The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 649: Daily synthesis (seeking subscription)

   "Has the Treacherous Wind Legion also started attacking players?"

   After receiving the latest information, Chen Wei glanced at the map. He never imagined that he just wanted to solve the monster siege in advance, but when he turned his head, two legions had already taken the initiative to conflict with the players.

  If the previous battle on Anada’s side was an accident, it was because they drove the enemy to the player’s empire, then the situation on the Guild of the Wind’s side was that they chased the player and hit the opponent’s lair.

  When this information was sent to Chen Wei, they should have already started a war.

  Chen Wei just thought about it, and he understood why Nade had the courage to take the initiative to attack.

   This is definitely because of the ancient volcano tree. Otherwise, even if Nade encounters the player, he will not take the initiative to attack the player's territory before destroying most of the player's troops.

   "Everyone is floating, which legion will have problems next?"

  Chen Wei shook his head, put the information in his hands aside, looked at the time again, and stood up.

  This is since the king-level ancient volcanic tree was synthesized. During this time, Chen Wei would spare some time every day to synthesize some new arms, or experiment with some new synthesis formulas.

  Although there are only two hours a day to do such things, but for Chen Wei, this is quite important.

  Because only at this time, Chen Wei will remember what his talent is.

  Before, he had been focusing his energy on dealing with various things. Before synthesizing the ancient volcano tree, he hadn't synthesized new creatures for a long time.

  It is not right to do this.

  When he came back from the ancient volcano tree, Chen Wei had been thinking about it.

  He thinks that he really gave up some things. If he can distinguish between the primary and the secondary, his synthesis ability may have been improved by now.

  But it’s not too late to start again. During this period of time, I’ll be compositing for two hours a day.

  The direction of synthesis includes all creatures that Chen Wei can see, as long as they are creatures, whether they are alive or dead, they can all be synthesized.

   Moreover, Chen Wei is studying the law of synthesis, and there are some synthesis ideas such as becoming bigger, smaller, and hardening, and Chen Wei is looking for a suitable law.

  These are the most basic synthetic changes. Chen Wei has been experimenting with these things all the time, so that when he needs something next time, he won't be unaware of which direction he should start from.

  After the synthesis again and again, Chen Wei got a lot of synthesized data and took a lot of notes.

  At the same time, his synthesis success rate has also been increasing.

   After all, sometimes when the synthesis fails, Chen Wei can see why it failed. In the subsequent synthesis process, Chen Wei will also learn to avoid such problems.

   In this way, Chen Wei's synthesis success rate will naturally increase.

  It was the same today, Chen Wei opened the notebook in his hand, and first wrote down the goals for today.

   Afterwards, Chen Wei began to transport various experimental materials and arms.

  Today's synthesis, Chen Wei intends to synthesize it first with a single unit and two experimental materials.

  Chen Wei materials have been passed, as long as you don’t deliberately choose opposite experimental materials, such a synthesis will have the opportunity to add two different attributes to a single unit.

  Of course, if you want to change the composition of the unit’s attributes or the direction of natural disasters, it’s best to combine two units and one material.

   Today Chen Wei's target is some ghosts, which is a natural disaster of the undead, but it is relatively rare in Chen Wei's hands.

   After all, Chen Wei does not have an official undead city in his hand, most of the cities are pieced together by himself.

  Chen Wei has a way to mass-produce ghosts, but not too many.

  Except for ghosts, Chen Wei used many different materials, eerie, devil-style, and plant-style. This time, he really wanted to use all the things he could find on this ghost.

  But Chen Wei found helplessly in the end that the undead were a very special kind of natural disaster.

   It can coexist with other natural disasters, but no matter what method is used, there is no way to pull the natural disasters from the road of the undead natural disasters.

   In fact, Chen Wei can understand this point after thinking about it. Other natural disasters are living creatures, and their ultimate belonging is death.

  Undead is the only one among natural disasters.

  Of course, the current Chen Wei hasn't fully utilized the natural disaster of the undead.

  At least he didn't use the plague, nor did he casually launch the natural disaster of the undead, turning all the dead bodies into undead regardless.

   This is actually quite good.

   Right now he is just doing some experiments with ghosts, which is really nothing.

  As Chen Wei failed to synthesize another ghost, he finally stood up and moved his body.

   "Correct once, forget about the rest, today's synthesis is here."

   Ask the men outside the door to send in another ghost, Chen Wei ordered.

   Now that his mana is almost exhausted, and the experimental materials are almost used up, Chen Wei no longer insists on sending more experimental products, just do another one for today's experiment.

  After letting the ghost stand at the designated position, Chen Wei took out new materials and placed them next to the ghost.

   "Take it!"

  The ghost reached out and took two materials, one of which was a human skull, which was a synthetic material belonging to the direction of the undead, and it was produced by Chen Wei after many days of research and experimentation.

  As long as it is not some special species, most creatures synthesized with human skulls may have the attribute of undead natural disasters.

  And the undead gets the human skull, then the characteristics of the undead will be strengthened.

  Because of some extreme experiments, Chen Wei failed to make the ghost disappear many times before, so this time he simply strengthened the attributes of the undead first.

  The other piece is a long sword, which actually represents a real weapon, as opposed to the ghost.

  Ghost is a spirit body, he cannot use this kind of weapon.

  Chen Wei synthesized several times before, and each time caused failure. This time is Chen Wei's last chance to experiment. After failing again, Chen Wei doesn't plan to do this kind of experiment.

  【Ghost】+【Skull】+【Weapon (long sword)】=【? ? ? (Success rate 41.3%)] (consumes 4 mana)

  The success rate is still low.

  Chen Wei glanced at the success rate, and finally pointed at the ghost.


  Chen Wei didn't think much about it. Now he only thought about finding a place to rest after the synthesis was successful, before starting a new day's work.

   As for the success of the current synthesis, Chen Wei actually didn't pay that much attention.

   But at this moment, Chen Wei suddenly heard the sound of drawing a sword.

   Then the purple magic circle appeared at the ghost's feet, and a special breath wrapped the ghost, and Chen Wei was stunned.

  Is this possible?

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