"Ling'er, go have lunch with Su Qi first. I have something to discuss with Mo Li, so I won't go with you."

Bai Jiu opened the bracelet and sent a message while saying.

Xu Ling naturally knew what Bai Jiu was talking about. She was very tactful and didn't say anything. Instead, she took Su Qi's wrist and ran towards the restaurant with him.

Before leaving, she looked at the two of them meaningfully. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, as if she was suppressing some shocking smile.

"Goodbye, brother Li, I'll go first!"

Su Qi pulled his throat, leaving only one voice echoing in the air.

Seeing that the insignificant people had left, Bai Jiu put away his dignity and stared at Mo Li with a smile.

"Hehe, now no one is in the way, you just surrender obediently."

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Anyway, I'm mentally prepared. Tell me the specific address."

Mo Li sighed and replied helplessly.

"Give you the address? Do you want to take a taxi and then dawdle on the way? I advise you to give up this idea. My parents are waiting for us at the gate of the school."

Bai Jiu projected the chat records between himself and his mother in the bracelet in front of Mo Li and laughed without restraint.

Looking at the pile of messages that have been discussing himself, Mo Li couldn't hold it anymore, and his face suddenly became extremely complicated.

It's over. He hasn't even met her yet, and he almost told his aunt the color of his pants.

Although he doesn't care much about face, he can't dig it up to death, making him lose all his dignity.

"You have to let me go back to the dormitory to get the gift first. It's more or less impolite to go empty-handed when we meet for the first time."

Mo Li remembered that his gift was still in the villa, so he hurriedly said.

Bai Jiu nodded when he heard it. That's right. As his boyfriend, Mo Li should indeed prepare a gift.

If I go to see Mo Li's parents in the future, I should buy gifts in advance. This is a custom passed down from generation to generation, and it cannot be ignored.

"I'll go with you. I'll tell you about my parents' preferences on the way, so that you don't jump into a landmine without knowing it."

Bai Jiu took Mo Li's arm and walked towards the villa slowly with him.

Feeling the softness beside his arm, Mo Li couldn't help blushing, and his heart slowed down at this moment.

He wanted to say that it was too close, but he didn't know how to express it. If he said the wrong thing, wouldn't Bai Jiu misunderstand him.

The more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Silence is golden. Mo Li thought about it again and again and decided to keep silent.

Bai Jiu, who was beside him, seemed to ignore Mo Li, but in fact, he had glanced at him thousands of times.

Although Mo Li was very careful to hide, the deliberately made expression and the passionate heartbeat had betrayed him unconsciously.

Bai Jiu smiled instantly after finding out that she was still quite attractive. She was originally afraid that Mo Li would be like a wooden man and not do anything, which would be embarrassing.

For this reason, she hinted to herself for a long time before she reluctantly made up her mind. Fortunately, the result did not disappoint him. The other party really fell into the trap.

Mo Li was basically the one who led Bai Jiu along the way. The former wanted to get out of the gentle land as soon as possible.

The latter didn't want to be disturbed by their parents when they were alone, so he extended the travel time as much as possible.

"What did you buy? You put it in the space ring as soon as you entered the house, and you didn't even show it to this military advisor."

Bai Jiu turned her head to look at Mo Li, her expression was quite resentful.

Obviously asking herself was the best choice, but this Mo Li just liked to hide it and didn't tell her.

Bai Jiu felt that she was about to faint with anger, her whole face flushed, and her charming look was very charming.

"I've been counting since you asked me, about no less than twenty times. Are you that curious?"

"Of course!"

Facing Mo Li's confusion, Bai Jiu said righteously, with a firm look in his eyes, as bright as the blazing sun in the sky.

"I'm afraid of you. There are tea leaves, health products and cosmetics in it. I saw them given as gifts in TV dramas. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Under Bai Jiu's visual attack, Mo Li was completely defeated and told the gifts he bought one by one.

"Tea leaves? Health products? It's over, it's really over now!"

Bai Jiu was a little tearful, but she didn't blame Mo Li, but herself.

It was because she trusted the other party's vision too much that caused all the things that happened today. If she had been more careful, there would be no accidents.

"My dad likes to drink tea, but he prefers drinking wine to tea. As for my mom, do you think a person with awakened superpowers needs health supplements?"


"What should I do? It's too late to buy new ones now. How about youTell uncle and aunt first, I'll be there soon?"

Mo Li said at a loss, his eyes full of worry, obviously, he was really panicking.

He had planned for this meeting for a long time, but unfortunately, despite all his calculations, he still suffered from his lack of experience in choosing gifts.

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