Once Bai Jiu stepped on the ice mirror, she would slip uncontrollably, causing her body to lose balance and fall. Then he would use the ice element to trap her, so that she could listen to him carefully.

Mo Li couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly, revealing a calm smile, giving people the illusion of being amiable.

Bai Jiu didn't know what he was up to. In her anger, she couldn't think so much, and raised her fist to hit Mo Li in the face.

Yes, yes, yes, just like that, closer, closer.

Mo Li silently chanted in his heart, and his steps tilted to the side, barely avoiding Bai Jiu's attack.

Bai Jiu saw that her attack failed again, and in shame, she used 50% of her strength, took a big step, and rushed towards Mo Li.

Little did she know that she had fallen into the trap set by Mo Li.

While running at high speed, Bai Jiu's right foot came into close contact with the ice on the floor tiles. It is difficult for people without special training to walk on the ice, let alone run.

His feet suddenly slipped, and Bai Jiu fell forward with an unstable center of gravity.

Mo Li looked at Bai Jiu falling towards him, and he was secretly happy at first, but then replaced by panic.

In his imagination, Bai Jiu should fall backwards after stepping on the ice mirror, but the current situation was beyond his expectations. He was in front of the other party and knew Bai Jiu's next move without thinking.

The next moment when Mo Li wanted to escape, Bai Jiu's voice rang out from the front: "Come and pick me up, Mo Li! I don't want to be disfigured!"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Li immediately gave up the idea of ​​turning around and avoiding, found the direction where Bai Jiu fell, and immediately opened his arms to give her a hug full of security.

His original intention was to calm Bai Jiu down. Since the other party had come back to his senses due to fear, the subsequent plan would not be implemented.

Besides, Mo Li was really reluctant to let Bai Jiu fall face down.


We were definitely enemies in the previous life.

Mo Li sighed in his heart, his face was helpless and a little happy.

With a bang, Bai Jiu fell into Mo Li's arms like a little rabbit. At this time, her eyes were tightly closed, her delicate nose was panting, her eyebrows were tightly knitted, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Mo Li's icy face that had never melted for thousands of years suddenly turned red, and his heart beat at the highest value at this moment. In his mind, an idiom popped out of thin air, one look for thousands of years.

I'm afraid that's what it means.

Suppressing the abnormal movement in his heart, Mo Li gently patted Bai Jiu's back a few times and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I was too impulsive just now, I apologize to you."

"Woo woo woo, then you have to agree to one of my requests."

Bai Jiu buried her head in Mo Li's chest, punched him with her fists, and sobbed slightly.

Feeling his clothes getting wet, Mo Li felt extremely distressed, and his cold eyes slowly turned into gentleness like water. This time he was a little braver and stroked Bai Jiu's hair a few times.

"You say it, as long as I can promise you, I will definitely do it."

"Then please... go to hell!"

The conversation suddenly changed, and Mo Li was pushed to the ground by Bai Jiu before he could react.

Bai Jiu took a step and sat on Mo Li's waist, staring at him hotly and said, "You don't really think that I cried, do you? Let me tell you, I was just pretending."

"I, Bai Jiu, will never cry for a man in my life, except my father, of course."

"It seems that your acting skills have improved. Don't worry, I'm not being sentimental. You don't have to cry for me. It's not worth it."

Mo Li laughed at himself. After all, Bai Jiu's fall was caused by him. He felt guilty for crying for him.

As if she had seen something, Bai Jiu put away her stinky face, poked Mo Li's forehead with her index finger, and said with her face tilted.

"If you die, I might cry for a while when I attend your funeral."


"Thank you, it's my honor." Mo Li smiled from the bottom of his heart, and his sunny and warm appearance made Bai Jiu dazed for a moment.

Bai Jiu shook her head quickly to wake herself up. She looked straight at Mo Li and pressed him to the ground.

"Who allowed you to laugh? You sprayed saliva all over my face and almost embarrassed me with your supernatural power. I'm glad I didn't punish you. You still dare to laugh?"

"No, no, I won't laugh anymore. Just be happy." Mo Li put on an expression that said "don't let strangers get close to me". He deserved a beating as much as he deserved.

"It's good that you understand. From now on, I'm the big brother and you're the little brother. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand. Then, big sister Bai Jiu, can you get off me? This posture is a bit easy to be misunderstood. If Su Qi and Xu Ling come back and see it, we can't clear ourselves even if we jump into the Yellow River."

Mo Li's faceShe looked embarrassed and lowered her posture.

"That's right, then you apologize to me first. You can't spit at a girl."

Bai Jiu thought about it and then made her suggestion.

If it were someone else, she would have crippled the other person long ago, but Mo Li was different. Bai Jiu still needed him to help her act.

Besides, she also had a good impression of Mo Li, and Bai Jiu was reluctant to cripple him.

"Uh... Didn't you scare me first? This matter seems to have nothing to do with me. I was scared by you and that's why I did that."

Mo Li was obviously not convinced, and said stubbornly.

After hearing this, Bai Jiu raised her hand and tore Mo Li's facial muscles, saying with a gloomy face.

"How dare you say that to me? If you hadn't planned to attack me from behind while I was looking at my phone, would I have done that?"

"To be frank, it's your fault. You still have the nerve to argue with me. Believe it or not, I'll bite you to death." Bai Jiu showed her sharp little tiger teeth, which flashed a terrifying cold light under the light.

"No, no, no, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I apologize, okay? Sorry, Miss Bai Jiu, I was rude."

Mo Li put his hands together and apologized.

"Okay, then I will forgive you mercifully, but before I let you go, I have one more thing to do."

Bai Jiu smiled and pinched the tender flesh on Mo Li's arm with two white jade fingers and twisted it hard.

"Fuck! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, let go!" Mo Li screamed in pain.

"This time I'll just teach you a lesson, so you don't dare to scare me in the future."

After Bai Jiu succeeded, she got up from Mo Li and said with a smile on her face, as bright and moving as the spring breeze.

"Violent girl, this is a completely violent girl, whoever marries her will be unlucky for eight lifetimes."

Mo Li took a few breaths of cold air and propped himself up from the ground. From the twitching corners of his mouth, it can be seen how much strength Bai Jiu had used.

"Well, what did you say? You said I'm a violent girl?" Bai Jiu turned around quickly and said sinisterly.

"No, no, no, you heard it wrong, I didn't say anything bad about Miss Bai Jiu who is loved by everyone and flowers bloom when she sees them."

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