The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 583: Powerful synthesis (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 583 Powerful Synthesis (for subscription)

  This time the synthesis did not change much.

  The purple style that appeared when the undead was synthesized has the upper hand.

  Just a moment later, a purple magic circle appeared at the skeleton soldier's feet.

  For such a skeleton soldier of about level 2 extraordinary, the magic circle in front of him seems too big.

  The entire magic circle almost covered half of the operation.

  When synthesizing the giant skeleton beast, it didn't have such a strong effect.

   This is going to turn the sky upside down.

   This idea just flashed through Chen Wei's mind, before he could react, the magic circle suddenly shrunk rapidly.

  The final magic circle became only the size of a normal magic circle. If it wasn't for Chen Wei's certainty, he would have wondered if he had read it wrong just now.

  As the magic circle became normal, the two materials used to synthesize it were also stained with the color of the undead.

  At this time, Chen Wei also became curious, he was guessing what the skeleton soldier would look like.

  With a pair of wings, could it be possible to become a skeleton angel?

  Chen Wei hasn't seen it clearly yet, but the skeleton soldier has already completed the synthesis this time.

  The new arms synthesized in the end exceeded Chen Wei's imagination.

   What was synthesized was not a flying troop, but a strange undead. This undead had three heads. The upper body was like a skeleton, and the lower body was gone.

  He can float in the air, but he has no ability to fly. That height is clearly like the height of a normal undead standing.

  This kind of undead Chen Wei has not seen much before, but judging from the current situation, he should have a legendary level.

  As the undead stabilized, Chen Wei quickly checked his data.

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Stitched Skeleton

  Quality: Legendary (Level Cap Legendary 4)

  Type: Undead Scourge

   Feature: Fusion

  Level: Extraordinary Level 2

  Attributes: Attack 16, Defense 6, Life 800

Initial skills: Corpse fusion (every time you kill an enemy, you can integrate the opponent's corpse into your body), soul fusion (every time you integrate an enemy, your strength will be improved, and every time you integrate a hundred enemies, you will have a new one. skills), chaos (when the health drops to 50%, the spliced ​​skeleton will automatically decompose into two or three small spliced ​​skeletons, and each will fight independently)

  Explanation: As long as you can't kill me, fighting can only make me stronger or numerous.

  Looking at the information in front of him, Chen Wei knew about the splicing of skeletons.

   This is a very useful unit.

  The most important thing is that as long as you fight a few more battles, this kind of skeleton can immediately become a new legion.

  Chen Wei can see the characteristics of splicing skeletons, and those undead heroes can also see it.

  Several undead heroes greeted them immediately, explaining their abilities to Chen Wei.

  The meaning inside and outside the words is that they want to control the undead in front of them.

   Regarding their thoughts, Chen Wei could only shake his head.

   "You can all see that this type of arms needs to fight non-stop. If you accept this type of arms, you must go to the forefront."

  Listening to this, everyone present responded.

"it is known."

   Seeing them like this, Chen Wei didn't say much, and directly ordered the hero who originally belonged to the third legion of Bone Sea to come out.

   "That's you, your troops will stay here in the future, call your bone sea regiment first."

  The hero was excited when he heard it, and he quickly called his Bone Marine Corps over.

  Because of the previous battles, the bone navy regiments were used as cannon fodder, and each bone navy regiment suffered heavy losses.

   The Bone Sea Second Legion who followed Chen Wei out almost never came back.

   The Bone Sea Corps and the Bone Sea Third Army that stayed in place were almost lost.

   There are only less than 300 skeleton soldiers left in the bone sea third army.

   Seeing this number, Chen Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

   This is the most common skeleton soldier.

   Fortunately, they have finished this battle. If they hadn't finished fighting, they might turn around and the army would be gone.

   "I'll synthesize it later, and then all other skeleton soldiers will be added to your team first."

  After experimenting with two synthesis methods, Chen Wei had no idea of ​​re-synthesis.

  The two units in front of me are more suitable for the current battlefield, especially the spliced ​​skeletons, which are combat units.

   Only by participating in the battle can they quickly expand their manpower.

   And this kind of battle must be a big battle. General patrol battles are not a good choice for them.

   Only by rushing to the forefront, can they fight non-stop and improve their level and number through various abilities.

   After determining the target, Chen Wei directly called all the skeleton soldiers together.

  Subsequently, Chen Wei's various materials were also transported over. As the materials were prepared, Chen Wei carried out batch synthesis on the spot.

   As for the heroes under Chen Wei, as long as they were idle, they would all gather around and watch, as if they were all waiting for Chen Wei's next move.

  The next thing becomes much simpler.

   Splicing skeletons are the easiest to synthesize. There were less than 300 skeleton soldiers, and a total of 201 splicing skeletons were synthesized.

  After the synthesis was successful, Chen Wei formed a team by freezing these spliced ​​skeletons, and changed the name of the original Bone Sea Third Legion.

  Now this new legion with only two hundred people is named the Bone Fighting Legion.

   This is a new unit of the Undead Legion. Whether there will be more such units in the future depends on Chen Wei's plan.

   After completing the preparation of the Bone-Bone Legion, Chen Wei looked at the demonic heroes again.

  However, none of these demonic heroes were willing to convert troops as if they hadn't seen Chen Wei's idea.

  When Chen Wei looked over, they even turned their heads, as if they hadn't seen it.

   Regarding this situation, Chen Wei couldn't say anything, and he didn't care much.

  The devil heroes are unwilling to accept these troops, so Chen Wei will go directly to a tavern to recruit some new heroes in the future.

  Anyway, the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is not bad, even if Chen Wei is left to take them all, it is not a loss.

   While he was busy here, Wood also packed up his troops.

   "My lord, everything is ready. By the way, my lord, are you virtual swordsmen planning to train in batches?"

   "Okay, you like it?"

"It's a little bit. After all, I don't have enough troops right now. The loss in this battle is too serious. This battle is considered a big loss. I won't mention the loss of my druid. The other troops are also almost defeated. Gone.

  If I don't replenish my troops now, I won't be able to sustain another battle like this. "

  Listening to Wood's words, Chen Wei couldn't help but shook his head, "You, don't worry, before I go back, I will build a training camp for virtual swordsmen in the border village, and I promise you can replenish my troops."

  (end of this chapter)

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