"Are you serious? With the destructive power of those two people, are we sure we won't be blown away if we go out?"

Su Qi immediately edited a paragraph and replied, feeling very nervous.

"Then we can't let the house be destroyed, do you want to move out and live in an apartment?"

Looking at Xu Ling's reply, Su Qi sighed silently in his heart, and then seemed to have made up his mind and replied resolutely.

"Well, let's go out together to mediate. If we don't succeed today, we will die!"

No problem. "

After Xu Ling on the other side sent this message, a barely perceptible smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her eyebrows were full of satisfaction, and her pretty face seemed to be engraved with two words - success.

It is impossible to persuade them to stop fighting, it is impossible in this life. What if I get myself into a whirlpool while persuading them? Wouldn't it be more trouble than gain?

So letting Su Qi, who has wind power, to open the way is the only way at the moment. Even if there is any danger, with the super high speed of wind attribute, escaping is not a problem at all.

And I just need to wait for the matter to end and give Su Qi blood.


Su Qi quietly pushed open the door and swallowed He spitted and tiptoed out.

In the hall, two figures collided at high speed, and the wind and waves caused by the fists blew Su Qi's black hair wildly.

Lifting up his heart that was about to sink, Su Qi activated his wind power and loudly advised the two.

"If you keep fighting, the house will be demolished. Can you two... can you hold back a little and sit down and talk calmly about what's going on?"

Mo Li opened his palm and held Bai Jiu's fist, saying calmly.

"I don't know why you are angry. If it's my fault, I sincerely apologize to you."

"If you keep fighting like this, we will have no place to live. You don't want to live in a crowded apartment, do you? "

Seeing Mo Li taking the initiative to give way, Bai Jiu snorted, tactfully retracted the power accumulated in his fist, and replied with a little dissatisfaction.

"Of course it's your fault. Didn't we agree to go find Ren Qingxuan yesterday?"

"I finally got up so early, and you said the sun rises from the west. Who else should I hit if not you!"

"Yes, yes, it's me who should hit. Are you happy now?" Mo Li smoothed the wrinkles on the corners of his clothes and said helplessly.

He also understood Bai Jiu's personality. Sometimes he was unreasonable, and sometimes he liked to throw a child's temper. He only responded to soft words and not hard ones. He just needed to be coaxed a few more times.

At most, it was a waste of saliva, no big deal.

Seeing this situation, Su Qi finally felt relieved. Fortunately, these two people were more reasonable and knew how to consider the overall situation.

"Hey, did I forget something..."

"Fuck, Xu Ling tricked me! "

Su Qi didn't realize until now that Xu Ling hadn't appeared since he came out.

They agreed to go together, but Xu Ling didn't show up. It was obvious that he was sold out by the other party.

"What happened to Ling'er?"

Bai Jiu was a little confused. Why did Su Qi act fine one second ago, but get so angry the next, and the first thing he said was Ling'er.

After a little thought, she realized that it must be Ling'er who bullied Su Qi again.

"Tell me, let's see what bad things Ling'er has done again. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you. "

Su Qi didn't think much about it and projected the chat information on the bracelet in the air for the two of them to watch. He looked aggrieved like a little kid whose lollipop was taken away.

After reading all the content, the hot-tempered Bai Jiu pulled up her sleeves and shouted that Ling'er must be taught a lesson. How could she play such a prank on others?

Mo Li held her tightly and calmed her emotions.

"Calm down, Bai Jiu, think carefully. If Xu Ling treats Su Qi as an ordinary friend, do you think she will joke?"

Mo Li took Bai Jiu aside and communicated in a voice that only the two of them could hear, for fear that Su Qi would hear it.

"So does this have anything to do with her bullying Su Qi?"

Bai Jiu looked puzzled, wondering what the meaning of Mo Li's words was.

"Of course it is related. Xu Ling is usually very cold to strangers or ordinary friends, and she almost never does anything out of the ordinary. "

"Now that Su Qi has been tricked, doesn't this mean that the relationship between the two is very good? So good that they can already trick each other. If they work a little harder, they will have a chance to get out of being single!"

Mo Li became more and more excited as he spoke. Although his expression became very exaggerated in an instant, he immediately controlled himself and did not let Su Qi discover his abnormality.

"Do you want to bring them together?"

Bai Jiu covered her cherry-like mouth, her face full of shock.

"Yes, what do you think?"

"It's okay, just average, pretty good." Bai Jiu said perfunctorily. She thought it was something else, but it turned out to be just thisStuff.

I am not Ling'er, how can I know what the other person is thinking, not to mention that even if I have a good impression of Su Qi, it is useless.

In terms of lifelong events, Ling'er has to make her own decisions, and their suggestions are at most a reference.

"In fact, Su Qi's family background is quite good, and I think the problem of not being a good match can be solved."

Mo Li subconsciously thought that the reason why Bai Jiu was so perfunctory was because he didn't know Su Qi's family situation, so he hurried to explain to the other party.

"Not being a good match?"

"What are you thinking about? Ling'er's parents don't care about these things. At most, she can marry into the family." Bai Jiu spread his hands and said with an extremely natural look.

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