This made the words she was about to say lose their purpose. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, and she stared at Li Yan, who had lowered his head.

Seeing that he didn't dare to look up and look directly into her eyes, and his body was still trembling slightly, Mu Yue sighed, patted his shoulder, and said lightly.

"I won't punish you. You will tell your team leader Lin Ye about this matter later, and he will decide how to deal with it. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Li Yan's eyes widened, his expression was extremely sincere, and he responded seriously. In order to increase his credibility, he clenched his fist and knocked on his chest a few times.

This made Mu Yue speechless. She raised her hand and pressed it down, and hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, stop, Li Yan, I feel your sincerity as a teacher, can you stop knocking?"

"Okay, Teacher Mu Yue!"

Li Yan stretched his hands straight on both sides of his body, held his head high, and spoke excitedly and powerfully.

Mu Yue was speechless. She really didn't want to say a word. The difference between Li Yan before and after made her wonder if he was possessed.

Li Yan, who was still slick and full of lies in the morning, became like this in the afternoon. He obeyed orders carefully and was particularly obedient. The key was that he didn't talk back.

Mu Yue's head hurt from thinking about it, and she was too lazy to think about it. She called two students to help Wei Ming who collapsed on the ground, and then turned around and jumped off the stage, no longer paying attention to Li Yan.

Li Yan turned around and squinted at Wei Ming who was helped up by others, smiled disdainfully, looked at the back of the other party walking off the stage, and shouted loudly.

"Classmate Wei Ming, your ice ability is pretty good, it's quite cool. I'll come to you next time I buy ice cubes. Remember to give me a discount among classmates. 10% off the market price is fine."

"Also, your ice shield is really thin. It broke after a few hits. I haven't had enough fun yet. I'll come to you next time. Don't worry about the sparring fee. I don't need that money, hahahaha!"

Li Yan's attitude towards Wei Ming is very different from his attitude towards Mu Yue, and it can even be said to be completely opposite.

Hearing the undecorated sarcastic words behind, Wei Ming's body, which was supported by someone, shook violently, and then turned his head and stared at Li Yan on the ring.

He spat out word by word: "Don't worry, I will come to you in person after I recover."

"Waiting for the news of your recovery." Li Yan grinned nonchalantly, gave the other party a thumbs up, and turned down under the gaze of everyone.

"Little chili pepper."

All the students in the audience showed a bewildered expression, and they did not understand what Li Yan said in response to the other party.

Little chili pepper? What is a little chili pepper? Is Li Yan going to treat Wei Ming to little chili pepper?

Some students who could not bear their curiosity raised their arms and asked Li Yan on the stage for an explanation: "Student Li Yan, what does little chili pepper mean? Can you explain it to me?"

Mo Li also looked at Li Yan with interest, looking forward to the answer that the other party was about to give.

He did not quite understand the meaning of little chili pepper. Holding the principle of reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, Mo Li thought he still needed to listen.

For knowledge, Mo Li would never think too much. Learning is earning, and free knowledge should not be wasted.

Even Wei Ming stopped and wanted to hear what he could say.


Li Yan coughed and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Looking at the doubtful eyes, he stroked his beardless chin and said briskly.

"Little Pepper, you can know what I mean by taking their first letters."

First letters?

Mo Li heard Li Yan's explanation, and after a little consideration, a light flashed in his eyes, and he obviously thought of the answer.

His expression became a little puzzled, and he looked at Wei Ming with sympathy.

Turning his head, Bai Jiu in his sight was looking down in thought, and then he scratched his white hair in annoyance, his expression was a little depressed, obviously he hadn't thought of it yet.

Suddenly, Bai Jiu raised his wrist, opened the bracelet, clicked on a screen and started typing.

Mo Li nodded in satisfaction, and said to himself: "He even knows to type on the bracelet to search for its true meaning. He has learned to be smart."

"It seems that staying with me can infect even my IQ and continue to grow. In the future, I will bring Bai Jiu with me more often. It won't hurt to have a higher IQ."

"As expected of me."

Just when Mo Li was thinking about his high IQ helping Bai Jiu and feeling smug, the bracelet on his wrist suddenly vibrated.

"I guess Su Qi returned to the villa and found that I was not there, so he asked me where I am now."

Mo Li opened the bracelet, projected the message box, swiped to the contact column, and saw the message at the top, his face stiffened instantly.

The avatar of the person who sent the message to him was a face, with white hair and red eyes. It was herThe most prominent feature.

Damn, this is Bai Jiu's selfie!

An idea suddenly appeared in Mo Li's head, and the accuracy rate was as high as 99.9%.

The real purpose of Bai Jiu opening the bracelet was not to type, but to ask for answers from himself, this hateful freeloader!

I must not agree to her. If I agree to her for the first time, there will be a second time. In the long run, Bai Jiu will rely on me in the future and become a social waste.

I can't do this. I can't spoil my friends into waste. I have to correct her wrong practice and make her develop in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor.

With this thought in mind, Mo Li and Bai Jiu's pupils met, and the latter smiled suddenly, and she was even more lovely and moving under the swaying of the willow branches blown by the summer breeze.

Bai Jiu opened one eye and closed the other, put the bracelet on her pretty face, giggled, and opened her lips slightly, as if to say-please, please.

Mo Li looked at the chat box between himself and Bai Jiu, feeling very complicated, wavering between rejection and agreement.

Finally, he made up his mind, put his fingers on the suspended keyboard that popped up from the bracelet, typed a few words and sent them to the other party.


After receiving the message, Bai Jiu excitedly opened the chat page between the two and looked at Mo Li's reply to her. She was a little angry at first, and then a flash of inspiration came to her, and she suddenly realized it, and a gorgeous smile bloomed on her cheeks.

So that's what it means.

When Bai Jiu saw this message, she thought Mo Li was scolding her at first.

The other party did not reject her, nor did he deceive her, which made Bai Jiu very happy, and she couldn't help humming.

Mo Li helplessly held his forehead and told Bai Jiu that it was not his intention, but the other party's big blinking eyes were really too lethal, and he couldn't stand it.

Bai Jiu also found a way to deal with him, acting cute and pitiful, Mo Li was the kind of person who would take soft but not hard.

If you master these two methods, your success rate in dealing with Mo Li will be at least 50% effective.

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