Pushing the noodles gently in front of Bai Jiu, Mo Li sighed and walked towards the kitchen with brisk steps.

He held a jade plate with green pepper and pork shreds in his left hand, beef slices in his right hand, and a bottle of vinegar under his arm.

He didn't put any seasoning on the beef slices, so the best way to eat them was to dip them in vinegar.

As soon as the dish was put down, Bai Jiu started eating immediately, like a kitten that had been hungry for three days. While eating, he didn't forget to secretly glance at Mo Li.

"Don't look at me, just eat well."

Mo Li was speechless. He was just a little more worldly. Was it necessary to look at himself with the eyes of a gangster looking at a beautiful woman?

It's so hard to be a man!

"Tsk, don't look at me if you don't want to." Bai Jiu said angrily, quite unhappy.

While the two were bickering, Su Qi and Xu Ling came back from outside with big bags.

Feeling the warm atmosphere and the fragrance in the air, Su Qi opened his eyes and sniffed.

"Brother Li, what delicious food have you made again? Why is it so fragrant!"

"It's just noodles, not a good thing."

Mo Li responded lightly, his eyes slowly moved to the shopping bags of the two, and continued with a smile.

"Have you two gone out shopping too often these days? It seems that you are quite keen on shopping."

Mo Li's words were not obscure, and everyone could understand the implication.

He was naturally happy to see his good brother's progress, but he didn't know how far it had reached.

Is it more than friends, but less than lovers, or just to the point where they can joke and go out together? The specific situation depends on his own guess through their daily actions.

For the happiness of his good brother, he really worried about it.

As for his relationship with Bai Jiu, he was not in a hurry to say it, anyway, there would be plenty of time in the future.

It would be boring to say it directly. It's just right to let Su Qi and Xu Ling guess and add some fun to life.

"Xu Ling doesn't like to go out alone. It just so happens that you guys often disappear together these two days. I have no choice but to ask me to go over and be a tool to carry the bag."

Su Qi put the things away, and then collapsed on the sofa with weak limbs. The spirit in his eyes gradually faded with time.

After confirming the look in his eyes, Su Qi didn't get his point at all. Instead of holding hope for him, it's better to observe Xu Ling's performance.

Mo Li glanced at Xu Ling with a sidelong glance, but the scene that happened next almost scared him to have a heart attack.

Xu Ling smiled at the corners of her mouth, her eyebrows were long, and she looked at Mo Li's eyes with ill intentions.

Those almond eyes like a fox seemed to be able to see through people, looking directly at the desires deep in their hearts, making people have nowhere to hide.

Under the gaze of this line of sight, Mo Li felt like he was naked, without a trace of privacy.

Okay, careless.

One can be provoked but there is no need, and the other cannot be provoked. I should just be a marginal person.

Otherwise, I will tell the secret unknowingly one day, and it will be too late to regret it.

Glancing at Mo Li and Xu Ling, Bai Jiu coughed lightly, indicating that the two should stop and stop testing each other.

We are all in the same villa, and we will see each other every day. Is it necessary to test each other over trivial matters?

As the saying goes, the sooner you die, the sooner you will be reborn. At most, both parties should be honest with each other to avoid more nightmares.

Xu Ling stopped looking at Mo Li after hearing this, but turned around and ran to Bai Jiu, opening her pink little mouth like a cherry blossom class, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"I'm really afraid of you."

Bai Jiu smiled dotingly and put a piece of beef slice dipped in vinegar into Xu Ling's mouth.

The salty and sour fragrance bloomed in the mouth. The combination of the two was flawless, just like a natural match.

Mo Li acted as a tool man, sorting the things he bought and putting them in the right places, just like a villa housekeeper.

He didn't dare to mess with the two gods, and Su Qi, this live treasure, was messing around again, so the burden fell on him instantly.

There was no way, who told him to be the one who was thrifty and frugal.

If it weren't for me, the living environment of these three people... it's scary to think about it.

After Bai Jiu was full, Mo Li cleaned up the dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Ling stared at Bai Jiu with an extremely resentful tone.

"Sister Bai Jiu, tell me honestly, are you guys this?"

Xu Ling raised two thumbs and nodded, her face was extremely cunning, and she looked like a female pervert.

Bai Jiu hesitated again and again, stole a glance at the noisy kitchen, and then nodded slightly.

"Wow... umm!"

Before Xu Ling finished speaking, Bai Jiu quickly used her hand toStop it quickly. If Mo Li finds out that they are talking about this again, they will be in trouble.

"Shh, be quiet, understand?"

After confirming that the other party understood what she meant, Bai Jiu slowly let go of her hand. Xu Ling was so frightened that she couldn't close her mouth for a long time.

What happened to this world? Sister Bai Jiu, who used to be fearless, would actually have such an attitude.

Too scary, is this the power of love? It's really amazing.

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