Bai Jiu held Xiao Moli's cheek and encouraged him with a smile.

Xiao Moli in front of her had a pair of innocent eyes. Bai Jiu could see herself clearly in these clear eyes.

It was just an ordinary dream, but she took the other person's existence seriously. She listened to Xiao Moli's words with interest and gave her affirmation, just like an understanding and intimate elder sister.

"Then elder sister, do you think I will become very useful and strong when I grow up?"

"I want to become strong, I want to gain strong strength, to protect the people I cherish, and the people who cherish me!"

Xiao Moli said very seriously. In his clear eyes, Bai Jiu saw a quality that should not appear in children - tenacity.

It was an unprecedented tenacity. In the 18 years of her life, she met countless people of all kinds and had no less than a hundred dealings with them.

Bai Jiu had many people with strong character, but Xiao Moli was the first one she had ever seen who was so decisive.

"You will become stronger, so strong that on the road ahead, you will only leave your peers with a back that is getting farther and farther away and out of reach."

"There will be gains and losses, and once your strength far exceeds that of people of your age, your future goals will change."

"Your opponents will no longer stop here. Cross-generation battles are something you will experience frequently. You have a few years less training time than others, and it is as difficult for you to defeat them as it is for you to defeat me now. Even so, are you still willing to become stronger?"

Bai Jiu gently placed her hand on Xiao Moli's thick hair and then gently stroked it.

Her tone was very soft, like the warm sun just after the beginning of winter, which could melt the ice that froze everything and warm the lonely and empty heart.

Xiao Moli didn't hesitate at all when he heard this. He clenched his fists at his side, stared at Bai Jiu with fiery eyes, and said very seriously.

"Even if the road ahead is difficult and thorny, and no one follows me, I will still become stronger, fearless of wind and rain, and forge ahead!"

"Difficulties will be my whetstone. I will sharpen myself into a peerless blade to cut off all the injustice and suffering in the world!"

Bai Jiu didn't say anything more after hearing this. She had seen the determination in Xiao Moli's eyes, and what she had to do at this time was to recognize the other party.

The reason why children are called children is because their hearts have not been polluted by the world.

At certain moments, they often live more thoroughly than adults.

Where you fall, you get up from there. This is a quality that many adults do not have, but it can be clearly seen in children.

Giving up halfway is not their style. It will only become the nourishment for their thriving growth. A dream that was casually said in childhood will make him keep working hard.

"Xiao Moli is very courageous. If so, then go for it. Give it a try. When you succeed, bring your achievements to me and let me open my eyes, okay?"

Bai Jiu raised the corners of her lips, bent her upper body, and kept at the same height as Xiao Moli. On her face, there was always a touching smile.

"Thank you, sister. I'm leaving. What should I do to see you again in the future?"

Xiao Moli smiled first, and then seemed to think of something, and said with a depressed face.

He liked chatting with this beautiful big sister. In Xiao Moli's eyes, the other party seemed to be a fairy who fell into the mortal world. Every glance and smile exuded a transcendental atmosphere.

"Don't worry about this. We will meet when the time comes," Bai Jiu smiled playfully and kept Xiao Mo Li in suspense, "Far away in the horizon, close at hand, looking back suddenly, maybe I am in the dim light."

"Xiao Mo Li, you just need to work hard and strive for your ambition. I will always be watching you from behind."

This Mo Li is different from the Mo Li in the outside world. The Mo Li in his dream is obviously a fragile little kid who needs to be coaxed.

Bai Jiu is not sure if this is her own imagination. Trapped in a dream, the illusion and reality merge, like a dream. If you are not a person with great perseverance, there is a high probability that you will get lost in the illusory dream.

But she doesn't care, and doesn't want to distinguish all this. She always feels that the little Mo Li in front of her will will not harm her. This is an inexplicable feeling.

It is a sense of security that makes the whole body and mind feel comfortable.

"Yes, I will!"

"Then big sister, let's make a promise. Whoever lies will be the barking puppy!" Little Mo Li was very excited and stretched out his hand towards Bai Jiu.She showed her delicate and smooth little hands.

"Okay, okay, it's the puppy who lied, okay."

A smile like a summer flower bloomed on Bai Jiu's face. At the moment she smiled, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up in the white space, and cracks began to appear on the surrounding lattice walls, spreading outward from the center.

Crack, crack--

The cracks in the wall gradually increased until they spread to all the walls. If a person with trypophobia came here, it would probably collapse in an instant.

"What's going on? Is it going to collapse?" Bai Jiu was stunned and took a few steps back.

Xiao Moli's palm quickly reached out, firmly grasped Bai Jiu's wrist, looked at her and whispered: "Big sister, don't be afraid, this is a surprise I prepared for you, you have to watch it carefully."

Sensing the warmth coming from her hand, Bai Jiu slowly let go of her heart, and surprisingly, she didn't shake it off because she was not very interested in the opposite sex.


Bai Jiu was a little confused. The space was about to collapse. What kind of surprise was this? It was more like a shock.


A deafening sound of breaking sounded, like thunder in spring, exploding in the ears of the two people. The terrifying air wave lifted up all of Bai Jiu's silver hair and flew upwards.

The white walls fell to the ground one by one like glass fragments, and the scenery outside the wall was in Bai Jiu's sight.

Colorful flowers and plants were planted unevenly on the land, and towering trees formed a deep and dense forest. There was nothing else except the darkness that could not be seen to the bottom.

At Bai Jiu's feet, there was a road made of crystal. Looking forward along the road, a swing hanging on a branch was swinging back and forth.

"How about it, sister, is the scenery here to your liking? This is specially built for you. Isn't it beautiful!"

Xiao Mo Li loosened his hand that was tightly holding Bai Jiu, turned around, and stood in front of her and said.

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