The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 442: The major forces in the new world (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 442 The Major Forces of the New World (Subscribe)

  Although I don't understand Chen Wei's thoughts, but Chen Wei is willing to buy something, and there are no merchants who are unwilling to sell.

  He quickly took out the Heart of the City in his hand.

  As the merchant said, most of these city hearts are level 1, and only two level 2 city hearts are used.

   Taking over the hearts of these cities, Chen Wei selected them one by one.

   While choosing, Chen Wei also asked about the situation of this continent.

   Regarding this kind of thing, it is actually no secret.

   Ask the bartender in the tavern, and you can get a lot of information.

   It's just that some of these news are true and some are false, and they also have some tendencies.

   It happened that the businessman was considered a neutral person at this time, and it would be no loss for Chen Wei to listen to his information.

  The businessman also knew that Chen Wei was a new lord who had just arrived, and he didn't know much about the situation in this world, so he didn't take it into consideration, and directly explained some common sense in it.

  Different from Chen Wei's novice world, this world is considered a bigger world.

  So the whole world has a very atmospheric name, Titanic.

  When Chen Wei heard this name, he didn't know what to say.

  This name is really grand.

   It sounds like the kind that will not cause accidents.

  This world is not like the novice world that Chen Wei experienced, there are only two kingdoms of elves and humans.

  In this world, there are more than thirty countries and forces, large and small.

   Between forces and forces, they also form alliances with each other.

  The largest of these is the Alliance of Light formed by human players.

  As long as you are a human being or a player, you can choose to join this alliance no matter which planet you come from or what race you are carrying.

  Although there is no way for the Alliance of Light to bring much benefit to every player.

   But they can guarantee one thing, that is, when a player is bullied, they can confidently say that they have a backer.

  At the same time, the communication between players is also guaranteed by the Alliance of Light.

   It can be said that in every corner of the continent, there are people from the Alliance of Light.

  Of course, the Alliance of Light is not without enemies. On this continent, there is also a force called the Pan-Continental Alliance, which is the enemy of the Light Continent.

   Their composition is also players.

   But they are not human players, but humanoid players.

   For example, tauren, elves, centaurs and the like.

  As long as they are not human players, they can choose to join the Pan-Continental Alliance.

  The battle between the continents in peacetime is the battle between these two forces.

   Of course, if you don't join these two forces, it is also possible.

   On the mainland, there are also small forces such as the Mage Academy and the Sons of the Jungle.

   Each faction has its own requirements when selecting members.

   And the remaining forces are not as loose as the previous two alliances.

  In the remaining forces, as long as you join, you have to act according to their code of conduct.

   If there is a difference, it is a traitor and will be hunted down by the entire force.

   Speaking of this, the businessman also whispered: "Don't take this seriously, the various forces are not that simple.

   There are old players who have been in this continent for an unknown number of years.

  They were discouraged, and they wanted to guard their one-acre three-point land in their hearts. Whoever dared to touch these things would be hit by them.

  The most terrible thing is that each of them still has such abilities.

  After all, if you can survive in such an environment, if you don't have any skills, you don't know what it will be like to die.

  So don't underestimate the existence of various forces. "

  Chen Wei also nodded. The experience in the novice world also made him understand how powerful the forces that can survive in the game are.

   This time he was able to kill, his luck accounted for most of it.

  If he hadn't happened to be an archmage, if he hadn't released the power of the ancient gods, just a railgun would be enough to take him away.

  The new world in front of me is obviously more chaotic and dangerous. Those who can survive in such a world are not simple people.

  Chen Wei would not treat them all as rookies.

   "I understand, I will think about it."

   "Actually, if you don't want to join those chaotic battles, it's best to join some neutral organizations. Unfortunately, you are not a woman. If you are a woman, you can apply to join the witch's hut.

  This organization is an absolutely neutral organization, even more neutral than our business alliance, so neutral that no other force will make a move on them. "

   "There is such a thing, so they can't attack outside?"

  Chen Wei saw the key point of the matter at once.

   Absolute neutrality means that it is impossible to attack externally.

  "Yes, every witch has a forest of their own, and they can keep their dependents in their forest. No matter what occupation they choose at the beginning, after joining the witch hut, they become witches."

   "Okay, can play or they can play."

  Chen Wei was also a little speechless about this situation.

  However, from the words of the businessman, Chen Wei still heard some forces suitable for him.

  In addition to the Alliance of Light for human players, there is an organization called the Archmage Tower that has attracted Chen Wei's attention.

   This Great Mage Tower is considered a faction with a relatively small number of people.

   To join this faction, the only requirement is that the player be an archmage.

  Whether it is a single archmage, or an archmage with a mage tower, even a lord-type archmage, as long as you work in this profession, you can apply to join.

  The Tower of the Great Mage is considered a semi-neutral organization, its status is not comparable to that of the Business Alliance, and it also has some enemies.

   But relatively speaking, it will be safer.

   After all, no one is willing to offend a group of archmages.

   Most importantly, the Archmage Tower has an internal library.

  All archmages will put in all kinds of magic they have learned, as long as they are internal members, they can learn it.

   It can be said that as long as he joins the Great Mage Tower, Chen Wei can master quite a lot of magic immediately.

  Another force called Deathland also attracted Chen Wei's attention.

  Similar to the Great Mage Tower, this force called Deathland is also organized by mages, but this force is dominated by necromancers.

  Their goal is only one, to turn the entire continent into a continent of undead.

   Seeing the situation, Chen Wei couldn't help asking the businessman.

   "Such a force has not been wiped out?"

   "It can't be destroyed, the undead natural disaster is too difficult to deal with, not to mention that there are liches in them, even if the player dies, they will appear again in a few years, and they can't be killed."

  (end of this chapter)

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