
Ice spikes protruded from the bottom of the heavy-armored bear's paw. The crystal-clear ice spikes were stained with bright red blood, and the pungent smell of blood in the air was very strong.


The heavy-armored bear roared hysterically. It could never have imagined that a human would dare to attack it.

In its eyes, Mo Li was at most a larger bug, and it could crush him with a single blow.

The size difference between the two was huge. It was no exaggeration to say that ten Mo Lis were not enough to fill its teeth.

This lingering sense of contempt made it think of underestimating the enemy, which allowed Mo Li to seize the opportunity to take the initiative and give it a surprise.

Intense anger replaced its remaining rationality, occupied the main body of its spirit, and rushed towards Mo Li quickly

"Are you anxious? This is just right. The more impulsive you are, the more flaws you will reveal. Let me see how many moves you can survive in the face of absolute calmness."

Mo Li adjusted his breathing, and his mind was extremely active at this moment, and he began to analyze the changes in the situation.

He wanted to use everything that was beneficial to him to dominate the battlefield and make the battlefield revolve around his actions, so as to make appropriate changes.

Looking at the heavy armored bear attacking him, Mo Li turned his body to the side at the moment when the opponent's giant claw fell, and dodged the attack with the least effort.


Mud splashed on Mo Li's cheek, his legs bent, and 70% of his strength was concentrated on his toes. He wanted to test what level his physical strength had reached.

Compare himself with the heavy armored bear famous for its defensive power to see where he is still lacking.


Mo Li jumped high and slammed his right foot into the head of the heavy-armored bear. The horrible reaction force made his right leg tremble.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The heavy-armored bear screamed in pain. Its limbs were protected by scales, so it was not afraid of attacks, but its head was bald like a normal monster.

Mo Li's kick made it see stars, its teeth shook slightly, and its steps swayed from side to side, almost falling to the ground.

"As expected of a second-level monster, its data in all aspects is really terrible. It can stand still without falling after being kicked in the head by me with almost full force. It seems that I still have a lot to learn."

Mo Li landed on the ground, did a backflip to distance himself from the heavy-armored bear, and kept a relatively safe distance from it.

He would not be complacent because of a successful attack, and be overwhelmed by joy. Human vitality is very fragile, and if you are not careful, you will die.

Even if the monsters have their limbs cut off and their eyeballs gouged out, they can still survive and even have a chance of recovery. In this regard, humans are far inferior to them.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, it is extremely difficult for humans to survive in this chaotic world.

Only by constantly improving and developing can we hope to survive in the world.

Just when Mo Li wanted to use ice spikes again to consume the opponent's state, the two legs of the heavy armor bear, which were thicker than stone pillars, suddenly jumped.

The sand and stones rolled on the ground, and the leaves made a series of rustling sounds. Mo Li's footsteps softened, and he staggered back several steps before he could barely stand.

Boom, boom, boom——

The ground shook continuously. Under the feet of the heavy armor bear, a deep pit was stepped out by it. Its height could accommodate one-third of Mo Li, and its power was evident.


The heavy-armored bear roared as it jumped, spit flying out of its bloody mouth. Although Mo Li's nerve reaction cells were different from those of ordinary people, he was ultimately no match for the rain of saliva.

Drop after drop of saliva fell on Mo Li's face, and the unpleasant stickiness and stench fermented on his face.


Mo Li wanted to say something but stopped. He opened his mouth but didn't say a word. He had tens of thousands of trash words in his heart, but when they reached his throat, he swallowed them back unconsciously.

The other party was a monster with a dull brain and no thinking ability. Wouldn't it be like talking to a cow to complain about it?

It was useless to tell the monster a lot of truths. The language difference between the two meant that they couldn't sit down and have a good argument.

In this case, using fists to avenge the other party was what he should do.

Mo Li thought of this, wiped off the sticky liquid, stared at the culprit who caused all this, and a terrifying cold light flashed in his eyes.

The heavy armored bear saw Mo Li standing still, thinking that he was scared silly. Taking advantage of the gap in the other party's trance, its lower body muscles suddenly bulged, and blue-black blood vessels appeared on the epidermis.

The sharp teeth were still dripping saliva continuously, looking particularly ferocious.


Mo Li glanced at the heavy armored bear that jumped up like a cannonball, raised his right hand calmly, and said indifferently.

"Ice shield, maximum multiplier."

Ice elementSwarming from the body, condensing into an unprecedentedly thick ice shield.

Mo Li stretched out his finger, he did not stop, the energy vortex was running rapidly, and the source energy was stimulated to the extreme at this time.


The heavy armor bear hit the ice shield with both hands, leaving a mark of not too long or too short.

Seeing that the ice shield had not been smashed, the heavy armor bear waved his hands and beat it repeatedly, and the sound echoed in every corner of the dense forest.

"Didn't you eat? With this little strength, do you want to tickle my ice shield?"

Mo Li said stubbornly, he put his palm on the ice shield, trying to inject energy into it to ensure that the ice shield would not break in a short time.

The destructive power of the second-level monster is greater than he thought. The ice shield can only withstand two or three hits at most. If it were not for the continuous supply of source energy, it would have broken several times.

It seems that I still underestimated the strength of the second-level monster. I have to be more careful next time I meet it.

Mo Li silently memorized the mistakes he made tonight. These mistakes will become stepping stones for him to become excellent. It is no big deal to admit his own mistakes.

What is important is that you have the courage and determination to admit mistakes, understand mistakes, and correct mistakes.

The most important reason why humans can be superior to all living things is their brains full of wisdom and their hearts that never give up.

These aspects make up the individual human being, making people at the top of the pyramid of the food chain.

Bang, bang, bang!

The ice shield was hovering between repair and damage. The blue light of Mo Li's fingers was bright, and the bone-chilling cold spread at his fingertips.

After enduring so many times, it was time for him to fight back.

Mo Li's toes pushed hard on the cracked ice shield. The figure disappeared in an instant and appeared on the branches not far away in the next second.

"Mysterious Ice Finger."

Mo Li didn't waste any words. He casually pointed his index finger forward. The tree trunks and soil along the way formed layers of ice, which were smooth enough to reflect the bright moon in the sky.


The blue light shuttled through the air, cutting out dull sounds of breaking through the air, as if it could freeze the air.

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