He cannot be swayed by temporary interests, and he will not do anything that will only hurt himself.

After thinking it through, Mo Li resisted the reluctance in his heart and refused righteously: "I will not agree with either of you, and I will not help anyone."

"What do you think about the two sides separating?"

Mo Li could either leave directly or join the battle, but he still took a method that was good for both sides.

Wouldn't it be possible to solve the problem by guiding Zhong Wan'er, Qi Qing and others to disperse? Although the root cause could not be dealt with, it was not Mo Li's responsibility.

As students of the Pearl Academy, he felt that they should get along with each other in a friendly manner. In the future, they might perform tasks together, and it would be good for everyone if minor frictions were resolved.

Hurry up and leave, don't force me to enforce the law violently, I don't want to do it!

Mo Li looked at the unfriendly eyes of the crowd and said in his heart that he thought his idea was perfect and no one should object.

Isn't it nice to get a good ranking in the hunting? What's the fun in fighting?

"Mo Li, are you kidding? Is it fun to make such a joke?"

"Mo Li, if you don't want to help, just say it directly, and I won't harass you. Are you looking down on me by saying this?"

Zhong Wan'er and Qi Qing said coldly in unison. The two people's words were different, but the meanings were not much different.

Mo Li didn't care so much. He was blamed, so he was blamed. He was never good at dealing with people, and it was even more difficult to deal with girls.

Feeling everyone's surprised eyes, Mo Li extended an index finger and said calmly: "One minute, you two teams leave from the east and west sides, I won't bother."

"What if I say no?"

"There are more than ten of us here, classmate Mo Li, you want to order us, it's a bit too arrogant."

Mo Li raised his eyebrows, swept his fingers across the large crowd, and pouted: "I don't want to order you, you don't have that value."

"I just want each of you to get a good ranking, that's all. Since persuasion with my mouth doesn't work, then I will talk to you with my fists."

Mo Li's eyes condensed, and the ice fog surrounded this hell. The temperature had already dropped to zero degrees, and the tree trunks were frozen by crystal cold ice.

"Come on!"

Mo Li hooked his fingers at Zhong Wan'er, Qi Qing and others, and pulled out the long knife placed on his back.

"Let's put aside our plans for dealing with Mo Li."

"That's what I meant. I want to see if Mo Li's strength is as strong as others say."

Zhong Wan'er drew out her sword and echoed Qi Qing's words. Their beautiful eyes were like blades, with bursts of cold light.

Some of their companions walked forward with weapons, while others quietly retreated to a distance to watch the upcoming drama.

The scene was tense for a while. Mo Li didn't say a word. He raised his foot and stepped forward. The whole person shot out violently. The blue light around him fluttered wantonly, and the cold air enveloped the blade of the long sword.


The clanging sound of the swords colliding resounded in the forest. Mo Li secretly said that it was not good. He turned his feet slightly and tilted his body to the side, easily avoiding Qi Qing's slash.

Ice spike!

Mo Li's mind moved, and a huge transparent ice spike drilled out from the ground and blocked his back.


A man who was sneaking around to attack Mo Li slashed the air, and the blade cut into the ice spike, and ice chips splashed on the man's face.

Two cold lights lit up at both ends of Mo Li, and he calmly stepped on the ice spike with his feet, his leg muscles bulged high, and flew out violently.

The ice spike was slashed by three people and began to shake. With Mo Li's kick, it immediately lost its center of gravity and fell down.

"Be careful! Get out of the way!"

Qi Qing's figure instantly came to the place where the ice spike fell, and she concentrated all her strength on her right leg, aiming at the ice spike and pulling it quickly, and the water covered her toes with a layer of protective film.



The ice spike was shattered by Qi Qing's kick, and the exploded ice flew in the air. A few people with bad luck were blown away by the ice for a long distance before they could cast spells.

"Thanks for your help!"

Mo Li teased, and with a flick of his arm, several ice cones rushed out at once, and the ice-blue light danced in the air, which was extremely terrifying.

Zhong Wan'er twisted her slender waist, and her jade body flashed like a ghost, dodging all the ice cones stabbing at her.

Qi Qing controlled the water element to gather a layer of water shield in front of him, wrapping around and engulfing the ice cones, turning them into a pool of liquid.

Mo Li did not give them a chance to breathe. At the moment when the two of them were only concerned about themselves, he suddenly moved to the vicinity of the others and hit them hard in the abdomen with the back of the knife.

The ice cone attack was just a sleight of hand, and the real purpose was to reduce the number of enemies.

He was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. If he wanted to win, he had to distract the enemy's attention and then defeat them one by one.


Bang bangBang!

In just a few seconds, Mo Li defeated two enemies with his fighting instinct, making them lose their combat capability.

They were all from the same school, so he had to be careful when he attacked. It would be bad if he hit too hard, and it would be bad if he hit too lightly.

Mo Li was overwhelmed and speechless. The cautious fighting style was really not suitable for him.

Killing with one move was the most suitable for him. He didn't need to think too much. He only pursued three words-fast! Accurate! ruthless!

"You... you don't even think about it..."

"Why do you want to rest? If you fainted, just sleep peacefully. Why get up and scare people?" Mo Li used a little force and hit the back of the opponent's neck with the handle of the knife.

"Be optimistic. If Su Qi comes here, it would not be in line with his personality if he doesn't beat you half to death."

Mo Li held the long knife behind him without looking back. A crisp and pleasant sound sounded from behind, and a dazzling fire burst out.

"Why do you always like sneak attacks? This is wrong."

Mo Li said indifferently, hooked his feet back, and there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"I hate sneak attacks the most, I'll give you a kick."

Mo Li stepped out with his foot, landing heavily on the spine of the sneak attacker, and the severe pain urged him to wail for mercy.

"Yes... I'm sorry! Ah! I was wrong!"

"It is a great virtue to know one's mistakes and correct them."

"Take a nap." Mo Li squatted down and knocked the handle of the knife again. The man under him groaned and fell asleep, and his breathing gradually became normal.

"He is very strong. It's like playing for him to beat us alone. That leisurely strolling posture can't be fake."

"You don't need to tell me, I'm not blind."

Zhong Wan'er stepped back a few steps. Qi Qing looked depressed, and a sense of fatigue surged in his heart. Mo Li's strength exceeded their expectations.

He is extremely skilled in physical combat, just like a soldier who has been on the battlefield.

The opponent's supernatural talent is superior to theirs, and the same is true in terms of physical strength. This is a genius, a well-deserved genius!

"Don't hold back, use magic to attack, I will control and you will attack."

"No problem."

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