"But I've taken the initiative. If he's still like a piece of wood, I swear I will beat him to death!"

Bai Jiu hugged the little bear, her expression was very serious, her eyes staring at the white ceiling, and Mo Li's figure seemed to appear in the depths of her eyes.

It was as if she was hiding behind the other person, and she didn't have to worry about anything. That sense of security fascinated her deeply.

Mo Li on the other side was also like this at the moment. He spread his hands to the side and lay on the chair like a salted fish without ideals.

After gently stroking his slightly swollen lips, Mo Li's eyes gradually became empty.

If I judged correctly, this should be Bai Jiu's first kiss. Although the other party's behavior seemed very bold, only he could understand what it was like.

This kiss was very immature and unfamiliar, and it was completely based on the inherent impression.

Mo Li couldn't understand why Bai Jiu could do such a thing to make him pretend to be her boyfriend.

Of course, this is just one of the guesses with a very low probability. As for the other guess, the possibility is particularly high, but it is incredible.

Bai Jiu really fell in love with me...

A famous detective once said that when you eliminate all impossible situations, no matter how unbelievable the remaining situation is, it is the fact.

Obviously, Bai Jiu was indeed attracted to me and had a good impression of me that was different from ordinary people.

He was puzzled about what attracted Bai Jiu to him, but he was very clear about one thing.

Since Bai Jiu chose me and gave me a girl's extremely important first kiss, then I... will never live up to her trust!

Although there are still doubts, things are a foregone conclusion. It's time to forget all the things that bothered me and made me worried.

I have to look forward.

Shaking his head, Mo Li put away all the clothes hanging on the balcony, picked out one at random, and prepared to go to the bathroom to enjoy it.

Just after walking to the back of the door, there was a knock on the door, and Bai Jiu stood outside the door and whispered quietly.

"Mo Li, open the door quickly, I have something to talk to you about."

Mo Li put his clothes on his shoulders and opened the door to see Bai Jiu, who was dressed neatly, appear in front of him.

No way, can a girl change clothes so quickly?

Oh, I remember, Bai Jiu is a fire-type awakener, and can use fire elements to dry clothes!

Suddenly thinking of Bai Jiu's supernatural attributes, Mo Li suddenly realized, and his thoughts were as clear as a mirror.

"Uh, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Mo Li finished speaking, Bai Jiu squeezed into the room from his side and found a chair to sit down.

"Did you forget?"

"Forgot... Oh, I remember, don't worry, I will pretend to be your boyfriend and help you deal with your parents."

Mo Li recalled what Bai Jiu said to him in the park, and immediately promised with a serious face.

Who knew that after Bai Jiu heard Mo Li's words, her gentle face darkened in an instant, and a dangerous light burst out from her pupils.

Sensing the increasingly fierce murderous aura around him, Mo Li swallowed his saliva and said with fear on his face.

"Don't stare at me like that, did I say something wrong again?"

"What do you think?"

"We've already kissed, and now it's not something that can be perfunctorily passed over. Besides, that was my first kiss, you must take responsibility for me!"

Bai Jiu pointed at Mo Li and said word by word, with an extremely solemn expression.

Mo Li is good in every way, but in terms of emotional intelligence, he really has no sense at all, and he is not smart at all, which makes her blood pressure rise a few points.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Mo Li with resentment, as if to say that if you dare not agree, I will kill you immediately.

After all, Bai Jiu will not let go of the scumbag who plays with women's feelings easily, and will definitely torture him to death.

"Okay, I will definitely take responsibility for you, I swear!"

Mo Li raised his right hand high to increase the credibility of his oath.

He was afraid. In the past, he might have been able to be a little cruel to Bai Jiu, but now he really couldn't do it.

Just that kiss made him feel weak all over, and he couldn't even think of dealing with Bai Jiu.

After a lifetime of fame, he finally fell at the feet of Bai Jiu.

The saying that heroes can't resist the temptation of beauty really makes sense.

"Since you have agreed, you are not allowed to regret and refuse. When my parents arrive in Mingzhu, I will take you to meet them."

"Remember to perform seriously. If you can pass the test smoothly, my parents will give you a lot of good things with their generous character."

"You don't have to worry that they will deliberately make things difficult for you. With me here, there is no such thing as failure."

Bai Jiu said with high spirits, and the light of confidence spread all over his body.

Mo Li's eyes fell on her and he couldn't look away.The world was eclipsed, and the only thing in his eyes was this pretty woman who made his heart flutter.

"It seems that your parents care about your thoughts, which is good, not bad."

"That's natural, so if you fall in love with me, you will make a lot of money, don't you understand? There are thousands of people chasing me, so you can enjoy it secretly while I'm not here."

Bai Jiu rolled her eyes at Mo Li and said coquettishly.

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