The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 447: Battle Formation Arms (for subscription)

  Chapter 447 Battle Formation Arms (for subscription)

  Different from the Shuhai Army, the Fierce Bone Army is the main battle force of the three Skeleton Army under Chen Wei.

  They originally had a special training place for skeleton guards.

   That special evil temple is their base.

   It's only since Chen Wei let the soul-receiving skeleton attack limit creatures.

   This evil temple is gone.

   In the next period of time, the troops of the Bone Legion will not be able to be replenished.

  In addition, the Sinister Bone Legion is also the main battle force, and they often follow the Bone Navy Legion to participate in the melee.

  In the eyes of ordinary heroes, the Bone Legion is just some skeleton soldiers.

  So the consumption of the Bone Legion's troops is quite large.

  If it wasn't for Chen Gu thinking about this legion, this legion might have been wiped out.

   On the contrary, the Bone Marine Corps is not that troublesome.

  The Skeleton Navy Corps itself is an army of skeleton soldiers.

  After several battles, the Bone Sea Corps is still nearly full.

  The extra skeleton soldiers will even be sent to various cities to work as laborers.

   Now Chen Wei took out three pieces of city heart from the undead system, in order to supplement the strength of several important legions.

  The Bone Legion is the first one that needs to be added.

  At this time, Chen Wei was still thinking about whether the troops of the Bone Legion could be further improved.

   Is it possible to arrange one or two more heroes to come and lead.

   There is also whether the Bone Navy Corps will expand again.

   Now Chen Wei's most important job is naturally to improve the combat effectiveness of the Bone Legion.

   After calling out the skeleton armor guard, Chen Wei handled the skeleton armor guard like a synthesized bone secret archer.

   It's just different from the Bone Secret Archer.

  Bone Legion does not have exclusive heroes.

  He is almost directly under Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei has a certain understanding of the situation of the skeleton guard.

   The Skeleton Guard was born from skeleton soldiers, but they are better than skeleton soldiers.

  They fight with shields and swords, and have thick armor on their bodies.

   All of these are places that can be used to strengthen.

  Chen Wei’s idea of ​​synthesis this time is to proceed along this line of thought.

  Chen Wei has not forgotten how the Bone Secret Archer appeared back then.

   Wasn’t it the synthesis of skeleton armored soldiers and emerald longbows in the first place, and this is how this type of troops was synthesized?

   Now Chen Wei is following this line of thought to deal with it.

   Skeleton soldiers, plus various weapons.

   There are not many weapons this time, nor are they not easy to get.

  At the same time, Chen Wei did not produce some materials that were not easy to obtain.

  In Chen Wei's eyes, the Bone Legion must be synthesized in large quantities.

  He cannot take some special materials for synthesis.

   Soon Chen Wei prepared various materials for experiments.

  Finally, Chen Wei selected the most suitable weapon for this batch of skeleton soldiers.

  A spear made of pure iron.

   This spear can be mass-produced in Chen Wei Blacksmith's shop.

  The whole body is made of metal, and the tip of the gun is also attached with a magic spell, which has the effect of piercing armor.

  The shield has also been changed from a spider shield to a round shield with a skull embossed on it.

   Another long scimitar with poison attribute was given.

   Finally, a full set of armor.

   These are all materials produced in Chen Wei's territory, and blacksmiths can make them in batches.

   From this, it can be seen what Chen Wei's requirements are for the Bone Legion.

   After putting these weapons and equipment together, Chen Wei directly started the synthesis work.

  【Skeleton Armored Soldier】+【Fine Iron Suit】=【? ? ? (81.3% success rate)] (consumes 6 mana)

   Chen Wei is not surprised at such a success rate.

  Because the characteristics of skeleton soldiers are like this, they are large in quantity, and the experience required for upgrading is low. In the end, any weapon can be used.

   This time it’s like giving the skeleton soldiers enough weapons and equipment, they just need to put them on and use them.

  Under the infusion of Chen Wei's mana, a purple light fell on the skeleton armored soldier in front of him.

  Then the armor on his body changed, becoming a skeleton soldier with a spear, a round shield, and a scimitar hanging from his waist.

  Under the skeleton soldier's helmet was a hollow skull face, with purple flames flashing in the black eye sockets.

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Bone Guard

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary 12)

  Type: Undead

  Characteristic: Mental Immunity

  Level: Extraordinary Level 6

  Attributes: Attack 13, Defense 8, Life 550

Initial skills: Deadly Battle, Armor Break (when attacking with a spear, there is a half chance to reduce the enemy's defense by 50%), Battle Formation (when the number of people exceeds 100, the Skeleton Guard will be affected by the Battle Formation, and the combat power will be gained overall enhancement)

  Description: Reinforced skeleton soldiers, but they have not yet broken through the legendary level.

  Looking at the finally synthesized attributes, Chen Gu frowned.

  At first, he thought that these bone guards could reach the legendary level, even if the upper limit was legendary level 2.

   But why is it stuck at the level of extraordinary 12th level.

   But after a closer look, Chen Wei understood why this happened.

  The growth points of these skeleton guards are all on the battle formation.

   Regardless of the description of the battle formation, the combat power has been fully improved.

   But there is no detailed data about how much it will be improved.

  Chen Wei estimated that in the past, the more skeleton guards formed the battle formation, the more their combat power would increase.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei waved his hand, and directly synthesized all the skeleton guards here into the skeleton guards.

   This synthesis is a total of 417 bone guards.

   After completing the synthesis, Chen Wei began to experiment with the battle formation.

   When the number of skeleton guards in the team exceeds 100, the battle formation effect will appear automatically.

  As long as 100 skeleton guards get together, their combat power will increase by 5%-15%.

  As for why there are such different degrees of improvement, it is entirely because of their arrangement.

  If you just gather together, the combat power of 100 skeleton guards will increase by 5%, but if they are arranged in a square, triangular or circular formation, then the combat power of the skeleton guards will increase by about 15%.

   Among them, the triangular formation used for charging and the square formation used for defense have the highest combat effectiveness.

  However, Chen Wei soon discovered that the battle formation was not as simple as he imagined.

  As the number of people forming the battle formation increases, the effect of the battle formation becomes stronger and stronger.

  When the 417 skeleton guards all stand together, even if they don't have any square or circular formations, their combat power has increased to 15%.

  If they arrange a phalanx, the combat power can even be increased by 50%.

  This situation gave Chen Wei an idea.

   Will there be no upper limit to the blessing of these skeleton guards?

  If this is the case, then Chen Wei can be regarded as developed this time.

  Now there are only more than 400 skeleton guards, and the combat power can only be increased by 50%, but there are 4,000, 40,000?

  With no upper limit, can they directly slay dragons?

  This discovery surprised Chen Wei.

  Put more attention on the research on the bone guards.

  (end of this chapter)

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