Even he himself felt that these words were very stupid. Bai Jiu had come to him to ask for a reason, but he said that the weather was good. Isn't this something that only a person with a brain injury would do?

Mo Li was speechless at his own stupidity. He really wanted to slap himself a few times. He was usually calm and wise, but why did he freeze at this critical moment?

Looking at Bai Jiu's eyes full of scrutiny, Mo Li's heart became flustered.

He couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. This phenomenon had already appeared more than once in his memory.

Whenever he saw Bai Jiu's emotions began to fluctuate strongly, his heart would always subconsciously beat faster, and his original rationality would disappear.

As a result, he couldn't make the best judgment.

Deep in his heart, a green seed quietly sprouted, but as the person involved, he had not yet discovered all the abnormalities.

"Is this all you want to say to me?"

Bai Jiu didn't say much. After leaving this sentence, he stood there quietly, looking at the helpless Mo Li.

She was too lazy to listen to Mo Li's irrelevant things. What she wanted was an explanation from the other party, whether it was true or false, as long as she could deceive herself.

She would not care so much. Sometimes thinking too much would often be counterproductive. It was the most important thing for them to stop at the right time.

Mo Li lowered his head after hearing this. After organizing his words in his mind, he looked at Bai Jiu, who was neither sad nor happy, and said softly.

"Hey, how should I put it? This matter is just a misunderstanding. I didn't peek at you taking a bath, and as for your body, I didn't see it either."

Seeing Bai Jiu's unconvinced look, Mo Li knew that his words had not yet played a decisive role, so he said again in a deep voice.

"I just got here not long ago. Didn't we agree to meet at the waterfall? So I walked a few steps towards the waterfall."

"Then I heard you say that you didn't want to get married in the future. I happened to have the same idea. Finally, I was in a daze for a while. When I reacted, your Lihuo Seal was fully charged."

"Do you understand now? I didn't peek at you at all. I am such a bright and upright person. I will never do such a shameful thing that lowers my status."

Listening to Mo Li's solemn promise, Bai Jiu put down her heart slightly, and her anxious mood eased a lot.

So that's it. I blamed Mo Li wrongly.

Bai Jiu did not doubt the other party's words. After getting along with each other for a few days, she has more or less mastered Mo Li's character and temperament.

Mo Li is a person who respects others very much. He will smile back when his classmates greet him.

He speaks very measuredly and keeps a very comfortable and reasonable degree, which will neither make people feel perfunctory nor annoying.

Although Mo Li was born in an ordinary family, his behavior is not even comparable to that of some young masters of big families.

Just based on honesty, Mo Li left them far behind.

"Okay, I'm considerate, so I'll just trust you this time. If there's a next time, I'll beat you up like a pig."

Bai Jiu put her hands on her waist, pouting her pink little mouth, her tone was very unreasonable, just like a sulking little wife.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, there won't be a next time. If there is, I'll beat myself until you're satisfied. Do you think this is okay?"

Mo Li said speechlessly. Bai Jiu's temper is divided into two extremes, sometimes like a charming witch, and sometimes like a savage and hot-tempered little girl.

"Then remember this, don't do it again, or I'll beat you to death."

"Don't treat me like a fool, okay? Can you walk now? I'm really tired and want to lie down and rest."

"Then why don't you just walk by yourself? Do you need me to support you for a few steps? Otherwise, you can call me Sister Bai Jiu and make me happy. Maybe I'll agree to your rude request once I'm happy."

Bai Jiu walked to Mo Li's side, leaned forward, and said gloatingly.

"I didn't ask you to support me, so don't fantasize about it."

Mo Li staggered and limped forward. His feet trembled violently with every step he took. The swelling and pain rushed straight into his heart, making his brows tighten and his face look ashen.


Bai Jiu lowered his eyes and stared at Mo Li's legs. A trace of pity flashed through his heart.

Damn it, damn it, damn it, it's all Mo Li's fault. He almost took advantage of me, and even asked me to help him walk. He's so mean.

Forget it, forget it. Who says I, the beautiful Bai, am kind-hearted? I won't have such a good thing next time. My support service is worth at least seven figures. I'll just give it to you this time.

Bai Jiu thought proudly, with the corners of her lips curled up, her face extremely vivid.

MoLi walked slowly forward, ignoring Bai Jiu who was having a lot of inner drama. This little pain was not a problem for him.

Suddenly, a small hand as white as jade reached out from his side and shook a few times.

"Well, I feel so sorry for you, so I will help you walk with reluctance."

Mo Li tilted his head and found that Bai Jiu was facing him with her side face, her cheeks puffed up, her red eyes glanced around, and she didn't dare to look at him.

Bai Jiu, who was not happy the previous second, took the initiative to reach out her hand the next second. Her proud attitude made Mo Li want to laugh out loud.

"I didn't call you Sister Bai Jiu, what are you doing? Do you want me to get it for free?"

"Get it for free, you big head ghost? This is called charity, do you understand charity? If I didn't see you so pitiful, I wouldn't help you."

"It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing the good heart, do you still want to help me? If not, I'm leaving!"

Bai Jiu said angrily, her snow-white face was dyed bright red, and at first glance it looked like two clouds at dusk.

She was aggressive on the mouth, but very kind in her heart, she was simply a walking sharp tongue and soft heart.

Mo Li thought secretly to himself, a smile appeared on his handsome and three-dimensional face, and there was incomparable tenderness in his eyes.

"Thank you Sister Bai Jiu, Sister Bai Jiu is really kind and beautiful. The saying that a beautiful person has a beautiful heart was born for you, and it is its life mission to describe you."

Adding a sister is too corny, Mo Li can't do it yet, a sister is the limit of what he can tolerate.

Bai Jiu was willing to lower herself to help him, so why would it be wrong for him to meet her small request?

Besides, isn't it just a matter of adding the word "sister"? What's the big deal? There's no one else here, so it doesn't matter if she takes advantage of him.

Bai Jiu looked at Mo Li suddenly after hearing this, and her steps stopped in shock. After a long pause, she asked uncertainly.

"You...you called me Sister Bai Jiu? Did I hear it or did you say it wrong because you can't think straight?"

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