Shen Changfeng was also unambiguous. He bent his legs slightly, clenched his long knife and pointed it at Su Qi. His muscles were tense, and explosive power accumulated under his skin.

His body was as steady as a mountain, and his hawk-like eyes stared at Su Qi, with an extremely cold chill coming out of them.

Several lightning snakes flashed on his arms, his face was covered with dark purple lightning, and in his fist, terrifying thunder was bred in it.

Seeing this, Su Qi also changed his usual laughter and expression. Although Shen Changfeng was very mean and shameless, it was undeniable that his strength was still very strong.

The two were separated by a distance, but Su Qi still clearly felt the thunder that seemed to be able to destroy the world.

He took several deep breaths to stabilize his violently beating heart. Brother Li once said that you can't panic in battle. Once you start to panic, you will be close to defeat.

"Calm down, I have to calm down."

"As both of us are A-level awakened powers, my wind power will never be worse than his thunder power. I want to defeat him!"

A faint breeze merged with Su Qi, and the spear was also wrapped in the wind element, changing from the original black to the current blue.

The destructive power and defense of the wind power are not as good as other attribute powers, but in terms of speed, the wind power is one of the best among all powers.

At the same time, the wind power has a point that other powers do not have. This is very special, and only the wind power has this ability.

The wind power can greatly increase the joint flexibility of the awakened, and can easily control their own body, so that the shape follows the heart in the true sense.

In close combat, there are often unexpected effects.

The breeze turned into a gust of wind at this moment, and the rustling sound of falling leaves covered it one after another. Xu Ling hung her head and hugged her hair tightly with both hands.

This was the hairstyle she had spent a long time styling in the morning. It would be a shame if it was blown away by the wind.

Purple and blue streamers were flying all over the sky. The two stood there, looking at each other, and the weapons in their hands faintly clanged.


Shen Changfeng took the lead in attacking, his figure was like a thunder, flying at high speed in the low sky.

"The first move of the extreme of thunder, thunder!"

At the moment the words fell, a lightning bolt gathered above Su Qi's head, completely dyeing this corner of the area purple.


The lightning struck straight down, Su Qi spun his feet, and his figure moved like a ghost, making it difficult to detect.

Where he stood a second ago, the ground was scorched by lightning, cracked with several tiny cracks, and the air was filled with a burnt smell.

"At this speed, it will take you 10,000 years to reach your grandfather Su Qi!" Su Qi taunted mercilessly, and rushed out like an arrow.

Afterimages followed closely behind, confusing Shen Changfeng's vision and making it impossible for him to find Su Qi's real body.

Soon, the two successfully approached each other. Su Qi raised his spear and swung it down. The speed was so fast and the force was so heavy that the air made a loud sonic boom.


The spear hit the blade hard. At the intersection of the two, flames burst out, and even the temperature began to rise continuously.

"Let go! "

Su Qi exerted force with both hands again, grasped the handle of the gun and pressed down. This huge force was poured into the spear, which made Shen Changfeng look embarrassed.

Fuck! What on earth did this kid eat to grow up? How can he be so strong? I can't hold on any longer!

No, we must break the situation. I have to buy enough time for Ye Feng to attack, otherwise we will definitely lose.

Shen Changfeng secretly complained in his heart.

He clenched his teeth, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and his palm suddenly raised, blocking Su Qi's attack with a long knife.

If it was an ordinary stab, Shen Changfeng might be able to handle it calmly, but Su Qi didn't play by the rules. He took the spear and didn't care about anything. He just hit him.

Su Qi turned a spear into a hammer. It was sharp and heavy, but the key was that it was still Very sensitive.

These large long-handled weapons are different from swords. They are heavy and bulky, and they can be easily dodged by kites in battle.

But Su Qi was not worried at all. The wind power could make up for this shortcoming.

With the help of the wind element, the effect of the spear increased exponentially, and the power and agility changed qualitatively, as if it was a step to heaven.

If Shen Changfeng wanted to resist, it would be as difficult as hell. If he was not careful, he would be dead.

As the saying goes, a good man will not suffer a loss in front of him. If you can't beat me, can't you avoid it? Since I lost the physical battle, wouldn't it be better to beat you in terms of power?

Shen Changfeng's mind suddenly became clear, and he flashed to the side and narrowly avoided the attack.


The spear hit the ground like a meteorite, and the ground was shaken violently.Su Qi saw that his attack had missed, and he did not hesitate to swing his hand in the direction where Shen Changfeng was dodging.

The resistance of the air did not bother him. He had awakened the wind power and was favored by the wind element.

The spear swept to the side with endless power, so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.

Shen Changfeng was about to use the second move of Thunder Extreme when he saw the spear swept by Su Qi. He had no choice but to block the long sword in front of him at the last second, hoping to relieve some of the force.

It would be fine if he blocked it. The two were so close that he had no space to hide, and no time to deliberately adjust his posture to face the upcoming sweep.


The cold light shone in all directions, and the crisp sound spread throughout the dense forest. The next moment after this pleasant sound rang out, a figure quickly shot backwards, and blood was sprayed into the air by Shen Changfeng.

"Wind Blade!"

Su Qi rushed to finish off the enemy. He wanted to cripple Shen Changfeng first, and as for the interrogation, Xu Ling would do it.

He had seen the opponent's methods before, and torturing a little Shen Changfeng was no problem at all.


Shen Changfeng's back hit a boulder. Behind him, the bloodstains slowly expanded, and the pungent smell filled every wisp of air.

Several wind blades followed one after another, slashing Shen Changfeng's limbs. His mind was a little confused, and the spirit in his eyes was gradually dissipating.

Su Qi's sweep and wind blades seriously injured his vitality, and the stone on his back even injured his bones, and his physical strength and physical condition plummeted.

"Cough cough!"

Shen Changfeng opened his mouth and coughed wildly, and blood was spit out from his mouth, staining the green ground red.

He looked extremely haggard, his eyebrows were weakly loose, his face was as pale as a candle, and he looked very weak.

If a weaker person had been hit by this, he would have fainted on the spot. Thanks to his status as a first-level advanced psychic, he was able to hang on to his last breath.

"You are just like Mo Li, a complete lunatic!" Shen Changfeng struggled to get up and growled angrily.

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