The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 444: Synthesize the heart of the city (subscription required)

  Chapter 444 Synthesizing the Heart of the City (for subscription)

  With the experience of synthesizing the heart of the city several times before, Chen Wei merged very quickly this time.

  After all, the direction has been set, and various materials and materials are already available, so Chen Wei has no reason not to follow the normal route, but to change the direction at will.

  So soon the synthesis success rate of this city heart reached 100%.

  Moreover, as Chen Guwei thought, three different creatures were used for synthesis: walking corpses, humans, and forest spirits.

  The synthetic heart of the city can allow these two completely incompatible creatures to live in the same village.

   This is what Chen Wei wants now.

   After burying the city heart of this newly synthesized level 1 village in the ground about a thousand meters away from the lumber camp, Chen Wei activated the city heart.

   Then a beam of light with a diameter of three kilometers spread out from here as the center.

   At the position where the beam of light appeared, some environments on the ground changed rapidly.

  A large number of black trees grew nearby. These trees are completely different from the trees in the forest in front of them. They look dead, but they have a trace of vitality.

   There are fist-sized cabins hanging on the trees, and every tree is densely hung, like small lanterns.

  Chen Wei understood at a glance that this was not a lantern, but a residence for Lin Jing.

   After such a change, Lin Jing's attributes will definitely undergo some new changes.

   Soon Chen Gu saw the new Lin Jing.

   Just as Chen Gu guessed, the color of these forest elves has turned black, and the vines wrapped around them have also become withered vines.

   At the same time they are also smaller.

   But these changes were not the main ones. Chen Wei noticed that the eyes of these forest spirits had turned into dead whites.

  If it wasn't for the fact that they still had enough vitality, Chen Wei would have thought they were dead and turned into undead creatures.

   After all, the undead army has experience in doing such things.

   Except for some special units, there is no undead that cannot be transformed.

  Different from Lin Jing, the walking corpse troops arranged here have not changed much.

  They are still the same as before, but they have put down their weapons, and now they seem to be laborers who work purely by strength.

   Beside the walking corpse, there are also some human loggers.

  Although their eyes were full of displeasure, they still worked with the walking dead.

  At the same time, they also saw the role of the walking dead.

  A lot of heavy physical work, all of which are directed by human workers and performed by walking corpses.

   It can be seen that these humans have found a way to use the walking dead.

  For such a situation, Chen Wei was only taken aback for a moment before he figured it out.

  The reason here is actually very simple.

  Necromancers are the most common among humans.

   If they really want to play, let alone walking corpses, they dare to try other things.

  Chen Wei synthesized the human city heart this time, probably taking advantage of it.

  Although this city heart is only level 1, after synthesis, there are still many different things.

   After adjusting the development direction of the heart of the city, this newly built village was named.

  Chen Wei led his men to leave the logging camp and the newly built forest village.

  After leaving Linmu Village, Chen Wei adjusted his direction. The next direction he wanted to go was the gem mine that he wanted to go before.

  When he wanted to go just now, he was stopped by businessmen who inadvertently entered. It would not be too late to go now, but Chen Gu went there with a lot of heart of the city.

   On the way to the past, Chen Wei quickly reviewed the situation this time.

   "The land area of ​​a village composed of the heart of a level 1 city and the field mineral veins will be equivalent to a level 2 level.

   This is an unexpected discovery, so some things that can only be found in level 2 villages can be used.

   There are some public buildings in the village, so it becomes less necessary.

   As long as the necessary buildings are left, the council hall, warehouse, tavern, and barracks are enough, and the rest of the resources are all placed on the population.

  When the village reaches level 2, arrange some city walls to ensure the safety of the village. "

   While calculating, Chen Wei recorded his thoughts.

   "Humans are a relatively omnipotent route, and most races can be integrated into humans.

  This is understandable, but I don’t have many human city hearts. If adjustments are needed, it is not necessary for all mineral vein cities to use human city hearts for processing.

   It depends on the number of workers that each city needs.

  However, most of them will be used in human cities. It seems that the number of human city hearts just bought is still not enough. "

   According to Chen Wei's calculations, he finally arrived near the gemstone mine.

   This gem mine originally belonged to the key mine vein of the elves.

  Different from stone mines and metal mines, gem mines are directly a huge lake. In the mind of the elves, gems are fished out of the water.

   What is the principle of this, Chen Wei does not understand.

  But it doesn't prevent Chen Wei from owning such a gemstone mine.

   Arriving at the edge of Gemstone Lake, Chen Wei saw the workers working here.

  Because of going into the water, it is impossible for creatures such as flower spirits and goblins to appear here.

   The creatures working here are creatures that can enter the water.

   There are mainly snakes.

   This kind of snake is actually one of the troops of the natural department.

  The status is equivalent to that of wild wolves, but snakes are rarely used by elves.

   On the one hand, it is because snakes are not very aggressive, and on the other hand, they are dormant in winter.

  Chen Wei was worried about this. The attack power of snakes is not strong, so they don't need to go to the battlefield, let them be responsible for salvaging gems.

  After the gems are salvaged, other units will take over immediately.

   This time it was the jungle goblin who took over.

  The kind of little guy who only adds luck, after Chen Wei won the natural disaster leader, he also has some under his command.

   It's just that their combat effectiveness is not high, and it's a waste of position to mix in Chen Wei's team.

  But they are naturally compatible with gems and gold, and can classify and recast gems and gold.

   is a good hand with gems.

  So after having the gem mine, they directly became the workers of the gem mine.

  In addition to the wild wolves responsible for protecting the gem mine, and a few white tigers, this is the entire force of the gem mine.

  Because there are no undead in the gem mine, and most of them are elves, so Chen Wei took out the city heart of the elves this time.

   Of course, this also needs to be readjusted again.

  After all, not all the cities of the elves start in the same way.

  Chen Wei checked the situation here, and then started this synthesis.

  (end of this chapter)

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