The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 632: Prepare to fight back (please subscribe)

  Chapter 632 Prepare to fight back (for subscription)

   "Ready to fight back!"

   Encountering the first batch of undead troops rushing over, Zi Jianfeng made a decisive decision.

  The undead who joined in this group are mainly ordinary skeleton soldiers, skeleton mages and skeleton shooters.

   This is actually the normal state of undead transformation and spiritualism.

   After all, the success rate of transforming into skeleton soldiers is almost five times that of transforming into walking corpses. At the same time, there will be more choices for skeleton soldiers, unlike walking corpses, which only have so many options.

   Of course, there are no other undead.

  In the team this time, there are some newly transformed vampires, they are an alternative to the undead army.

  As vampires, they have the ability to absorb the life of the enemy to replenish blood and resurrect on the battlefield.

  The number of these vampires right now is not very many, there are only a hundred or so, but their appearance still makes Zi Jianfeng quite happy.

  With the movement speed and attack methods of these vampires, they are actually more suitable for occupations such as assassins.

  Used to deal with command troops that have been following the enemy, or powerful troops.

  In addition, among these undead, there are about 3,000 ghosts, which were transformed after the corpse was damaged too much during the battle.

  Of course, because there is no corpse, the fighting power of the ghost is actually very strong.

  Zi Jianfeng had a ghost army before, but they were all wiped out while holding back the enemy coalition forces.

   Now three thousand more ghosts have come in, which makes Zi Jianfeng quite happy.

  Now that these undead are gathered together, Yin Qi quickly fills the place where the undead troops gather.

  The Yin Qi is so strong that it can be easily seen from a distance, and it is almost affecting the sky.

  Not to mention other things, just the thick black clouds in the sky can tell how thick the yin is.

   With the newly replenished undead army, Zi Jianfeng didn't run away anymore, and of course he didn't take his men to fight on the way he came.

  He is waiting now, waiting for the enemy to chase him out.

  The alliance troops had only more than 24,000 people at this time, but they had already rushed out with the determination to die.

  In the hearts of all the soldiers in this army, there is only one line of fate for them now, either fleeing and being killed by the undead, or fighting the undead head-on and being killed.

   No matter what he does, it is a dead end, so why don't they choose to be more heroic.

  Anyway, the morale of these soldiers has improved now, at least when they face the undead, they choose to charge.

  Facing the enemy's impact, Zi Jianfeng was already ready for battle.

  All kinds of newly transformed undead have been integrated into his team.

  Especially ghosts, now they are all floating in the sky.

  As soon as they saw the enemy approaching, they jumped down immediately and rushed towards the coalition troops.

  The ghosts attacked together like this, but Zi Jianfeng was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be such a brave undead under his command.

  But the advantage of the battlefield in front of me is obvious, so why not fight.

  So Zi Jianfeng sent out all the troops except for the 2,000 personal guards.

  As soon as these undead were released, they rushed out like wild horses that had run wild.

  Even troops like the skeleton shooter rushed forward for a certain distance with the troops.

   This is also the weakness of skeleton archers. After all, their range is not as far as elf archers, so they prefer to get closer to the enemy and attack at a distance of about 200 meters from the battlefield.

  This position is actually considered to be a relatively core position on the battlefield. At the speed of a normal person, it can be rushed to within thirty seconds.

  If the archer is not the rapid-fire type, when the enemy charges, he can only shoot five to seven arrows.

  But there are no normal people who can go to the battlefield here, and their weakest speed is beyond the level of normal people. After all, not everyone has short legs like dwarves and walking corpses.

   Not everyone wants to move after taking root like tree people.

   When they rushed up, it took about ten seconds for two hundred meters.

  As long as you rush to the front, the ability of the shooter is not as strong as that of ordinary soldiers.

  So the skeleton shooter is so close, in fact, it is a bet that the undead troops in front can withstand the enemy's attack.

   This time the Skeleton Archer Troop really won the bet.

  The undead in front didn't have the idea of ​​helping the skeleton shooter to defend at all. They only had one idea, to rush directly into the enemy's battle formation.

   So as soon as they got on the battlefield, they just rushed forward.

  The same is true for the troops on the coalition side. The two sides collided immediately, and fought about two hundred meters away from the skeleton shooter.

   The melee of 30,000 to 40,000 people huddled together. For the skeleton shooters, that was the best target. They didn't even need to aim, just shoot a wave of arrows in that direction.

   As for whether the rain of arrows would hit his own people, the skeleton archer never considered it at all.

  In the eyes of the skeleton shooter, the undead on his side are actually not greatly affected by the long-range attack.

   Instead, it is the enemy, who is crowded there now, and this arrow can hit the target even if you shoot it with your eyes closed.

   So the skeleton shooter is quite happy to attack wave after wave.

  The various skeleton soldiers who rushed out in front didn't say anything, they fought against the enemy with their own weapons.

  Skeleton soldiers hold a variety of weapons. They are different from walking corpses. The reason why they have the word soldier is because they still have enough fighting skills.

  The various weapons used in their hands are called proficiency.

  When confronting the enemy, they are not afraid of death, they will attack directly with weapons, and when they see troops that are not undead, they will directly attack them.

  As for the enemy's attack, they directly use their own bodies to withstand it.

  In terms of their number and fighting style, even if the giant dragon came, they would dare to step forward and fight.

   Coupled with the rain of arrows shot from behind and the various spells released by the skeleton mage, the undead army soon gained the upper hand.

  Although the losses of the undead army and the coalition army are similar, their mentality is completely different at this time. The undead are fighting more and more bravely, as if they are about to win.

  The troops on the coalition side can't do it. Their command system has already gone wrong. Some leaders of the coalition army have already begun to consider whether to run away, or whether to come to the final blow.

   At this time, new undead came from behind.

  This is another group of undead who are on their way, and they came at just the right time.

   Seeing these undead joining, Zi Jianfeng made a decisive decision.

   "Surround them and don't let go of a single enemy."

  (end of this chapter)

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