Feeling the life energy in the air that had not yet dissipated, Bai Jiu said softly. Her movements were not skillful, but not unfamiliar either. Each one contained her affection.

Under Bai Jiu's meticulous care, all the bloodstains on Mo Li's body were wiped clean.

Seeing that Mo Li's hair was still very sticky, Bai Jiu carefully lifted his head out. The moment her exposed skin touched the other's body, her little face suddenly turned red, her ears also turned rose-colored, and her eyes revealed a strong sense of shyness.

After placing Mo Li in place, Bai Jiu took the shower head, adjusted the water to the right temperature, and began to wash his hair.

Mo Li's hair was of good quality, soft but not flat, and felt very comfortable to touch, just like stroking a dog's head. This feeling made Bai Jiu have some aftertaste.

The rustling water droplets shot out quickly from the shower head, splashing on the water surface and bouncing on Bai Jiu's skirt.

In just a few minutes, Bai Jiu's skirt was soaked by water, and a touch of snow-white could be vaguely seen in the depths.

Suppressing the shame in her heart, Bai Jiu pursed her lips and complained: "It's all your fault. You wet the skirt I just changed. Day after day, you just know how to make people worry. You are so old, but you don't know how to take care of yourself at all."

"If your mother sees you like this, I'm afraid she will be very sad."

Bai Jiu frowned slightly, her upper eyelids drooped down, and her face was full of pity. Although she knew that Mo Li had become like this because of cultivation, and his organs were not injured, but became much stronger.

The only injury was a skin injury, which could be recovered within three days. If the medicine was used, one day would be enough to heal.

But she was very sad. This feeling could not be concealed or ignored. It was like a carving knife, firmly engraved in her softest heart.

"It would be great if I had awakened the light ability, and I could help you heal your wounds. In fact, I hate my fire ability. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be out of tune with my family, and I wouldn't have suffered so much cold eyes since I was a child."

"Mo Li, do you know? The ability passed down from generation to generation in our family is the thunder ability, and my father is an eighth-level thunder ability user."

"But I didn't inherit my father's thunder ability, but my mother's fire ability. This is why I can't hold my head up in the family. Even if the level of my awakened ability is S-level, I am still an outsider in the eyes of others."

Bai Jiu talked to herself while washing Mo Li's hair. She had a lot of grievances hidden in her heart, but she couldn't find anyone to tell. Now that Mo Li was in a coma, it was a good time.

She poured out all the resentment she had over the years. Although Mo Li couldn't hear, she just wanted to say it, and only at this time did she have the courage to confide.

"Sometimes I wish I could be born in a happy and harmonious family, with a grandfather who loves me and will hold me and play everywhere, but these are just my wishful thinking after all."

"My mission since I was a child is to be used as a tool for marriage and for friendly exchanges between the two families. Compared with a mission, this is more like a task imposed on me."

Bai Jiu's voice was filled with a hint of sobs, and a few crystal tears shone in the corners of her eyes. Her nose twitched, which was very pitiful.

The sleeping Mo Li's eyelids suddenly jumped, and the stone bead pendant he placed on the washstand shone with silver light that was dim and bright.

"But I'm not someone who succumbs to fate. They want me to marry the young master of the Ruo family, but I won't. That's why I came to Mingzhu Academy."

"At first I didn't want to find a boyfriend, but now I've changed my mind. I want to date you, I want to have my own love, and I want to piss off those old men."

"I still remember that disgusting face very clearly. I want to smash their faces and make them angry. It would be best if they get internal injuries."

Bai Jiu lowered his head and stared at Mo Li's face. He hesitated in the air for a long time, as if he had made a decision, and gave himself a firm breath.

"Come on, you can do it. It's just a secret kiss. Just treat it as early adaptation."

"My parents will come at the end of the month. With their insight, they will definitely find something abnormal. It's okay to practice your mouth while Mo Li is fainting."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Jiu lifted a strand of silver hair on his forehead, pinned it behind his ear, closed his eyes, and his pink lips like cherry blossoms gradually pressed down.

Ten centimeters!

Five centimeters!

Three centimeters!

One centimeter!

Finally, Bai Jiu's lips gently touched Mo Li's side face, and the soft touch surged into her heart.

Unfortunately, Mo Li was in a coma at the moment and did not feel this beauty.

Less than a second after the kiss, Bai Jiu quickly raised her head and quickly kissed Mo Li.Let's separate. This is her first kiss. It would be a lie to say she's not shy.

She moved her fingers to her lips and closed her eyes to enjoy the excitement that made her heart beat faster and her blood boil.

"First kiss, my first kiss is gone just like that."

"Ahhhh! Bai Jiu, why are you not reserved at all? You kissed me as soon as you said you would. Where is your bottom line? If Mo Li knew about this, I would kiss him secretly while he was unconscious. I would be laughed at for three to five years."

Bai Jiu's eyes were full of stars, and she said with fear. She stood on the floor tiles, stomping her right foot constantly. The straight silver hair swayed behind her head, raising a breeze.

"But, I mean, kissing is quite comfortable. The soft feeling is almost like eating cotton candy."

Suddenly, Bai Jiu changed her tone and touched her lips, recalling the touch of the previous kiss.

The lustful nature burst out at this time, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Mo Li's handsome profile eagerly. For the person she likes, she will not be stingy with her love.

The first kiss was indeed very shy, but after getting used to it, she fell in love with this feeling.

"Kiss again, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Bai Jiu took a step forward and a step back, seeming a little hesitant. In the end, she still went against her conscience and kissed Mo Li's face again. As for the lips, she didn't plan to do so. After all, the two were not formal lovers, but it just happened that both parties loved each other.

"Hehe, don't blame me, Mo Li, if you want to blame someone, blame you for being too attractive, much more beautiful than the male stars on the screen."

Bai Jiu supported her chin and smiled foolishly, and Mo Li's figure was all in her charming eyes.

She thought a lot that night. With the other party's procrastinating personality, it would be harder than the sky falling to wait for him to confess. After thinking again and again, it was safer for her to take the initiative.

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