He moved swiftly through the cold and dense forests, sometimes stepping on branches to reach another branch, and sometimes moving at high speed on the ground.

Like a flexible ape.

Mo Li's goal was the lake in the distance. The most important thing for survival in the wild was water.

Where there was water, there would be monsters. The compressed biscuits in the backpack were only enough for one day, and the rest of the time he could only survive on monster meat.

With this in mind, Mo Li's leg muscles suddenly exerted force, and he stepped on the ground to create a pit of about ten centimeters.

His steps were ghostly, moving freely between the trees, and his speed was not affected at all.

"Hide well on the first day, and go out hunting on the second day." Mo Li murmured.

On the first day, everyone was full of energy, and so were the seniors. They would be crazy about catching people when they were at their peak in all aspects.

He didn't want to meet the seniors in their prime.

While he was thinking, he heard the sound of drinking water coming from the lake not far away. Mo Li stopped immediately.

He found a relatively tall tree, jumped up with both feet, and held the branches tightly with his palms.

He swung his body slightly, and landed steadily on the tree trunk. He pushed aside the leaves in front of him and could vaguely see the scene by the lake.

A large group of demon wolves were drinking water with their heads down. The demon wolf king at the head was bigger than the one Mo Li had seen before coming to Mingzhu Academy.

"No matter how big you are, you are only a first-level demon beast."

After confirming that there was no hidden danger, Mo Li quietly landed on the ground, and the ice element in his hand surged.

Several ice cones condensed behind him. Mo Li waved his hand and aimed the ice spikes at the demon wolves.

Blue light shuttles passed through the air, and bursts of air-breaking sounds were heard.

The demon wolves seemed to sense something, but it was too late. When they turned back, ice spikes pierced their foreheads, and bright red blood flowers bloomed.

With just one strike, all the demon wolves except the demon wolf king were killed by Mo Li.


The demon wolf king's limbs were tense, and his hair stood up like needles. He looked at the man who walked out of the forest in a fighting posture.

"Thank you for the gift of nature."

Mo Li hummed softly, and his figure disappeared instantly, as if he had been wiped out.

The demon wolf king's sense of smell was stronger than his vision. He immediately sensed the danger behind him, but he could only sense it.

Its head turned halfway, and a blood mark appeared from its neck, and a large amount of blood splashed on Mo Li's face from the inside.


The huge wolf head fell to the ground, and the blood dyed the demon wolf king's fur red, which was extremely hideous.

Mo Li didn't say anything. He took out a dagger and cut off the valuable parts of the demon wolf, and put them into his bag without changing his expression.

He cut off the thigh meat of the demon wolf and left the place in a few leaps.

While running, he recalled the discomfort he felt when he killed the demon wolf for the first time, but now he could no longer feel it.

It was like doing something ordinary.

After experiencing life and death, his state of mind was no longer the same, and his psychological endurance was much stronger than before.

"Why think so much, we have to find a place to stay first."

Mo Li's leg muscles bulged, and he suddenly exerted force, bursting with speed, carrying violent winds and sweeping away afterimages in the air.

The surrounding scenery is difficult to capture clearly with the naked eye. Various colors are intertwined and mixed into a ball, which makes people dizzy.

Mo Li looked forward, and a terrifying blue light passed through his eyes.

He jumped repeatedly between dense trees, extremely fast, and soon he was far away from the lake.

Mo Li glanced at the time on his bracelet. If he guessed correctly, the freshmen should have landed, and the seniors would be next.

"We have to hurry."

Mo Li muttered, and rushed towards a certain direction, like a thunderbolt.

He carefully looked up at the sky and found a black spot that was getting bigger in his sight.

"Fuck! I forgot to check the almanac before going out. I'm a bit unlucky today." Mo Li's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted in fear.

He glanced around, his eyes lit up, and found a Feng Shui treasure land.

Mo Li hid quietly in the bushes, and his breathing was also light at this time, trying his best not to make too much noise.

In order not to be discovered by the seniors.

Fifteen seniors, the range of the D-level 05 monster mountain range is so wide, and one of them jumped to the area where he was.

There is a one percent chance of him running into it, this luck is also unmatched.

If he was caught by the senior on the first day, he would definitely become very popular in Mingzhu Academy, and someone would definitely share his "heroic" deeds in the forum.

《The S-level ice-type awakened person was caught on the first day of the hunt, is this a sign of weakness or is it that the senior is too strong? 》

He vowed in his heart that he would prevent such a thing from happening and try his best to escape this disaster.

Mo Li curled up in the bushes, staring at the increasingly clear black spot with bated breath.

A man with an ordinary appearance cut the rope tied to him with a knife when he was still more than ten meters away from the ground.

Falling sharply downward in mid-air.


The smoke and dust scattered, covering the man falling from the sky, and the loud sound of flying soil made Mo Li's heart beat non-stop.

He was extremely nervous. Is this the strength of the senior? It was even more terrifying than he expected.

He jumped more than ten meters away as if nothing had happened. If he was caught, he would probably lose in less than a minute.

As the dust and fog dissipated, a figure appeared in Mo Li's eyes. The other party was carrying a black spear on his back. Under the sunlight, the tip of the spear reflected a chilling cold light.

The black combat uniform made the other party more mysterious, and subconsciously gave people a sense of déjà vu as if they were facing a great enemy.

Both his long sword and the other party's long spear were uniformly distributed by the Mingzhu Academy's arsenal, but if they really came into contact, his weapon would never be able to compete.

The stronger the strength, the sharper the weapon. Mo Li did not forget what Zhang Yuan said. He was a first-level warrior, and his strength would never be as high as the other party's.

The other party's strength was guaranteed to be at the top of the second level, which was Mo Li's lowest estimate.

"Who's there!"

The strange senior shouted, and with a stroke of his palm, a water arrow rushed out of his sleeve and rushed straight to a big tree.


The big tree hit by the water arrow shook violently, and the leaves flew and fell, and the dark green filled Mo Li's vision.

Fortunately, his hiding place was in the bushes, several meters away from the big tree, and this attack could not force him to show up.

"Is it my hallucination?" The strange senior scratched his head, "Never mind, catching people is the most important thing."

Deep blue water lines emerged from his hands, and he leaned down and patted the ground, and the water seeped into the soil endlessly.

A few seconds later, a humanoid puppet made entirely of water emerged from the ground.

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