree elves.

  Chen Wei also brought a lot of Lin Jing over this time.

   Even in Deadwood Town, there is a secret garden dedicated to training forest spirits.

  These forest spirits mainly do the logging work in the early stage and the tree planting work in the later stage.

   As for how to transport the cut trees back to the lumberyard, that is all a matter of walking dead.

  After Chen Wei arrived here, he saw a clear scene.

  The place where the forest spirit and the walking corpse live, one is to the east of the lumber camp, and the other is to the west of the lumber camp.

   When Chen Wei came over, they surrounded him.

  Seeing these walking corpses and forest spirits, Chen Wei thought for a while, and finally said to them: "You guys work hard, first build the small garden layer that the forest spirits need.

  I will find a way to arrange some other races to come.

  In the future, a small village will be built around the logging camp.

  The logging camp will be outside the village, so you don't have to. "

  Listening to Chen Wei's words, the spirits were quite happy.

  They are natural creatures, born to dislike undead.

   Keeping them working with the undead, they're all in a bad mood.

   Now that Chen Wei is willing to re-arrange, they are naturally very happy.

  As for the walking corpses, they have no morale at all, and they will do whatever Chen Wei arranges.

  Chen Wei turned around again, "During this time, some of the wood you cut down can be left here. My plan is to use this as the center point and build the house first.

  In the black market in Hongguang Town, there are sometimes city hearts and building stones for sale.

   If there is a city heart or building stone that matches your side, I will send someone over. "

  For Chen Wei, there is actually no difference between the village he built and the village built in the heart of the city.

   At most, there is no way to accept town missions.

   But that's good too. Without town missions, he doesn't need to arrange heroes here to guard the village.

   After dividing the soil on the logging camp side, Chen Wei left with his men.

   But on his map, there is already a plan here.

  Chen Wei put away the village map he had drawn, and recorded it in his notepad.

  After doing all this, Chen Wei couldn't help sighing again.

   "It seems that I really need to find a secretary to do things and keep recording by myself. It's really tiring."

  The skeleton mage standing behind Chen Wei did not speak.

  He also knew what Chen Wei had been doing these days.

   It can be said that Chen Wei is busy with various things in the city these days.

  He was not a professional in this area.

   Now all kinds of things are piled up on his head, and he can't handle many details well.

  Sometimes you can only see where you can see and do things. Many time arrangements are quite fragmented and scattered.

  Chen Wei now has to record all kinds of information in a notebook.

   In order to avoid arranging other things, I suddenly found that this part of the resources had already been transferred.

   At this time, there is a secretarial group, and that is the best thing.

  Chen Wei was thinking, while heading towards the nearby gemstones.

   Along the way, Chen Wei looked at the scattered open spaces here, and he recorded some ideas on how to use these open spaces in his notebook.

  For example, let some druids come over to farm the land, or if it doesn't work, plant some herbs or something.

  At the same time, some of Chen Wei's troops can also be arranged.

   After all, some troops are not suitable for deployment in cities.

   While Chen Wei was still recording his thoughts, the bone beetle suddenly stopped by itself.

   Chen Wei was startled, and quickly stood up.

  Because he was in his own territory at this time, Chen Wei did not bring any troops.

   Just brought a few people over by myself.

  After all, the army moves, even if it is an undead army, it will also consume.

   As a result, he never expected that there would be a foreign convoy in his territory.

   This convoy is clearly a human convoy.

  The entire convoy consists of fifteen carriages.

  Each carriage has three horse-drawn carts, and there are nearly a hundred human spearmen beside the carriage for protection.

  When they saw Chen Wei's bone beetle, they did not attack, but stopped.

   Out of the convoy ran out a chubby guy in silk and rings all over his hands.

  As soon as he ran out of the convoy, he put on a smile.

   "Oh, my lord, you are the owner of this new territory, right? I am a businessman from this continent. We have a lot of things to sell here. Do you think there is anything you want?"

   "Businessman, I remember that my territory should not be discovered for a year. How did you get here?"

"My lord, it is true that you have not been discovered for a year, but that refers to the coordinates. Your road has not been blocked. Every time a new lord comes over, we can see it. As long as you lock it The direction can always be found in a few days."

  Hearing this, Chen Wei also became nervous.

  Looking at Chen Wei's face, the fat businessman said hastily.

   "Don't be nervous, our business alliance is a neutral organization, only doing business between various lords, not a bad person, really not a bad person..."

  (end of this chapter)

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