The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 646: The Struggle of the Orcs (Subscribe)

  Chapter 646 The struggle of the orcs (for subscription)

   "Don't underestimate me, I am also a mage."

  Faced with another attack from the sky, the orc player showed his most stubbornness and launched a trick that he thought he was a mage.


   This is a magic that the orc player accidentally learned.

   It is precisely because of this magic that orc players feel good about themselves, thinking that they have the talent of a mage.

   It's just that he didn't even think about it. Maybe he was taught the portal because he was a player. As for his legal talent, it might really be nothing.

   The orc player himself doesn't know that he, who has mastered the teleportation technique, feels that he is different from the orc.

   I look down on the orcs in my heart.

   This makes the orc player not very good at controlling the empire under him, at least his empire is not strong enough due to some reasons.

   You must know that the orc empire is actually a relatively easy to control empire.

  The orcs' brains are not good, but their combat power is actually not weak. If they are assigned to the orc empire, don't even think about using any spells, and increase their attack and defense power with all their strength.

  Generally speaking, under such circumstances, with an army of orcs, it is impossible to fight one against five, and one against three is not a problem for the people.

   And the big-eared monsters on the orc side are more capable of spawning. If not, goblins can also be counted among the orcs, and they can actually have strong combat effectiveness.

   You can see how easy the orc race is to operate, as you can see that the orc players already have top-level arms such as the Behemoth Behemoth.

   As a result, the orc player became what he is now because of some thoughts of his own. I don't know whether he is good or bad.

  Anyway, under the attack of the ancient volcanic tree, this player used the teleportation technique, and led some of his men, preparing to pass through the attack range of the magma molten iron.

   It's just that he never expected that the magma molten iron that spewed out this time no longer flashed like a meteor as before, but fell like a torrential rain.

   Every drop of rain has amazing lethality, and it hits every orc shaman precisely.

   This precise attack knocked down all the orc shamans to the ground.

  At the beginning, the orc player thought that his subordinates were going to die, but he found that the orc shaman survived this wave of attacks.

  Although he doesn't know what's going on, it's obviously a good thing for him.

  The orc player trembled again, but he didn't know that the shamans under him didn't die because the ancient volcano tree wanted the flesh and blood of these shamans.

   It's not how strong they are. In places that the orc players didn't notice, the corpses of orc shamans near the ground have changed. Even if their bodies were soaked in magma molten iron, they were not burnt black.

   At this time, their flesh and blood are turning into molten iron.

  Speaking of which, these orc shamans found it themselves. They showed the ability to control elements from the very beginning, which was targeted by the ancient volcano tree.

  Borrowing the power of magma molten iron this time, they were turned into elemental spirits of magma molten iron.

   It can be said that these shamans were delivered to the door by themselves.

  The orc player didn't know that his last strength was calculated by the ancient volcanic tree. He saw that the ancient volcanic tree failed to kill his subordinates quickly, and he still had the ability to give orders to the orcs who were fighting.

   "Attack, rush up, flatten those troops, and kill them on that mountain. They are long-range troops. If you get close, you can easily kill him, Beamon..."

  Before the orc player finished speaking, he saw that the skins of several behemoths had turned metallic.

  The movement also became significantly weaker. Just as he was about to see what was going on, the Beamon who was farthest from him started to melt and turned into magma.

   "Hurry up, drag Beamon out quickly, don't touch those magma, magma..."

Only then did the orc player realize that all the magma had problems, and his shamans were also within the range of the magma, but unlike Beamon, these shamans had to be transformed into steel first, and then melted into molten iron. It directly turned into the color of magma.

   "Damn it."

  The orc player instantly understood that his troops were hopeless, and now he had no intention of fighting anymore. At this moment, he only had one thought, which was to run away.

   As long as he can escape, he still has a chance.

   You need to know that there is a transport force behind him.

  Although the combat power of this army is not strong, it has enough troops and a lot of supplies. As long as it can withdraw to its own city, he still has a chance to defend the city.

   At that time, although it will be difficult at the beginning, it will be more or less possible to survive.

   When their empire was besieged by monsters before, didn’t they come here in the same way?

   Now he's not worried at all that he won't make it.

  Thinking of this, the orc player no longer waited for his subordinates. He was going to use the teleportation technique again to escape from the battlefield.

   At this moment, under the feet of the orc player, the magma molten iron formed a vortex, and the strong suction dragged the orc player who was trying to escape.

  The orc player is also in a hurry at this time, everything just now is in the calculation of his escape.

  If he fails to escape, then everything he thinks about is empty.

  At this time, the orc player couldn't care about anything else. He put all his mana into his arm, and when he released it, his arm exploded on the spot.

  As the arm exploded, all the suction power against the orc player was concentrated on his arm. Taking this opportunity, the orc player finally launched the teleportation technique he wanted to send out of the control range of the ancient volcano tree.

  For the escape of the orc player, the ancient volcano tree was also a little surprised.

   But he didn't care too much.

  Anyway, the orc player has that kind of strength. With him, he is the same as without him. The ancient volcano tree is now focusing on the newly harvested magma molten iron.

   Among these magma molten irons, the best effect is naturally the magma molten iron of Bimon.

   But if it is really useful, it is the magma melted by the shaman.

  After all, there are only a few Behemoths, and there are quite a few shamans. The most important thing is that the magma molten iron transformed by these shamans has a certain spirituality, which is quite important for ancient volcanic trees.

  Ordinary magma molten iron can only be used as energy or ammunition for ancient volcanic trees. Only these spiritual magma molten irons can be the strongest power of ancient volcanic trees, and only in this way can ancient volcanic trees be promoted.

  So all the attention of the ancient volcano tree is on this, as for the player to run away, just run away.

  (end of this chapter)

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