He would rather be beaten up by students from other classes than be touched by Mo Li. This is a resistance from the depths of his soul.

The main reason is that Mo Li is too born. He has lived for 18 years and has never seen anyone born like Mo Li. His favorability towards him has dropped to negative.


The flame sword energy and Mo Li's ice cone collided with each other, and the aftermath of the explosion hit Li Yan. The scarred wound broke open at this time, and blood oozed out continuously, like a bloody man, looking extremely hideous.

Mo Li stood upright on the ground with his legs, his eyes were calm and calm, without any emotion. The strong wind blew the corners of his clothes behind him, and the clenched black hair also flew in the air.

The whole person's temperament changed drastically at this moment, from the previous laziness to the current indifference.

The aftermath only lasted for a few seconds in the field, and then disappeared without a trace, never seen before.

"Is the wound broken? Let's fix it quickly and try to send you off the stage for treatment as soon as possible."

Mo Li murmured, with an icy blue light flashing in his eyes. Around him, the ice element was rampant, and the monstrous cold descended on the half of the arena where he was.

In the hot summer, under the direct sunlight, Mo Li's feet were surprisingly full of ice crystals. This strange phenomenon appeared in everyone's eyes.

He held the long sword with both hands and slowly raised it from his feet. A deep coldness that penetrated into everyone's heart descended on everyone's heart. That breath seemed to be able to freeze a person from the inside out into an ice sculpture.

Among all the people present, only Bai Jiu and Mu Yue were fine. The former had an S-level fire ability to protect his body and was not afraid of Mo Li's S-level ice ability at all. The latter's ability was too strong, and this impact was at most a tickle for her.

"S-level is worthy of being S-level. The gap between it and A-level is simply the difference between heaven and earth." Mu Yue said enviously. Her own ice-type supernatural power level is A-level, and she is very much looking forward to the legendary S-level.

"If this child can continue to grow like this, Daxia may have a new tenth-level strongman in the future."

Mo Li didn't know Mu Yue's evaluation of him. At this moment, he seemed to be isolated from the outside world. In his eyes and heart, there was only Li Yan in front of him.

The terrifying ice element surrounded Mo Li's hands and climbed up along the handle of the knife. The gray-white blade was covered by ice, emitting bursts of chilling cold.

"Student Li Yan, take my sword."

Mo Li said calmly, holding the handle tightly and slashing forward. A crescent-shaped ice-blue blade light with the power of ice shot towards Li Yan.

The land along the way of the sword energy was covered with frost, crystal clear and dazzling, unique.

"Fuck, Teacher Mu Yue, I give up. Mo Li wants to kill people!"

When Li Yan saw this knife, he simply gave up and didn't resist. He hugged his head with both hands and curled up on the ground.

What's the point of playing this game? People have already used their ultimate moves. Even if they squeezed out the source energy in their bodies, they couldn't block this attack.

The only way to save himself now is to call for someone, to call Teacher Mu Yue to protect himself, otherwise his family will have to hold a big banquet.

Mu Yue had already prepared to save people in advance. As long as Li Yan opened his mouth, she could rush to the ring at the first time.

Hearing this, her figure flashed and disappeared from the spot like a ghost. Her body movements made it impossible to capture and detect.

When Mu Yue appeared in everyone's sight again, she had already come in front of Li Yan. Her right hand condensed a tens of meters of ice shield in front of her, easily dissolving Mo Li's slash.

Li Yan behind him didn't open his eyes for a long time, his body was shaking constantly, and the terrifying momentum brought a great shock to his soul.

"Student Mo Li, stop it, you see how scared you are to Li Yan."

"Sorry, Teacher Mu Yue, I was too excited to attack, and I didn't control my strength for a while, so I accidentally hit him too hard." Mo Li touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed.

"Be more careful in the future."

"Two students from Class 7 of Grade 1, come up quickly and help Li Yan to the infirmary for treatment." After Mu Yue instructed Mo Li, she entrusted the students under the stage.

Immediately, two students walked onto the stage, helped Li Yan who was sitting on the ground, and walked quickly towards the infirmary.

The scene was silent, and no one spoke at this time. They were all shocked by Mo Li's knife, and their hearts could not calm down for a long time, surging in their hearts like waves.

Is this the strength of S-level? It's too strong.

A strong sense of powerlessness emerged in everyone's heart. The other person's strength level was higher than theirs, and their awakening level was also higher than theirs. The key was that they worked harder than themselves in daily practice.More, can such people really be caught up?

Difficult, very difficult, not just ordinary difficult.

This difficulty is no less than the first-year students beating the seniors.

"What are you like, do you want to give up halfway?"

"Think about the purpose of your cultivation. Cultivation is not for you to fight with your own people. Cultivation is to have the ability to protect yourself when danger comes, and to save all living beings when there is still strength left."

"Cultivation is for the transmission of human fire and the change of civilization. To put it bluntly, the current competition we are conducting is to hone your respective combat strength, so that you can deeply realize your own shortcomings and make up for them in the following days, instead of worrying about it."

Mu Yue saw their thoughts and scolded them coldly.

A group of students lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the sharp eyes on the stage, thinking about different things.

Some people suddenly realized after listening to Mu Yue's words, while others were still confused and didn't know what they were thinking.

Mu Yue sighed, turned around and looked at Mo Li standing upright on the stage, then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she announced.

"Ice Department Grade 1 Class 3, Mo Li wins!"

Mo Li walked off the stage as if nothing had happened, not feeling the words just now.

His belief was very firm and would not waver at all.

"Whatever, how much strength do you have? Don't deliberately make excuses that you don't have enough strength if you can't beat me later. That would be too shameless."

Bai Jiu jumped in front of Mo Li and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, if I, Mo Li, lose, I will say such things. From now on, I will step on banana peels and watermelon peels when I go out, and I will get stuck in my throat when I eat fish. It will rain when I go out. Is that okay?"

Mo Li was not joking, and his tone was extremely serious.

"Hehe, I feel at ease with this poisonous oath. I will definitely beat you and beg for mercy later." Bai Jiu put his hands on his waist, quite cute.

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