The man in black felt the pressure on the sword getting stronger and stronger, and he was about to collapse.

He was also surprised. He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so terrifying. It was far beyond his expectations.

But he was not a pushover. He used his thigh to kick Mo Li's waist.

Mo Li raised his leg to block the opponent's kick and hit the opponent's head with his head.

As for elegance or not, there was no need for elegance in a life-and-death duel. The result was the most important.

Bang! The head hammer hit the man in black's forehead.

He felt dizzy and felt like the world was spinning. Even the sword in his hand was a little unstable.

Mo Li found the right opportunity, elbowed the opponent's hand holding the weapon, and kicked the opponent in the abdomen.

The man in black flew backwards, and the weapon fell to Mo Li's feet because of the elbow.

After flying a few meters in the air, it fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

"Damn it, how can you be so cheap!"

He struggled to get up, staring at Mo Li with his eyes, the anger in his eyes was like substance, and his tone was full of hysterical questioning.

Mo Li spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "What cheap, as long as it works."

"You're looking for death, fire fist!"

The black-clothed man's hands were burning with flames, the air around him rose rapidly, and a pair of fire fists attacked Mo Li's face.

Mo Li was in a heavy mood, and kicked the stone beside him. The whole stone could not withstand his foot force and burst instantly, and the scattered gravel flew towards the black-clothed man who was rushing over.

Pah! As soon as the stone approached the black-clothed man, it was melted in the air by the high temperature.

"Die!" The black-clothed man seemed to have seen Mo Li die under his fist, and grinned wildly.

"Haha, just you? You're not worthy!"

Mo Li's palms were covered with a layer of ice, and he clenched his fists and slammed into the other party.


The man in black was hit by the explosion and hit a tree, spitting blood all over the ground.

However, Mo Li was not feeling well either. He rolled on the ground for several times before he could control his body, and his backpack flew out.

Mo Li stood up and thought in a panic: Su Qi couldn't have missed such a loud noise.

"He hasn't come for so long, so he won't have any problems. I have to deal with this enemy as soon as possible and go find him."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Mo Li's speed exploded, and he disappeared immediately.

The short blade cut the man in black's throat like lightning, and the sharp blade revealed his cold eyes, like a poisonous snake.

The man in black quickly got up and put his hands across his neck to block the blow.

It's okay to get his hands injured, but it's really dead if his neck is cut.

Swish! Blood sprayed on Mo Li's face, and at the same time he kicked the black-clothed man in the face, and his body fell on the tree trunk with the momentum.

"Ice explosion!" Without giving the other party time to react, several ice spikes flew towards the other party quickly.

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of explosions sounded, and the place where the other party was was filled with smoke.

Mo Li looked at the scene and murmured: "If he doesn't die, he should be disabled. The other party is a first-level mutant like me and can't withstand this power."

The smoke slowly dissipated, and when Mo Li saw it clearly, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, and he spoke in astonishment.

"Why is it you, Lin Zefeng!"

"We just had some verbal arguments, but I didn't expect you to want to kill me."

Lin Zefeng's face was full of blood at this time, dripping down his body. His body was blown into a bloody mess, just like a bloody man.

He said in a faint hoarse voice: "Haha, you didn't expect it to be me."

Seeing Mo Li's puzzled expression, he stared at him intently, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

His tone became extremely cold, and he spoke word by word.

"If it weren't for you and Su Qi at the awakening conference that day, I should have been the best person."

"The person that the three top universities openly competed for should have been me."

"But it's because of you two that I feel like a clown. New hatred and old hatred add up. Do you think I should take revenge?"

Mo Li listened to this and slowly said: "The first thing is that you came up to provoke us first. We didn't take the initiative to provoke you, and we didn't settle accounts with you afterwards."

"As for the second thing, it's all your own self-esteem that's at work."

"If you want to accuse someone of a crime, you can always find a pretext."

He was now overwhelmed by anger, and didn't think that what he had done before was wrong at all. The whole person looked extremely ferocious.

Mo Li saw that since he couldn't wake him up, he would beat him up.

He bent his body and shot out, taking advantage of the other party's trance, he hit him in the stomach with a palm, and then raised his knee to hit him.

Lin Zefeng only felt his stomachHis mouth was churning and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Fortunately, Mo Li had predicted his move and dodged it early, otherwise, he would have felt sick after being sprayed twice in a row.

Lin Zefeng knelt on the ground with his legs, holding his stomach with his hands, and he looked like a shrimp with his body bent.

After finishing the matter here, Mo Li was about to rush back when another person appeared in his sight.

The man wore a mask on his face and held Su Qi, who had fainted, in his hand. He had a playful smile on his face, as if to him, this was just a game.

Eye to eye, Mo Li exuded a chill, and said heavily: "What do you want to do to let him go."

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to him, I just knocked him out when he was not prepared."

"Don't stare at me with that look, I will be very angry, and it will be bad if you do something strange."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I am a member of the Blood Evil Society."

"You should have heard of this name, be good and don't think about struggling and resisting, that's useless to me, hahahaha."

He said in a teasing tone, and threw Su Qi not far away.

The sound reached Mo Li's ears, causing him to lose consciousness for a short time. Mo Li shook his head a few times, trying to wake himself up, and his mood fell to the bottom.

This person is very strong, and he can be affected by words, which is far beyond his ability to deal with.

This is his evaluation of this strange man.

Mo Li frowned and thought about how to break the deadlock. At this moment, a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind.

Oh, don't I still have the sensor given by the officer in charge of guarding?

As long as they can hold out until their support arrives, then he and Su Qi can still be saved. Moreover, he has not taken out his C-class armor yet, which is his last life-saving trump card.

C-class armor can rival a fourth-level strongman, so he should be able to effectively resist the influence of this person in front of him.

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