The three of them were deliberately lowering their voices, but in front of Mu Yue, a sixth-level psychic, it was still a little bit insufficient.

She originally wanted to stand up and stop the three people behind her, asking them to stop talking. Although their voices were very low, they still had to pay attention to the occasion.

Just when she was about to put this idea into practice, she heard a big melon.

Mo Li actually said that Li Yan liked Bai Jiu.

This sentence made her foot, which had just taken a step, quickly retract, and she quietly eavesdropped on the conversation of the three people, and quietly became a melon-eating audience.

After eavesdropping for a long time, when she heard Li Yan scolding Mo Li for being a scumbag and two-timing, her little mouth was so shocked that she didn't close for a long time.

Is this really what I can hear?

The content is really too exciting!

Mu Yue's mouth corners quietly tilted to the horizon amid the three people's words. Everyone behind her could only see her back and slightly trembling head, and there was no other discovery.

The two people on the front stage were concentrating on the competition and did not notice the small movements on Mu Yue's face.

"Li Yan likes Bai Jiu, Bai Jiu seems to have a good impression of Mo Li, and although Mo Li pretends to be indifferent, he seems to have some good feelings for Bai Jiu."

"If the plot continues to develop like this, only Li Yan will be hurt in the end. This is too tragic."

Mu Yue tilted her head slightly and whispered to herself, feeling a little sympathetic to Li Yan.

Suddenly, she stood up straight with her legs, her body tensed, and her expression facing the stage was a little flustered. The eyes behind her made her feel uneasy.

"I always have a feeling that Teacher Mu Yue seems to be watching us."

Mo Li narrowed his eyes, looked at Mu Yue's back, and said calmly, "Especially after Li Yan said I was a scumbag just now, this feeling of being watched reached its peak at that moment."

"Are you too suspicious? Isn't Teacher Mu Yue watching the game? How can she have the time to watch us?"

"Maybe I've been under a lot of pressure recently, and anxiety has caused hallucinations."

Mo Li stared again for a while, then shook his head and dispelled his doubts.

"In addition to practicing every day, you go to the gravity room to adapt to gravity, and you put too much burden on yourself, so this situation will occur."

"Just take a proper rest in the next few days." Bai Jiu pointed at his nose and said softly with concern.

"I'll pay attention." Mo Li perfunctorily said.

After saying this, he looked at Li Yan again and asked, "How do you know that I'm a scumbag and I'm cheating on you? I tell you, spreading rumors is illegal."

"Be careful, I'll report you for insulting and defaming my reputation."

"Bah, I saw you and that Lan Rou chatting and laughing on a bench this morning. Your relationship is definitely not simple."

"The reason why Bai Jiu didn't notice it later must be that you and Lan Rou played a trick in front of her and deceived Bai Jiu."

Although Li Yan doesn't like Bai Jiu anymore, he still feels it's necessary to protect the girl from being deceived by a scumbag.

Just put an end to his short and beautiful youth.

Mo Li's face was particularly dull at this moment, and he looked at Li Yan as if he was looking at a mentally retarded child.

Bai Jiu covered her face with both hands with all her strength, fearing that she would be laughed to death.

"How is it? It's not a good feeling to have your purpose discovered. You should blame me for being so wise and intelligent."

Li Yan looked at Mo Li's dark face. He thought he had made a comeback and laughed at Mo Li. He almost gave him the middle finger.

"Are you stupid? Lan Rou and I are just ordinary students in the same department. Bai Jiu is just my friend. What the hell are you thinking about all day long?"

"I really want to open your head and see what's inside that makes you so imaginative."

Mo Li, who has always been calm, was almost broken by Li Yan. The other party's imagination was simply the most he had ever seen in his life.

It's outrageous!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. If you get angry and get sick, no one can help you."

"Mo Li calm down, you have to calm down. The other party is a fool. You have to be calm when communicating with a fool. You have to keep a calm mind and not let anger cloud your mind."


Mo Li took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his chest again, and looked at Li Yan with concern.

"What, what?"

"Are you sure that you and Bai Jiu are just friends? Not lovers?" Li Yan asked in a calm voice.

"You two eat and chat together, but in the end you told me that you are not together. Are you kidding me?"

Mo Li held his patience.She slapped him on the face and asked with gritted teeth, "Is it not okay for friends to have dinner and chat together? Do we have to be lovers to do this?"


"When I was a child, I had a female friend who was quite close to me. We were what people call childhood sweethearts. You know."

Mo Li gathered the ice element in his hand and nodded with a fake smile. If Li Yan kept talking nonsense, he would definitely slap the ice element on his back to let him experience the cold of winter in advance.

"We went to the same school for elementary school and junior high school. She transferred to another school after one year of high school. I have been in the same school with her for ten years."

"In these ten years, I have never eaten alone with her in a restaurant. Even if we went together, we went with a large group of people."

"Do you know why?"


Mo Li said nothing, just looked at Li Yan quietly. Instead, Bai Jiu beside him asked curiously.

"My childhood sweetheart said that only when two people become boyfriend and girlfriend can we go to a restaurant to eat together, otherwise it is not allowed."

"Every time I invite her to dinner, she tells me so."

"So you said you two are not together, you are kidding." Li Yan said to Mo Li, exuding an extremely confident look.

But if you look closely, you can find that his hands have been clenched, and even his nails have dug into the flesh

"Uh... you, just be happy."

Mo Li wanted to beat him up at first, but the more he listened, the more wrong it was. His eyebrows gradually gathered in the middle, twisted into a "chuan" character, and his tone was very gentle.

He no longer tried to explain the relationship between himself and Bai Jiu. Misunderstandings were misunderstandings. At least in this way, in Li Yan's impression, his childhood sweetheart was still very good.

Mo Li didn't want to burst his false and fragile dream, and wanted to keep a more optimistic ending for him.

Even if it was very weak, it was still his own heart.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Li Yan, I shouldn't have been so stubborn. The relationship between Bai Jiu and I is just what you think. Lan Rou is just my classmate. You really wrongly blamed me for this matter."

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